26 September 2009

Eggs for breakfast

Hanno and I will be busy bees this morning. I was out watering the vegetables before the sun came up; it's going to be very warm here again today with the possibility of another dust storm. I did some work in the bush house too, planting more seeds for follow up crops. I asked Hanno to cut our bay tree back to the stump because it's covered with scale and it's too much of a hassle to spray the darn thing. I harvested enough leaves to do us for a couple of months, when I expect the tree to be in full production again.

I came inside to make breakfast around 7.30, called Hanno inside when it was ready - scrambled backyard eggs with herbs, tomato and toast, and black tea, and now we're both working on our different tasks for the morning. I want to sit and knit all afternoon so I need to get through a few things so that can happen. Otherwise we'll just be pottering around today and tomorrow - working, enjoying the weather, watching the goings on in the yard and taking in all we are offered.

Just a gentle reminder to get busy with your handmade Christmas gifts. I'm very slow with mine but I'm doing the best I can with the amount of time I have this year.

If you'd like some real inspiration, look here. It's a real treat of a blog. I adore her crafted items and her home is just lovely.

There is a very good clasp purse tutorial here. They would make great gifts for Christmas or birthdays.

If you're new to embroidery or stitching, here is a very good site for you. It clearly shows how to stitch various stitches. Maybe you could stat with a sampler.

And finally, this is just a delightful blog full of bees, food, chooks and gardening.

Enjoy your reading and have a happy weekend.



  1. Hi Rhonda, it sounds as though your growing season is really starting to pick up as ours is quickly winding down. I hope you have a very productive spring and summer. I, on the other hand, will try to grow and harvest what little I can in 2 feet of snow.

    Also, nothing better than a nourishing breakfast after doing some earl morning work in the garden!

  2. Have a lovely weekend!


  3. Hi Rhonda, I stumbled over this site today and have spent a couple of hours on it. It has lots of ideas for small fabric gifts. This lady lives in hawaii and runs a craft stall. She is very clever.
    Have a lovely weekend, we are pottering too, have made a batch of chicken stock and some soup today. Even though it is about 30 degrees today and a bit dusty! Regards Julia in Mackay

  4. Love some fresh herbs on my eggs - chives in particular.

    Congratulations on your nomination for the Nuffnang Awards. Hopefully I will get a chance to meet you in Singapore.

  5. Thank you for sharing. I had lost this link when my old computer died.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend. We sent our Swiss exchange student home today and shared the joy that is the Gateway Motorway for the third time this week. Each time it was horrendous. But now it is time to relax and be ourselves again.

    I wish you well with your bay tree and your breakfast looked yummy.

  6. Thank you so much for these wonderful links.

  7. Hi Rhonda,

    A friend recently gave me some bay leave branches which I promptly hung in my kitchen to dry. I love having homegrown herbs to use in my cooking. The idea of using homegrown and/or locally grown veggies and herbs is informing more and more of my gluten free blog posts these days. Thanks, as usual, for your inspiring blog!


  8. I've posted many hand-made gifts from last year and this year. Please come visit for inspiration and many free patterns I found on-line. You can find them if you click on my side-bar under Hand-made Christmas 2008 and Handmade Christmas 2009.

  9. Good morning Rhonda, you managed to trick us by posting on a Saturday! I love scrambled eggs and usually cook them for Sunday breakfast along with some free range Otway bacon but have decided to do a 'breakfast for dinner' today.
    Thanks for the links and here's one for you: http://littlehouseinthesuburbs.com/
    Go to 'New?Start here'.

  10. Rhonda,

    Your breakfast looks yummy. Hope you were able to spend some time knitting.


  11. Wonderful photos and very enticing too. It looks a lot like what I eat for Breakfast - eggs, toast, tomato. basic, simple, good. Have a wonderful day. Emily


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