18 August 2010


I have been nominated as one of Australia's top 50 women bloggers by Kidspot.com. I'll let them explain their list, this is from their email:


Kidspot editors have been poring over all the fantastic blogs created by Australian women and nominated yours as one of Kidspot's Top 50. This wasn't an easy job! We wanted to select what we thought were the very best blogs for our readers, based on the quality of content, ability to connect with readers, knowledge of subject area and dedication to regular posting. It's been really tough whittling down the quality blogs to just 50 and we know how many others are out there doing a great job.

Why did Kidspot compile the Top 50 Bloggers?

Kidspot wants our readers to discover the very best the online world has to offer. As avid consumers of digital media, we know how much great material is out there, but busy mums and mums-to-be may not have had the time to stumble around the worldwide web - so we did it for them, offering them an edited choice of the best 50 blogs written by Australian women! Kidspot believes the more time women spend reading great blogs online, the more chance they will dedicate more time to consuming their media needs on the internet. What's more, blogs are a powerful platform for women - not just mothers - to have a voice, and the louder that voice is, the more we can all rejoice.

If you get anything from my blog I hope you'll take the time to vote for me. You can cast your vote by clicking here or on the Kidspot button in the side bar. One vote per IP and you don't have to sign up for anything to vote. While you're there, check out some of the other blogs on the list. There should be some good ones.

Thanks everyone.


  1. Congratulations on the nomination, Rhoda - you have my vote :-)

  2. Congratulations on being nominated. I am voting for you!! Love your blog and all your advice and inspiration that you offer!! Keep up the great work.

  3. A very deserved recipient Rhonda :))

  4. You betcha, just voted! Congratulations on being nominated! Hugs, Heather

  5. Congratulations! I definitely voted for you Miss Rhonda!
    Your blog is my number 1 that I try to read every day.
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  6. Congrats on the nomination - off to cast my vote now.

  7. Congratulations, Rhonda, and well-deserved! You certainly have my vote!

  8. Well deserved!!

  9. Congratulations. Already voted for you and think your blog should be #1.

  10. A well deserved nomination! You've got my vote. Good luck :) Maggie

  11. I ran across this blog and it made me think of you and your pantry.


  12. The link on the top for the Kidspot button doesn't work. The one in the Kidspot post does though.


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