17 November 2010

An ocean full of hugs and thanks from Sharon

Hello all, this is Sharon, finally back in the fold and recovering from the illness that just about kicked me down this summer. I would like to thank you all and hug you all for the thoughts and prayers offered up for me, for I believe that is what helped me beat the infections that nearly killed me (on more than one occasion). I also feel a swap coming on after the holidays are over. My dear friend Rhonda's post about aprons reminded me of the fun and joy of swaps so our next swap will be an apron and a recipe. I will begin taking names just after the Christmas holidays are over and then we will all be having fun in our kitchens and at our sewing machines!! I thank you all again for thinking of me and praying for me.

LOVE and HUGS, Sharon


  1. You are most welcome Sharon, but it is all of us that say thank goodness you are so much better. I don't want to speak for all, but I think we agree that we are the ones that are grateful.
    Looking forward to the next swap.
    Many Hugs

  2. Love to read that you are allright, Sharon. We may all thank God for that!

    Great idea to swap aprons. I am just not as good as I wanted to be with my sewingmachine, so I will this one let go by. But I want to send everyone lots of fun joining the swap!

    Love from Holland.

  3. Where can we find the post about aprons that you mentioned?

  4. Hello and elcome back to good health Sharon,isn't it wonderful to know so many people care.Your swap sounds wonderful and being an "apronaholic" I will keep my eye on this upcoming event.Rhonda is a wonderful caring friend as I am sure you are to her...at the end of the day all we have is our health and those that love us..what more do we need.Bless you Sharon and keep well.Carole

  5. Welcome back Sharon! We had talked about you writing a post when you were well enough so it's made me very happy to find this here today. You have helped me so much in all my online endeavours - here, the co-op blog and at the forum, I'm very pleased and thankful that you're well enough to come back to us.

  6. So glad you have overcome those troublesome times. Good wishes to you and your loved ones.

  7. Dear Sharon, I am so glad to hear you are better. Give yourself time to fully recover!

    An apron swap will be a joy! And a recipe! What fun. My heart was very happy to read your post today!

  8. It's a blessing to know you've fully recovered! Love the apron swap idea!

  9. its lovely to have you back Sharon xx

  10. Oh it's so good to hear that you are back on your feet and a swap sound good.

  11. Great to have you back on deck! Look forward to the swap. Take care

  12. So glad to read that you've recovered. What a scare you had. Hope to participate in the apron swap. Hugs,

  13. Sharon, so glad you have recovered. Lots of love and light to you and your family.

    Just wanted to let you know that I mentioned this blog on mine today as an inspiration to make my own pet food.



  14. Sharon it's so lovely to see you again! Welcome back dear girl, take good care of yourself. Cyber hugs.

  15. How wonderful to see you back to yourself again.
    A swap is the best way to celebrate your recovery with us to far away to hug you.
    The Other Rhonda

  16. I am so glad you're back, Sharon!! And glad you've recovered.
    I can't wait for the apron swap--I was so inspired by Rhonda's post! And I haven't done a swap since the spring of '09 when it was the tea towel/pot holders, and that was so much fun!

  17. So wonderful to "hear" from you and that you are on the mend, and back to organizing swaps!

  18. SO glad you are feeling better.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  19. So glad to hear that you are on the mend.
    Very best wishes and looking forward to the next swap.

    Best Regards

  20. Glad to hear you are better. Welcome back and I look forward to the swap.

  21. What a wonderful Thanksgiving your family will all celebrate, Sharon.
    I know what a happy outcome for the holidays can mean to a loving family!
    Blessings to you all.

  22. Welcome back, Sharon, so glad you are feeling well again. I would love an apron swap after the holidays.


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