27 January 2010

Cat food recipe

This is the cat food recipe I was looking for the other day but couldn't find.  It's from the Choice magazine website and was developed by the professor of Veterinary Science at Sydney University, Professor Fraser:

Adult Cat
250 g boiled potato
600 g lean meat (lightly stewed)
100 g cooked human-grade sheep or beef liver*
20 g corn oil
25 g bone meal**
5 g table salt
Mix all the ingredients together and feed it to your pet once a day.

*A vitamin supplement can be used instead of the liver
**Bone meal can be found in certain healthfood stores and is an excellent source of calcium. 

Amount to feed each day according to body weight:

Cat weight
2 kg
100 g
2.5 kg
120 g
3 kg
140 g
4 kg
190 g
4.5 kg
210 g
5 kg
240 g



  1. This has nothing to do with your cat food recipe, but the last couple of posts. I was not taught any kind of reuse recipes, actually I wasn't taught any cooking. Do you have any suggestions about reusing leftovers into something new? We just usually eat the same meal, but it just gets so old. Thanks for your help! I love your blog!

  2. Hi Rhonda,

    I don't think that cat food recipe is particularly healthy. Adding table salt and human vitamins are both to be avoided. Vitamin drops formulated specifically for cats are available at any pet food store, and even in many groceries.

    If you are making your own food it is essential that liver or a *taurine* supplement be included or your cat will die of congestive heart failure.

    Some recipes call for adding a very small amount of potassium to a cat's food, but I have never seen anyone add salt before. Cats do not need additional salt in their diets.

    Cats are 'obligate carnivores', meaning they eat meat in the wild. They do not hunt for and eat potatoes, zucchini or carrots or eat cereal grains. They may like greens as a nibble. Our big Maine Coon likes baby lettuce fresh from the garden, but he won't eat the organic mixed baby greens from the store.

    There's an epidemic of diabetes in cats, due primarily to the feeding of high-carbohydrate foods. Typical commercial cat foods are 45% carbohydrate, when a cat's diet should contain no more than 5% carbs. All cats should be fed only low carbohydrate, high protein foods.

    Even though we'd always had our cat on the "best" cat food, (bought from the vet) he still developed diabetes when he was eight years old. He had to have insulin twice a day and constant pokes to check blood sugar levels. It was miserable for all of us.

    Then I read the work of Dr. Elizabeth Hodgkins http://yourdiabeticcat.com and changed our cat's diet to her recommended 45-70% protein, 15-30% fat, and under 5% carbohydrate.

    Our vet had a fit, but within three days our cat's blood sugar dropped from 16.5 (even with insulin twice a day) to a normal 3.5. Three years later he has *never* had another high blood sugar reading, and has never had (or needed) another shot of insulin.

    All the best!
    Deb in Canada

  3. Thanks Rhonda. I already use your dog food recipe and my dog lost weight (he was overweight) and is keeping a good weight now. I have 3 cats also who like canned food, but that is a bit expensive, so I am anxious to try this recipe. I only give them canned sometimes. They do like the fishy flavors though, I will have to look for one with fish.

    I have to give a little story about my dog food - I use the vegetables in it, but my silly dog would eat everything, except leave any chunks of veggies cleanly licked and in the bowl. Unless he was feeling naughty, he would throw them on the floor. So I have to put them through the blender and add to the rest of the food as it cooks.

  4. Deb, this cat food recipe was developed by a professor of vet science at Sydney University. I'm sure it's an excellent choice for a healthy cat.

  5. Rhonda, this recipe would be a good stop-gap measure for a sick cat, but a cat will die from heart failure without a taurine supplement or a lot of fresh ground heart which naturally has high levels of taurine present. Human vitamins do not have the levels of taurine necessary, in fact, most human vitamins don't contain it at all.

  6. I agree that the lack of taurine is a serious concern. It can be added as a supplement or the meat left raw to obtain it.

  7. I'm gonna try this one out, for sure! I'll go with the liver, I guess, but have no idea yet, where as I'm going to find the bone meal...if I can't find it, can I use another calcium supplement , you think?

  8. I too take issue with the inclusion of potato in this diet. Many vets are "old school" and see no problem with carbs in a cat's diet (my vet included). My cat also got diabetes from too many carbs in his commercial diet. I read Dr. Elizabeth Hodgkin's book and put him on a high protein diet, and within a week his diabetes was in remission. Cats have very specific dietary needs and you must be very careful if you are doing a home cooked diet. I have no affiliation with this website (www.knowwhatyoufeed.com) but these are the products I use and I sleep well knowing my cats' diet is well balanced.

  9. tried it out already, and the cats seem to love this much better than their usual cat food...wanted to try this today, and because I didn't have the bone meal yet, I just made some eggshell into powder...you think that'll do it too?


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