Leanne in New Zealand asked if I would write about how we collect water for the garden. It's an important subject this one, especially a...
Christmas colours. : ) I didn't get much done yesterday as a tradesman and his helper turned up at 9am to finish off the renovations. ...
I had some good news when I came home from work yesterday. My oldest son Shane phoned to say he's not working on Christmas day and he...
I know we are all hoping things get back to normal at Rhonda's, that the chooks are not too traumatized by their troubles, and that M...
As if to illustrate the point I made yesterday about life not always being easy, just after I finished my post I heard a ruckus in the hen h...
I get the impression sometimes that some readers think I’m a perfect angel who works away without a word of complaint, making no mistakes an...
I'm feeling pretty sad today. I found out this morning that Kathleen's mother died late last night. Kathleen and I are very close, s...
After the big upheaval of replacing two cupboards under the kitchen sink, but having to rip out the entire kitchen and floor to do it, we...
I love you people! I love the support you've given me and my blog, it truly astounds me that it's become so popular. A few weeks ag...
This is a continuation of the previous post. Before you rush off to stock your stockpile cupboard, do a bit of research and find out which i...
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