17 February 2012

Weekend reading

Meet Betty and Nora at Three Red Apples

We all know how to make butter but I like the photos and this post about it at Laundy Etc

Cloth is an online UK magazine that has pages of projects, free for the doing. I particularly like this one - how to make a new ironing board cover.

Instant Bargains ebook extract.

Family debt in the UK has risen 50% in a year.

Average is over - NY Times

Welcome to all the new visitors who have continued to stream in since yesterday. It's heartening to see so many people trying to live simply and cut their costs. I hope you find information and recipes to help you in the archives.

I will try to make another post this afternoon before we head off.


  1. Good morning Rhonda and friends!

    I just só needed that ironing board cover tutorial. Thank you very much! If I manage to make one I will show it to you on my blog.

    Have a great day!

    Love from Holland

  2. Safe journey Rhonda! Travelling around our beautiful country is such a nice way to meet people and see new places! All the best for both of you....

  3. ooh, thanks for sharing the links. and congrats on the new readers. I'm sure they'll find as many reasons to keep coming back as I do!

  4. I just learned how to make butter this week, so it was great to see another tutorial! Thanks for the links.
    P.S. it was so fun seeing the Sunrise segment about you that you posted the link to yesterday :)

  5. You're a multi-media megastar now!
    Will things ever be the same again?!
    Happy Traveling.

  6. Have a safe trip Rhonda. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures.

  7. Where will you be in Springwood or Blackheath?

  8. Linn, we'll be at The Turning Page in Springwood and Gleebooks in Blackheath, but I don't know when yet.

  9. Oh I was looking for an ironing board tutorial! Thanks!

  10. I am now not positive where you're getting your information, but great topic. I needs to spend a while learning more or figuring out more. Thanks for fantastic information I used to be on the lookout for this info for my mission.

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