5 September 2009

Yes to the forum!

I still have a couple of hours work on the forum, but it will be up and running today. Please come back later to sign up. I'll post the link when it's ready to open.

Zane, I'd love the men to hang around the forum. Hanno reads and blog every day and he makes his own comments on it, he'll also be reading the forum and helping me run it.

Sarah, I might call on you if we need extra help. Can you give me your email. Thanks love.

Mona, Ashley is very talented. You've raised a beautiful young woman.

Hi Mandie, thank you for your comment.

Emily, a flash house is one that the people who live in it can't afford.

Terry, there is a pasta tutorial on the left sidebar. :- )

Kristy, I loved your comment. You're a wise woman. Being frugal isn't about not spending. It's spending wisely and being responsible for what we buy.

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. I can't say how delighted I am that you are starting a forum. Since I discovered your blog, I have been gradually reading from your first post forward to present. (I'm almost there :) I also read the new posts daily too. I LOVE your blog and read it each and every day. It can be a bit discouraging living as we do when others don't understand and few are financially responsible and make the same choices. However it's important to keep at it and keep going. I encourage as many people as I can to live a more frugal lifestyle. Some days being frugal is sort of like swimming up stream against the school of fish if you know what I mean. People just dont' "get it". However, I know without a doubt it's the right choice and am so proud to live a healthy lifestyle. My husband and I strive each and every day to teach or children good habits and encourage responsible living and appreciation for others and what we have been blessed with in our lives. We have choices because of our frugality, others that are living up to what the "Jones's" are doing are miserable. I'm SO glad that our family doesn't have to or chooses not to play that game. I want my children to not have that experience either. I want them to be financially free! Going without the newest and greatest thing is worth it. I am so happy that you have your blog to encourage and inspire. Its uplifting and I appreciate the time you commit to the blog and now the forum. If you need any help at all please let me know. A forum is a team effort and I would love to assist you in any way possible. Have a wonderful day!

    Amy :)

  2. Thanks for starting the forum. I read your blog everyday, though I don't always take the time to post a comment.

    I worked in a family business when my children were young. Had the same woman come to my house to watch them four days a week. I am so grateful to her.

    I 'retired' and stayed at home for the next 9 years. During that time, we paid off our home and my husband got downsized from a good job. God is good, and he got another great job. I now work two days a week. We live a very simple life. My husband can do anything and I like to sew, garden and cook. We don't want fancy cars or houses. We are content where we are.

    One daughter now has two children and is a stay-at-home mom. Yes, they sacrifice, but I am so proud of them. She is too busy with mothering to do much else!

    Some friends are on the same 'journey' , others are not. We enjoy them all as none try to convince us to change our lifestyle.

    I am looking forward to the forum.

  3. I read daily but it has been many months since I commented. Like a poster said yesterday, I have one credit card I use and pay the balance monthly. It is a cashback card so all purchases will eventually pay something back to me.

    I am retired now, but at my last job a man that I worked with had a friend that used his cashback card for all purchases, even groceries. He made a deduction in his check register for each and every purchase so that when the charge card bill came, all he had to do was write a check. The monies had already been deducted from his checking account balance, at the time the purchases were made. Smart idea if you are disciplined enough to register in your checkbook EVERY time you use the card.

  4. A forum is SUCH a great idea, Rhonda. What a fantastic way for people to swap ideas and chat amongst themselves.

    I think your blog is such a great meeting place - and this is just such a positive, sharing way to make use of the internet and connect your readers! Good on you!

  5. Can't wait to see your forum up and running. What a fab idea!!!


  6. Hi Rhonda :) My email is sandrewsuk(at)hotmail(dot)com . I'm online every day so don't mind regularly checking in, just can't commit myself to hours of it!

  7. hi rhonda,
    i hope you read this.
    i have been getting this everytime i've tried to access the forum:
    Error 401 Unauthorized
    You don't have access to this community

    everything worked fine last night, but not today.


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