31 January 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

This is Dee's kitchen in Idaho, USA.

Dee writes:
 "I've been reading your blog for about the last 3 years. I really enjoy your tutorials! In fact, tomorrow I am going to try my first batch of cold pressed soap! I've always enjoyed reading your blog and never once have I joined the discussion - but this new Kitchen Sink idea was fun. Also, my kitchen is my favorite room of our home so don't mind sharing! 

My husband and I moved here about 4 years ago. We built this house together, and put a lot of ourselves into it. We did most of the work ourselves or traded out what we couldn't do ourselves. I chose every fixture, paint color, etc. And this is the first house where we have both felt at "home". We live in a small town, Payette, Idaho USA. We have a little over an acre of land, a barn that is over 100 years old where our chickens live, and I have a huge garden every year. We love it here. When we moved here, we were getting out of a large city where it was crowded and expensive. We wanted to simplify, and we wanted to raise animals and have a nice garden. We have had sheep and a cow, and chickens and next year we plan to have turkeys. When we moved here, I was able to quit working outside the home and focus on my household. And we planned to have children too, so I wanted to be home with them because I don't think there is any job more rewarding. 
Sadly, we were unable to have children and after spending over $30,000.00 on fertility treatments I became pregnant only to miscarry. It was devastating, and words do not describe what we've been through. We have managed to keep ourselves out of credit card debt by refinancing our home, until this year. My husband found out he had a health problem and we had to get him treatment that was not covered by his insurance. His medicine cost us $1,000.00 per month! We are not wealthy people, and this was not something we had anticipated. So we put these medicines on our credit card. Then my husband lost his job in the beginning of October! So, we are both looking for work again. The government is going to cut the unemployment starting January 1st. And what we get right now is only enough to pay our mortgage payment. When his unemployment is cut, we will have no way of paying the mortgage payment. It's a sad situation, and I know a lot of people in half a dozen states that are in the same boat as us. Many of our friends have already lost homes to foreclosure. I thought I would send you these pictures of my kitchen, because I think it may only be "my" kitchen for a short while longer. We don't qualify for any government aid, and we've applied for every job there is with no luck so far! We are hoping to both find work and try to get our debt under control and get back to our simple life. Even if that means that we wont be living in our home. And we have learned a lot from this situation, I've found even more ways to save money. Someday, when our situation improves we want to try to adopt a baby.  Please enjoy my pictures. These were taken right after I cleaned up from breakfast this morning."

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends. 


  1. I hope things work out for you soon and you get to keep your house!

    Your kitchen is beautiful, it reminds me of the house I grew up in.

  2. Very nice kitchen! I can see why you would feel so at home in it. I hope everything works out for you. That is a rough situation you are in and you are right that many people are going through the same thing right now.

  3. What a beautiful kitchen and sad story. I have suffered with years of infertility in the past and know how utterly heartbreaking it is. I hope things turn around for you soon.

  4. I love your sink - it's fabulous. I know things look down right now but please keep your spirits up. Things will work out better than you can imagine right now - you just have to see what is in store for you. But please know that there is someone out there thinking good and hopeful thoughts for you. Good luck!

  5. Your kitchen is beautiful - I particularly like the sink. I'm so sorry about all the troubles you and your husband are having. I wish the best of luck and hope for you both.

  6. Our prayers are with you. So many are going through the same situation. I find that most of the time, when we do all we can, and have such a good attitude as you do-even though at the moment we can't imagine it.....we end up with something much better. Take care and keep praying.

  7. Gosh, what a sad story! I'm so sorry to hear that and I really, really hope you'll get out of this situation as soon as possible, and that you can look back on this, sitting in your lovely kitchen, in a year or so, and be happy you both made it!

    sending you lots of positivity,

  8. Dear Dee - thank you for sharing your beautiful home in what has been such a stressful time. We too have found ourselves financially compromised due to serious ongoing medical issues, and we now take things just day by day. Take care and look after yourself. Hoping that soon things will turn for the better and sending you prayers and best wishes. Jen x

  9. your kitchen is lovely, remember they are only things. I wish only good things for your husband and you. You have had a rough patch, but Im sure things will get better.
    I hope your husband feels better soon, good luck with the adoption plans.

  10. A pretty kitchen. So sorry about your husband's health problems and your unemployment. Will be praying
    that your situation improves soon.

    Is that a book on the easel by your sink?

    Connie (USA)

  11. Sending wishes for you that your dreams come true...

    and on a kitchen note, I really love your sink :)

  12. Absolutely beautiful Kitchen. Thank you for sharing especially with all you are going through now. Hopefully things will turn around very soon for you and your husband. Sending you many blessings, courage and strength.


  13. Thank you for sharing your kitchen and story with us. Here's hoping you get to keep your house somehow. Best Wishes Just Lynda

  14. I think your sink is the prettiest one so far - I really love the embossing on the front of it. You have a beautiful kitchen. The warm woods are really wonderful. I hope things look up for you soon! Thinking good thoughts for you from Michigan.

  15. Thanks Dee for sharing a bit of your life with us.

    Your kitchen is beautiful, I can see why it is your favourite place.

    Good luck with your situation, I hope everything works out for you and your husband.

  16. l love your sink, l have never seen them here in Australia,but l was to change my kitchen that's what l would get.
    l am sorry to hear things aren't good for you at the moment, l hope things change for the better and you get to keep your house. But the house is only material and if you have each other that's more important. l wish you well.

  17. Dee your kitchen is lovely and charming, I especially like your sink. My best wishes to you and your husband. A fellow Rhonda-reader, Rose

  18. What a beautiful kitchen. I'm not surprised you spend alot of time there. I'm sorry about your difficult situation and pray that you find your way soon.
    Teresa x

  19. I love your home, it is truly beautiful. I will pray for your situation. One thing that I have found helpful to provide extra income is offering childcare to working parents. I don't know if this would be possible for you but a loving home oriented childcare can be fairly profitable, at least where I live ( $750-$850 per month per child full time). I found I loved the job so much I took training in college and currently work in a private school junior kindergarten. Best wishes to you both!

  20. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful kitchen and such a personal story. Don't give up your hopes and dreams, things will work out. God bless.

  21. Your kitchen is just lovely. I really hope you get to stay in that kitchen and that everything works out just the way you want it to.

  22. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of your beautiful kitchen (it's wonderful!) and also the sad stories as well. I hope you will find jobs and have enough money to manage without losing your home. And I hope someday you can adopt a child. I am adopted myself and it is a great gift to everyone involved when a child can find a home, and a family find a child in this way. Best of luck to you both.

  23. Your kitchen is beautiful. I, too, love the sink!
    I hope the situation you and your husband find yourselves in turns around soon and you both find employment and are able to keep your home. I will tell you the same thing I tell my grown children who are having financial difficulties...the most important thing is that you have one another..the material things are just icing on the cake and can be replaced with time. I know you already know this but sometimes it helps to put things into perspective. Having said that, I really hope things work out for you. God Bless. -Melinda

  24. I love your kitchen sink. I hope things work out for you, and urge you to not give up hope.

  25. My thoughts are with you, prayer can prevail... I hope you can keep your beautiful home.

  26. Dear Dee, I always read the kitchen sink's in Rhonda's blog, but usually i don't reply

    This time it's different because your story touches me deeply & I want to give you some words

    I live in the Netherlands. For a lot of people things are bad here also. Friends are losing their job, going to live in smaller (rental) homes. Also -- we have friends trying to get a baby but don't succeed, while they would make the perfect mom and dad!

    And in your story I see those 2 combined... how sad..

    But also, somehow i feel in the way you write, and in the proud and beautiful way you present your kitchen, a person with a lot of power.

    You want to simplify, to raise animals and have a nice garden, I'm sure you have the power to achieve all of that, maybe on a smaller scale or a different place that you thought it would be, but it will be yours, I'm sure

    And the baby, if there is a baby in this world that should be with you and your husband, you will find it & and it will find you

    Thanks for sharing your story - and good luck with the soap!!

  27. Dee, my heart goes out to you. I'll be praying and hoping that God may find grace for you and your husband. It would be so nice if you could keep your home and your husband get well, again. Your kitchen is lovely and you did a great job with it.

  28. Love, love, love the sink! I want one. Very lovely kitchen, I see why it's your fav room.
    So sorry for your current situation. Just remember - you are where God wants you to be, for whatever His reasons. Have faith and He will see you thru this.
    Best of luck to you both.
    From Indiana

  29. What a lovely warm cosy environment to work in. This is the sort of kitchen that entices one to cook up storms. I love it.
    Sure hope your financial future improves and that one day you will be able to share your love on a child you so much desire.

  30. This is a much repeated scenario now days. Sometimes the best laid plans take a different course. I do hope things turn around for you both. Your kitchen is beautiful. I live in Idaho too.

  31. I LOVE your kitchen I especially like the sink. I hope things work out well for you with keeping the home. Fortunately my husband has his job, but they have had to lay off quite a bit & it's scarey. I will be praying for you!

  32. Dee;
    Your kitchen is lovely. And we are in the same boat as far as we aren't sure how long we may be in our home. But hang in there - we will all get through this bad spot.
    Becky in SC

  33. Thanks for sharing your lovely kitchen and also your story up to now. I pray things work out for you and your hubby as you hope. By sticking together and staying strong as a "team" I'm sure you can overcome your current adversities. My relationship with my hubby has been my top priority despite a long struggle with illness. I know that as long as we stay united, we can deal with whatever life dishes up. Warm wishes and lots of love to you both, Anita.

  34. Thank you for sharing your story. To lose an unborn child is a feeling no one can describe unless you have felt it yourself...xx
    Stay positive and keep your dreams in your thoughts always..things will turn out how they are meant to be.......How lucky you are to have been able to have this beautiful kitchen, if only for a short while..blessings..x

  35. What a wonderful home it is obvious that you have put heart and soul into it, I am so sorry for the situation you find yourself in my heart and prayers go out to you both. Just remember that a house is just a house it is you and your loved ones that make it a home and that can be anywhere.
    Much love Kylie

  36. Thankyou for sharing your kitchen and your story. I really hope things work out for you.

  37. Oh sweetie!!! I'll be praying hard for you. you've work so hard for this house to become your home, you do not deserve to lose it because of our government.
    Something good will come, good things happen to good people.

    Oh, yes...your kitchen is sooooo lovely, I WANT that sink!

  38. Your kitchen is beautiful. I pray that you will find it a peaceful haven in difficult times.

  39. Dee, I love your kitchen!
    I hope all works out for you. I am sending prayers.
    Hang in there.

  40. What a wonderful kitchen, and what a sad story. I'm so sorry you're having to go through all this. One thing I can tell you from experience is that if someday you are able to adopt a child, all your years of infertility and pain will fade away when you hold that little one in your arms. I wish that for you, no matter what happens with the house. Blessings on you.

  41. what a beautiful kitchen, but when it's all said and done, it's just a kitchen. If you loose this one, there will be another that you will call yours and love just as much. I will be sending you lots of positive thoughts. Good luck on your journey.

  42. Dee, your kitchen is gorgeous. I am sorry about your current situation, and pray that you and your husband are able to find work soon. God's Peace, Melissa

  43. Your kitchen is restful and beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    These economic times we are in are so hard, and you have other sorrows and difficulties as well! ((hug))

    "Worry about tomorrow will not spare you from sorrow; it will only ruin today's joy." This saying helped me to live one day at a time when I, too, was going through....stuff. Maybe it will help you. I hope things work out for you.

    Best wishes,

  44. I adore your sink! I pray that you will be able to keep your home and that you and your husband will find work!

  45. Dear Dee,Judging by the number of us that have been touched by your beautiful kitchen and the work you both put into it ....you will know how your story has touched our hearts.I hope things will turn around for you very soon and there will be a lot of happiness to come. Best of luck.

  46. I LOVE your sink! It's beautiful!
    I'm praying that you find relief and that your situation turns around soon.

  47. I have always wanted a beautiful kitchen like yours. It seems that every house I have lived in has needed major work in that room and there is always something else to pay for. But after all, it is just a room.
    Best wishes for a brighter future for you and your husband. I pray that the economy will turn around and we can all breathe a little easier.

  48. Such a pretty kitchen! I pray that the Lord will allow you to keep your lovely home and that over the years it will be filled with joyful children.

  49. what a beautiful kitchen. i hope it remains yours for many years yet.

  50. i posted a link to this post in http://lifewithgeckos.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-just-read-two-income-trap-why-middle.html
    hope you dont mind, my comment for here was turning monlithic so i just posted it on my blog lol

  51. Dee, a lovely kitchen in a home that you have built together.
    6 years ago life took a tumble for us and we looked at what we could do instead of what we could not do. My husband had been out of work for 15 years due to illness and I was unable to work. He kept saying, it will be allright, his standard phrase and it has proven to be so.
    My prayers are with you that you find you way ahead through this difficult time.

  52. I am so sorry to hear fo your situation, and here myself am finding it tough to make ends meet. It seems at time no matter how hard you try you just cant seem to get an even break. We too are only managing to meet house payments here and if the "twek" my money anymore there will be huge problems. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I hope you can ride the wave and stay.
    all the best.
    Plymouth Devon England.

  53. :) Thanks for your honesty. I appreciate it. 2009 was a difficult year for us too and 2010 will have further challenges due to health. Sharing makes you feel like we are all in this together. Good luck and I am sure you will find a way.

  54. I love your kitchen, esp. the sink and counters. but I share the comments of others who say it is not the most important thing though it is nice to have of course. You were so blessed to have this beautiful place for 4 years but the most important thing is your family. It would be wonderful to adopt a baby or child who really needs a home. Is there any way you can foster a child in the meantime who may ultimately become your own? I think when you foster you would at least get a small amount of money to help with their care and there are so many in need of a good home. Of course, I am not saying do this to provide an income but if you love children and are able to foster with love, then this would be a good thing, I think :-)

  55. Hello Dee,

    As you can see from the comments, we folk in blogland are right behind you and your husband. I pray that you both will find work really soon and that you don't have to sell your home. I too could not have children and after many tests and procedures fell pregnant only to have a miscarriage. I am now 58 and God has blessed me in other areas of my life but it still hurts to think we have no children or grandchildren. You kitchen is lovely.

    Blessings Gail

  56. Dear Dee
    I pray your beautiful kitchen will remain - your beautiful kitchen. You seem like a resourceful woman so clench your fist and fight on.
    All power to you!

  57. Bless your hearts. I hope you do not lose your home, and like others hope and pray that things will work out for you in all areas.

    Your kitchen is lovely and spacious.


  58. I am glad to see your lovely home but sorry to hear the sad and unexpected chain of events.

    I sincerely hope things turn around for you,

    Very best wishes,

    Ann Marie

  59. Hi Dee, You have a beautiful kitchen as I'm shore the rest of your house is also. But remember it is just a house no matter how much you love it. You and your husbands health is much more important. You sound like you are young. You have your life in front of you. When your life is at its lowest, pick your self up dust your self off and start over again. You may never have such a nice kitchen again but you will have each other. I will pray for you and many other women will too after reading about you. I do really hope things will get better for you. All the best in the future.

  60. Dee, thanks so much for trusting us with your story. You have a wonderful kitchen and the fact you and your husband built it yourselves makes it more so. Remember, it can be recreated at some point if you were to lose it. Most of us have been in similar situations. Don't give up hope. We are praying for your good fortune and good health. The simple life comes in all sizes, shapes and areas, and will be there whenever you can return to it.

  61. I hope that things begin to look up for you and you get to keep your home you worked so hard on! I will say that that sink is probably the prettiest sink ever. It is just beautiful! Sending a hug and some well wishes from Canada to Idaho.

  62. Dee--your kitchen is gorgeous! I too want to live a simpler life, but ours is kind of on hold also. My husband's last day of work was two days ago. I will keep you in my prayers :-)

  63. I love your kitchen sink.
    I hope and pray that you have been able to continue to live in your home and have found work.

    Best wishes for all of your future plans.---Krystal

  64. Look at all of us here praying for you and your husband! May you know better times. May you have the strength to get through this, together. I hope you do get to keep your lovely home, but as others have said the material things may fade away but love will remain. God bless!

  65. Your kitchen looks warm and cozy...a reflection of you and your husband, I am sure. I am a survivor of loss as well...Hurricane Katrina took away everything I owned plus my job 5 years ago...I have a new and different life in another city. It is a simple life in which I embrace the goodness in each day.

    I wish you well. Thanks for sharing your lovely kitchen.

  66. Hi, I am so sorry to hear about all your sad problems. Just an idea but has your husband ever tried to sign up for his disabiity social security? Wouldn't hurt to try. If he is not able to work.


  67. Your home is lovely. I did not peruse the comments but am wondering if you can contact the maker of the drug your husband needs to see if they have any drug programs you can apply for. With such a high cost, perhaps there is something out there.

    I'm sorry to hear of your husband's job situation. Unfortunately it is more common to hear these days. I pray things get better for you both.

    Your home is lovely by the way, very welcoming.


  68. You have a beautiful kitchen and I do hope you are able to keep your home. Sending ((((((hugs))))) to you and your dear husband.

  69. My first thought when I saw the photo of your kitchen was "what a great sink!" Then as I read your story, I felt such sadness when I learned of your troubles. Remember, miracles happen all the time so don't lose hope and stay focussed on what you want to have happen in your lives. It's pretty amazing how the universe can end up providing for us things that were even better than we had imagined in the first place!

    I am keeping you in the light.

    Alana, Oakville, Canada

  70. I have total sink envy. We also have a butlers sink, but it doesn't have the pattern on the front, that is absolutely beautiful

  71. In church today we were asked to give our 'dream' to the Lord. I know you are a woman of faith. I am praying for you and your husband that things work out so that you can keep your home..but if not, believe that our Lord has a BETTER plan for you. He won't let you down.

    Your kitchen is beautiful. I am sure working in that kitchen is a joy. Roxie

  72. Dee, I have never commented on this blog before but I feel compelled to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry about your husband's illness. Life is so difficult at times like these. Your kitchen is just beautiful! I'm just one state away from you. I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'd love to see your town. Living the simple life is what I am aiming for, too. Hang in there.


  73. Thank you to all who commented on my kitchen sink! I read all the comments so far & I'm overwhelmed! I can't thank you all enough for the kind words. I have to confess, I'm not as brave as some of you think - I didn't know that my email to Rhonda would be included in the post. I'm not upset or complaining - thank you Rhonda for letting me be a part of your blog! Guess I just thought there wasn't room for much & it would be short with pictures, but I sent along an email to Rhonda & its just fine that it was included as well. And I know that there are so many who have things worse than we do! I really do appreciate all the wonderful comments though, it is very heart-warming to see that people care enough to say such nice things to someone they don't even know. Thank you all so much.
    Oh & thank you so very much for the compliments on our sink. I love it too! :)

    As for an update: So far, my husband & I are still looking for work. The government hasn't cut his unemployment yet, so we are getting by. Thank goodness for family & friends! We are staying positive & trying to focus on more important things. My husband's health seems to be improving. We had to quit getting his medicines so we are trying some alternative therapies that seem to be helping for now. So that is great. One positive of both of us being unemployed is how much time we get to spend together. Living simply sure helps too - I'm glad we were not accustomed to living beyond our means before our situation changed.

    Connie: To answer your question - yes that is a book next to my sink. It's a book called Examining the Scriptures Daily. I keep it by the sink because that is where I go first thing in the morning & I like to start my day with a scriptural thought. :)

    Thanks for the advice, ideas & encouragement! You have no idea how many tissues I went through!:)

    Dee - Idaho, USA

  74. I love your kitchen and hope all works out for you soon. Good Luck.

  75. Dee, you have a beautiful kitchen. I love your cabinets, your granite AND your lovely white sink.

    I sincerely hope that things work out for your and your husband in the job market. I'd hate to lose that nice home.

    I also hope that someday you WILL be able to adopt some kiddos. BEst wishes to you both, dear.

  76. thank you for sharing your kitchen and your story with us.

  77. What a lovely kitchen. I'm sorry for your troubles and can only hope that things start to look up for you both soon.


  78. Love your sink! Good luck with everything, I'm sending good thoughts your way. My husband and I have been through a whole lot with jobs in the last couple of years, you'll get through it too :)

  79. That kitchen is gorgeous!
    Especially the SINK. WOW!
    So sorry for all your hardships. We never could conceive either, however we have been successful twice in adopting our newborn babies. They are MORE of a miracle than conceiving if you realize what they had to overcome to get into your arms! On this "flipside", I'm so very grateful that I couldn't get pregnant because I would have missed out on my children. God is good and knew what was best. It still aches, but it's a different ache... I'm more curious now and wonder what our biological children might have been like. But the "Mommy hole" in my heart has been filled!

  80. Sending you <> and best wishes for getting through this difficult time.

    You have built your own house, been through IVF and I know that you are a strong person. I am hoping that this will help you cope in a very difficult situation.

    And btw, your kitchen is very beautiful. I hope that you get to keep it, but remember that you were talented to create this kitchen so you can create another, later.

    Hugs and best wishes,
    Primrose in Edinburgh, Scotland.

  81. Dee-
    I'm wondering if that is a Bible propped by the sink and whether you have trouble keeping it unsplattered. I have seen some that are waterproof, but I like the idea of it here. Loving the sink and counters. Hope you're still there in 20 years.

  82. LOVE that sink, just gorgeous!

    I'm sorry things have been so rough recently, and hope thing will begin to look up for you.

  83. Dear Dee,
    My Grandmother had 11 children during the Great Depression and her husband eventually died. There was no welfare so to survive she took in boarders. Maybe you could lease a room? It's just an idea! Hope it helps. Love to You

  84. Your kitchen is beautiful! I am so sorry about your troubles and I will keep you in my prayers.

  85. We adopted two kids. I was married 16 years when I became mother to my daughter and 20 years yes 20 years married when we adopted our son.
    Never loose hope.

  86. I hope you get to keep it - you built it, you deserve it. Good luck.

  87. Your kitchen is beautiful. My heart hurts for you and I pray that you keep your home and that one day God blesses you with a baby.


  88. Your kitchen is beautiful! I love your sink! I hope your husband is able to find work soon and that you are able to keep your home. We lived in Idaho for 3 1/2 yrs when my hubby and I were forced to another state due to job situations as well. I lost my beautiful home but we are now happily settled elsewhere. It was hard at first, but we made it by God's grace. There were 5 other families on our street in the same situation. Wishing your husband excellent health! Thanks for sharing!

  89. Dee - you have a beautiful kitchen and I'm sure the rest of your home is just as nice. I hope that you & your husband can get your finances worked out and find jobs so that you can keep your home. You sound like a very industrious couple and I wish you both health peace & prosperity.

  90. What a lovely kitchen! It's easy to see you and your husband have put your heart into it. I pray things work out for you soon and that you are able to keep this beautiful home.


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