23 September 2009

Most Influential Blog???

I was really surprised to be nominated for the Most Influential Blog in the first Asia Pacific Blog Awards. I am now one of five finalists for this award. Yikes! I can't believe it. Now it's over to you. I've put the voting button on the right side of the blog so if you feel you'd like to vote for me, please do. You have to place a vote in every category, not just the one I'm in. And, you can vote more than once, but only once every two hours. Thanks everyone. I appreciate your help with this.


  1. Hi Rhonda,

    Not sure if everyone has had the same problem but the vote link isn't working for me. Just thought I'd let you know so we can all get voting for your inspirational blog! xo Meagan.

  2. Wow Rhonda Jean - Congratulations!

    I just gave you my vote :)

    Chantel from Ashfield

  3. Wow that's great! You really do have an awesome blog, you've got my vote.

  4. Congratulations. I know that, for me, you are always a good saurce of inspiration and encouragement.

  5. Well, I really do not know who gets all my votes, but I know for sure that you have mine!

  6. I'm not surprised at all, Rhonda! Your blog is often on my mind when I make simple living choices for my family, and I'm sure this is true for many others as well.

  7. Hi there! I will go over and vote for you! I certainly do enjoy your blog. I saw on the news this morning about the red dust in Australia. Never heard where it was there so I don't know if it was near you. We had a lot of dust storms when I use to live in Arizona. Hope everything is safe your way, and keep up the good work!!

  8. Congratulations! I've voted for you! Hope to meet you soon!

  9. Congratulations, Rhonda! I, for one, think this is a perfectly logical conclusion on their part.


    Barb in GA

  10. I can't get the button to work....

  11. Just voted for you Rhonda. Glad to.

    Don't know anybody else nominated so just picked by the name that appealed to me. Someone might get a big surprise.

  12. I'll be voting for you! Love your blog even though I don't always leave a comment!

  13. Congratulations!

    It is well deserved. I learn something all the time.

    I'm always sending people to your blog who wants to learn how to live a simpler lifestyle.

  14. Rhonda Jean,

    I don't know if anyone else is having this problem but I don't see the button...just a space that says "vote for me" and when I click on it nothing happens.

    Many Blessings :)

  15. Congratulations on your nomination, Rhonda! :)

  16. A well deserved nomination!!



  17. WOW- you definitely deserve it. You've influenced me far more than any other blogger I read. Congrats, I'll be voting for you!

  18. Rhonda I can sure see why you were nominated!

  19. Whoo hoo! Go Rhonda! I'm voting for you! :D

  20. Congratulations Rhonda!
    You are DEFINATELY the most influential blog I have come across. I tell everyone I know about it and have changed so many thing about the way I live through your suggestions and role modeling, and have tried many new things (like knitting and using dishcloths).
    Thanks! =)

  21. Good Luck to you and Hanno..who is an inspiration too.

  22. Congratulations Rhonda.....I've registered my vote for you.

  23. Rhonda,
    I am having the same problems as a few others and can't vote! But I wish you well in this!! I think your success is that you are just an "everyday" person that we all can relate to.Congratulations on the nominee and I hope you win!!


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