21 February 2012

Some book review links

Most Australians know Wendy Harmer - she's a crazy-mad comedian who has made us laugh on various programs on TV and radio for many years. Just between you and me, I think she and I would get on very well; I have my crazy-mad moments too.  In addition to all the other things she does, Wendy has a great web site called The Hoopla. Megan from The Byron Life has written a review about my book on The Hoopla and another one on The Simple, Green, Frugal Co-op.

I have to admit, it's a bit strange reading about yourself, but it's all part of this journey Hanno and I are on and I'm thankful that it is bringing so many lovely people our way.

We're relaxing at Tricia's now. My good friend Susan drove over from Mudgee today and we all went out for lunch. The weather is cold here but this afternoon sun is streaming into the backyard and it's inviting me to go outside to sit for a while. 

Tomorrow is the big day - the publication date for the book, it's been a long time coming. If you've bought the book, I hope you're enjoying it. And if you're in Australia, watch Today Tonight tomorrow night. The crew was at our home last week and that report will be on tomorrow night's program.


  1. Oh Rhonda, Pippa brought down her copy of the book: we were all so impressed with how physically beautiful it is, let alone the contents! The layout, the paper, the cover ... it's a delight.

  2. Hi Rhonda, I received mine yesterday and got all teary as I handled it and read your written words. I can only imagine how you must have felt when you handled it the first time! I am about half way through it..you can imagine I am not getting much else done. I am trying not to read it too fast I want to make it last!!Congratulations it is just wonderful. I can't wait to give my sons a copy each.
    Love Julia in Bowen

  3. Hi Rhonda, have just discovered you, your blog, your book.....lurvely, lurvely, lurvely!!!!

  4. Looking forward to receiving my book and seeing you on Today Tonight. My son has swimming at that time, will have to tape it!

  5. Oh Rhonda, I am só curious! The other day I recieved an email from Fishpond that the publication date will be tomorrow. Hope they will ship it right away so I can also tell you what I think about your book.

    Lovely continuation of your journey!

    Love from Holland

  6. I got to see Pippa's copy of your book too....simply stunning. You have done a beautiful job on it. enjoy the book tour, and I'll see you soon. Oh Hubby got a traineeship in Mudgee at Ulan Coal Mine...starts soon.

  7. What a lovely review and the comments already left are great as well and worth the read.

  8. Hi Rhonda
    When do you think the 'tour bus' will hit Wollongong?
    Cheers, Liesel

  9. I want to wish you very many congratulations on the publication of your book. There is no feeling like holding it in your hand. All the best to you and Hanno on your book tour!

    As we say in the States, Hot damn and Hallelujah!


    AM of the bread.

  10. Rhonda
    I took myself off to bed early last night to give myself the treat of looking at your book for the first time. I read 156 pages before I had to turn out the light. I can't tell you how impressed I am ( and I come from publishing production) by the look and feel of the book, the beautiful images and the wonderful calm wisdom of your words that I've come to love from reading the blog. It is a triumph and I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
    Kim Bear

  11. Congratulations on the wonderful reviews! I am excited for my copy of your book to arrive. I am amazed at how much money I'm saving by growing my own vegetables...especially the salad garden!

    awakened soul

  12. How exciting Rhonda! Good luck for tomorrow.

    I hope it`s not long before we can buy your book in UK!

  13. Hi Rhonda.

    Congratulations on your book. Looks so beautiful! Can't wait to get mine.

    Just wondering, when the dates for the book tour will be announced? I'm near Melbourne, and hoping I can see you there.

    I am so hanging out to meet you, the lady who inspires me constantly and has changed my life........ Getting so excited!

    Thank you!

  14. Anon, we'll be in Melbourne from next Sunday night and leave Wednesday morning. We'll be busy almost the entire time we're there but we're staying in South Yarra so maybe we could meet up for a cuppa?

  15. Your book sounds lovely..i have requesed that the Library here have it on their shelves. I am looking fwd to reading it, seeing what you say about attitude to Home. I am a fan of another book 'House as a Mirror of self,' and of course the garden as a part of the house. Wishing you luck with the popularity of your book. I find there's a lot of joy and satisfaction in making a sweet, warm home and garden to enjoy

  16. Hi Rhonda,

    I can feel the excitment at fever pitch levels now! Just need tour places so I can be ready to go! This is so very deserved!
    Love Vxx

  17. Congratulations on the book, can't wait to get a copy. I'm heading to my local bookshop now to see if they have it or can order it in. The column on The Hoopla (thehoopla.com.au) was how I found your blog, hopefully you will get many more simple-life converts through the publicity surrounding the book's launch. Best of luck.

  18. Got my book in the mail last week and have almost finished it. Love the words, advice and photos. Well done.

  19. Will be watching Today Tonight! Well done!

  20. Hi Rhonda, I have been absent from your blog for about 6 months (horrid all day 'morning sickness'), so excited to see your book! Apologies if answered already but just dropping by quickly, wondering if you are selling any signed copies? Thanks, Mel.

  21. Hi Rhonda, the book is beautiful both inside and out. Just to turn the pages is a sheer delight. It's already well travelled, as you know it been down to the Illawarra and will be off to the UK on Monday.

    Pippa x

  22. Hi Rhonda, I am in Tassie and I watched Today Tonight but it wasn't shown. Hope I don't miss it. Dorothy

  23. Hi Rhonda,

    Congratulations on your book release! I have been away from blogging (both reading and writing) with all the craziness of planning our wedding! But then I remembered you were releasing your book later this month, so I popped by for a quick catch up and I'm thrilled to see that time has finally arrived. I'll keep an eye out for a copy locally and let you know my thoughts! Good luck on your wee book tour!


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