17 January 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's kitchen is in southwestern Oklahoma in the United States and it is where Cat cooks for her family of six.

Cat writes:
"I hesitated to send mine as it's not the cute "homey" style of the others.  But then thought, "why not", as many different types of people can have the goal of a simpler life.  We had a water leak within a few months of purchasing this home (built in the 1960's) in 2007, necessitating a complete overhaul.  It's not complete yet as in the past two years since beginning, we've had a new baby and my husband had a 15-month overseas military deployment.  And now have another baby due in March.  But it's very functional for the large amount of cooking I do for our family of six, soon to be seven."

Please don't send anymore photos until I call for them.  I still have a number to go in this batch.  I'll let you know when you can send them again.  Thank you.

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends. 


  1. oh your kitchen is gorgeous. I love the colour of your walls.

  2. Love it! Looks great! I like that U shape, must give you loads of space.

  3. Great kitchen. Love the colours and the planning. In Sweden a well-planned kitchen pays attention to the "golden triangle". You should ideally be able to draw a triangle between the cooker, sink and working space. Then you have an efficient use of space. As a busy Mum I am sure you appreciate your golden triangle.
    Best regards from Sweden
    Ramona K

  4. Very nice kitchen, Love the red walls!

  5. I love the red color on the walls. I also love that your countertops aren't covered over like mine! I guess I need to get to work on that!

  6. Cat, I love your kitchen. Colour! My husband & I were just discussing what colour to paint a kitchen wall, I'll have to show him this picture when he gets home to see what he thinks of a similar colour for us.

    And it looks so functional, must be great to cook in.

  7. Oh I love this kitchen!! I'm wondering if it's our "Cat" from the homesteader as I remember her painting her walls red lol.
    I could so have this as my kitchen. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Looks like a kitchen you can get a lot of cooking done in! I am envious of all the counter and cupboard space! It's very nice and warm, too.

  9. I love the red! And it does, too, look homey! Homey is in the eye of the beholder and with so many little ones running about - well, that's just life. ;) It looks like (and sounds like) you get a lot of pleasure out of your kitchen and that is all that matters, too! Wonderful space!

  10. Oooo, I love your red walls and dark counter tops! I have the same combination in my kitchen. Love it!

  11. The kitchen looks great. Love the red walls. Wish mine looked thsi great but as it's a rental not much i can do about it. Jeanette

  12. Cat I have to disagree with you -- your kitchen looks pretty homey to me. It looks like you have a lot of bench space which would be necessary for your family.

  13. I love it! the counter space is awesome!

  14. I like the U shape, it probably is easier to maneuver and keep kids out of cooking's way... I love your cabinets too!

  15. Beautiful kitchen and congrats on the upcoming new family member.

  16. I think your kitchen looks like it would be very easy to use and the white cupboards give it a clean look...Suzanne

  17. It's so clean, nice, and uncluttered! That's the kind of hominess I strive for! :)

  18. I love this kitchen too! Serious kitchen envy here!

  19. Cat, your kitchen is great!

    Thank you and your family for your husbands service...my family appreciates the sacrifice that our military families make for us all.

  20. Nice looking kitchen Cat. Simple, functional, and home sweet home. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Obviously, not very original, but I love the color. I would think it would be fun to go into the kitchen - energy inducing? LOL I bet with seven you do a lot of cooking in there.

  22. Wonderful kitchen! We are in military housing so we don't have much of one. Ridiculous.

    And the crockpot is all fired up and cooking dinner. Smart mommy!

  23. I love the color of your kitchen. It is beautiful! It is a nicely laid out kitchen too. Looks like you could get a lot of meals done easily there! Thank you for sharing1

  24. oh Cat your kitchen is totally homely! Love the bold red on the walls :o)

  25. I really like your green counter tops and how they have been accented with a clean white items to use. So very nice! If only my counters looked so good. I'm going to try harder.

  26. Love the colors in the kitchen. It looks very inviting.

  27. It looks both finished and homey to me. But perhaps that is because I only have 1/3 of my cabinets builts, my tile isn't laid and you can still see the drywall patche where we moved the door.
    Love your kitchen.

  28. What a great looking kitchen, a practical kitchen too. You've lots of storage too. All the best for the birth of baby 7.

  29. I'm de-lurking just to say how glad I am that Cat has sent this in. My kitchen is also non-traditionally 'homey' - I like empty surfaces and long clear spaces with modern cabinets and my style is more contemporary and minimalist that the beautiful homestead style kitchens we have seen so far. I love the colour. Cat is exactly right, different styles and tastes don't matter, we all are working towards a simpler life.

  30. I love the colour of your kitchen Cat. As for it not being finished - it looks pretty darn good to me. I didn't have kitchen cupboard doors for over 5 years - now that's what I call not finished. Best wishes for the upcoming arrival. I hope all goes well and your husband is safe and well.

  31. I love your cabinets. Is that a pickle finish on them? That look makes them a bit easier to clean since it isn't a stark white that shows every little spot.

    Overall, a very lovely kitchen!


  32. I love the colour too - and you have so much storage space! I wish - I have kitchen things in the linen cupboard. Goodluck with the new baby.


  33. I like this as I'm not into tizzy and as I have a kitchen with practically no bench space to work on, I am filled with envy!

  34. I love the colours of your kitchen! And it looks so functional and unclutttered. With so many little ones, you can´t have decorative things around, and the counters and cabinets look great just as they are.

  35. I love the Kitchen Cat, especially the green bench tops. Thanks for sharing.


  36. I am sorry to have not commented on the other ladies kitchens! I cannot believe the thought escaped me till now. Thanks for the reminder to comment!

    I so eanjoy all the kitchens! This kitchen looks wonderful! Thanks for sending in the photos!

  37. A beautiful kitchen...so much storage space..every "kitchener's" dream!

  38. Your kitchen is lovely. I love your red walls and your counter tops and all of your cabinets. Your kitchen is so clean and orderly with so many little ones. You inspire me to keep up with my small kitchen with just the two of us. Congrats on your new little one.


  39. Whats "wrong" with your kitchen? I find it looks great and homey and fonctional....it's a pretty kitchen and has a lot of space too...wonderful!

  40. So cozy and it looks like a place where lots of nourishing food is made. Love the handmade towel on the stove.

  41. Thank you for all the kind comments! We had rented homes for many years before buying this one and decided on the red walls and black countertops after years of no choice in the matter. We've since added dark metal pulls and knobs to the counters and drawers but have yet to put in the kick plates and some trim. We're not into lots of decorative items, but it is to our taste and does give lots of work space. The old kitchen had ended with the fridge directly next to the stove, so we gained two feet of countertop space there as well as continuing the cabinets on around past the fridge, making a pantry area and office space. We use our small dining room on a daily basis rather and enjoy the extra kitchen space.

    Laurie, yes, it's me.

    mtnchild, we used a whitewash type stain over the natural wood cabinets. So it's not really the white or wood look, if that makes sense.

  42. Hello Cat,
    Your kitchen is amazing. I can look at and begin to imagine you as a very vibrant lady. I am not as game to use colour like you have but I can truefully say that I would love to sit in your kitchen an have a cuppa. It look so friendly and full of life. Thankyou for sharing it with us.
    Blessings Gail

  43. I do really love it. Very comfy! The red is so alive.

  44. I love your kitchen! The red is gorgeous and it is so spacious and uncluttered. I could really cook in a kitchen like yours... lots of great work space!
    You are blessed!

  45. I have the same color cabinets in a different style. I never realized how nicely it photographed.

  46. I love this kitchen! The contrasting colours really sets it off. White on red- love it.
    And Cat, we have the same crock pot!
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  47. gorgeous colours - must be lovely to work in - thanks for sharing !!

  48. I know it's been said 50 times already, but...your kitchen is beautiful! So clean and uncluttered, I love it. My eye was instantly drawn to your Nutrimill in the corner. We use ours almost daily and love the healthy foods that are made with it. Yay to you for investing the time and effort it takes to make healthy homemade food for your family!

  49. I think your Kitchen is just great, functional, streamlined and classy. With a family of six you deserve to be spoiled and have the best!

    cheers from Aus.

  50. I love the colors that you've used, Cat. Beautiful kitchen!


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