28 January 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's kitchen belongs to Geodyne who lives in England.  I love this little kitchen and particulary like the old fashioned taps at the sink.  I would feel very much at home in this kitchen.

Geodyne writes:
 "I really enjoy your blog, as I live a similar lifestyle (without the retirement part yet!) and have lived in your area in the past as well, having grown up in Qld.

I rarely indulge in this type of blog participation, but wanted to because I love the idea of people sharing their kitchens. I live in a small villlage just outside Cambridge, UK. My kitchen is completely unrenovated 1950s, in a bungalow that reminds me of Australian houses, instead of the more normal English houses. I thought I'd clear up my kitchen sink before I took the photo, but this is what it normally looks like! I love to cook, so there's always a rack of dishes drying by the sink. I have a very pleasant outlook from my sink through a big picture window into the back garden, where I overlook the herb garden and my kitchen garden (one of three veg gardens I have), and where I can watch the chickens patrol their territory, seeing off any doves which dare enter their domain. One of my indulgences is a proper Australian clothesline in the back yard.

The second photo shows my kitchen proper taken from my back door. The kitchen had a range in the recess long before my time, and I'd love to have one there again but it's not possible at the moment. All food prep happens on the oak and granite bench in the centre of the kitchen, which I love. There are lots of pots for the aforementioned cooking, and what you can't see are the two cast-iron frypans which get daily use. They hang from the end of the bench. The gin is out to remind me that it's time to make sloe gin. It's a small kitchen, but what really makes it is the huge pantry beside where I'm standing. That allows me to store the goodies from my garden, and I make the most of it."

You can find Geodyne's blog here.

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.    


  1. I love your kitchen! How nice that you have the orignal cabinetry and fixtures. The oak bench is truely wonderful. :) Melissa

  2. What a sweet, sweet kitchen. I love her sink!

    Blessings from Ohio, USA...Kim W<><

  3. The oak bench is lovely... this is so not a traditional UK kitchen is it!! You must have a wonderful old house to have such a unique kitchen.

  4. Love your kitchen. Has a homey feel. I am glad you took the time to post your pics.

    Have a blessed day.

  5. Wow I love your bench. And can I ask what is a proper Australian clothesline? Is it something special?


  6. Lovely! I'm glad you left the dishes in the rack for the picture. It feels much more authentic with them there.

  7. Such a lovely cosy kitchen and I love your oak bench. Good on you for having the Hills hoist out the back!
    Cheers Lisa

  8. Great kitchen, and I agree with you Rhonda. I just love those taps. I want some!
    The outlook from the window sounds lovely as well.

  9. What I really love is that you have a nice view. How essential to a kitchen!

  10. me too, love the oak bench and love to see that I'm not the only one that always have dishes around to dry...lovely place to be, your kitchen!

  11. love you coop in the back ground, clothes lines are a must! Love the look of clothes in the sun

  12. Cute kitchen! I spent a summer in Cambridge through a study abroad program--what a lovely area! Maybe I'll make it back someday. :)


  13. What a lovely kitchen!

  14. I really like the oak cabinet and work area. I can see that it would be a place to get lots done. I peeked at your webpage and notice you were trying to identify tracks near your garden. RABBIT! You can count on it.

    The back feet land together and make the single footprint behind the front two.

  15. Your kitchen looks like a cozy place to cook!

  16. fantastic. i noticed the gin and thought "i like this woman". i was researching sloe gin just last week and wished that i lived in england so that i could have access to sloe berries. it would make that long, grey winter bearable.
    thanks for your pictures.
    kathy (aust)

  17. LOVE that oak and granite workspace! It's so nice to have a lovely view while doing dishes, too.

  18. Call me crazy, but I love the size of European homes!!! I live in too large a home, I believe. I know I should not be complaining of such circumstance, so I will stop.

    I love this little kitchen. Like Rhonda said....the faucets are nice!

  19. Geodyne your kitchen is delightfully English. Have you ever read the Fairacre books by Miss Read? I imagine her kitchen was just like yours.

  20. I love the view from the window! I'm also wondering what a proper Australian clothesline is...

  21. It is so interesting to see kitchens in other countries. I am intrigued by statements saying her house is more like an Australian house than English....what does she consider to be the differnce? I have no idea and would love to know.

    Also, how does a "proper Australian clothesline" differ from English or American?

    Thanks for doing this series..

    Oh, and I'd love to see her pantry, too.

    Connie (US)

  22. If your kitchen is from the 50s it means it's come back in fashion again lol! I love it, so busy and organised, and a pantry would be great.

  23. Thank you for sharing your wonderful kitchen! It "feels" very homey!

  24. A good mix of old and new. The taps being the old and I think I detect the corner of a modern dish washer? It proves that things made so many years ago were meant to last as these taps were. Now adays it doesn't last long. I've had to replace one set of taps already and the house is only 6 years old. A great cosy kitchen.

  25. This is a real home kitchen. I can tell Geodyne likes to work and cook in there and how nice it would be to sit in there with a cup of tea or coffee with her.

  26. What a nice view out your kitchen window. I would enjoy watching your chickens. Emily in South Texas

  27. I am in awe of your oak bench. Just beautiful! Enjoy your sloe gin! :)

  28. I am crazy about the wood/granite furniture in your kitchen! Everything is so bright and clean--the window is dreamy, with your potted pieces all lined up. <3

  29. Your workbench is beautiful. Thankyou for sharing your kitchen.---Krystal

  30. I love your kitchen! So homey. I could cook there very happily with that big window (my kitchen is without windows, if one can imagine such a nightmare). Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  31. Very compact, yet it looks like all the necessities are at your reach easily! Very nice!

  32. I love your granite and oak bench. And I love the mind image I had of your view from your kitchen window.

  33. What a lovely view! Is it your chicken coop, or do you keep rabbits too? And the kitchen must be wonderful to work in. Of course, with a range it would be even better.

  34. Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us. I just love your window looking out to your herbs. Your sink and taps reminds me of my Grandparents farm kitchen.

  35. Your kitchen looks so warm and cozy. Great job!

  36. You have a gorgeous kitchen. It looks so warm and inviting. I also love that oak bench.

  37. A great kitchen! I especially like the window sill -- with the width and the tile it is perfect for your potted herbs. (I also second the recommendation for the Miss Read books -- I'm sure she would be at home in your kitchen.)

  38. I too love the sink!
    Thanks for sharing.

  39. Howdy from Texas, Geodyne!

    I love your cozy kitchen. Very functional and no wasted space. I like that cabinet or bench as ya'll put it in Australia. Those old taps on the sink are great! I'd love to have some of those for my farmhouse! And Sloe gin, hmmmm...you make it yourself?

    Thanks for sharing your kitchen!

  40. I love the '50s kitchen. Previous owners of my house ripped out the '50s kitchen (actually, it was '40s, but the same style as yours) and put in a very cheap new one. Three cabinet door failures so far... I am sure the old kitchen was more functional than the new one!

  41. Your kitchen brings has a homey feel. Very nice!

  42. What a sweet kitchen. I love your blog to. I love the garden, it's great what you do! Thanks, Margriet

  43. I enjoy seeing how everyone else makes do when they have little cupboard space. I like your hanging pots and pans. If only I had a pantry...

  44. What a great window at your sink! You can wash dishes and be entertained! Also, the work bench is great - love the granite top. Looks like you have a great set up.


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