1 November 2008

50 Must-Read Blogs for the Conscientious Organic Shopper

I received an email to tell me I'm on this list of 50 must read blogs. While there are a couple of blogs I'm familiar with, like Crunchy Chicken and Bean Sprouts, most are unknown to me. I've looked at a few of them and I'm happy to recommend the list to you. It should make interesting weekend reading. I doubt I'll have time to look at all of them, so if you find a blog on the list you want to recommend, please add it to the comments and I'll check it out.


  1. Good on you, Rhonda! I'll check out some of the others, too.

    I'm going to do a little pumpkin carving tonight to celebrate this holy night (unholy?). Now that the girls are grown I find that I still enjoy doing the "kid stuff". In fact, now that they're grown up, I can carve that pumpkin any way I like! Ha!

  2. Thanks for the blog list Rhonda. I don't actually buy organic but I'm always interested in reading a different perspective; I buy meat and greengrocery locally and for the moment I'm happy with that. I'm still trying to catch up on the Simple Green Frugal co op blog!

    Have a great weekend everyone :)

  3. Congratulations on being included. It looks like a good resource, although it will probably take me a month to work through them all!

  4. A couple of them have attempted to introduce spyware to my computer and fortunately been blocked by my security system. Take care with the commercial sites which a lot of them are.

  5. Congratulations!!! I'm excited to visit the blogs on the list though I am quite sure that none will compare to Down to Earth!



  6. Thanks for posting this list, Rhonda. I hope to check out some of those blogs soon.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this list...I look forward to browsing through the blogs when time permits (as you say "weekend reading"!).


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