Here in our neck of the woods, summer is a time for stone fruits and jam making.  Hanno found a good bargain at Aldi during the week - premi...
In his books, the late John Seymour tells us that in addition to the many foods found in fields and pastures, like rabbits, berries, nuts an...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives with these photos and gives us al...
Thank you all for contributing your ideas on how to save money.  I have to confess, we already do most of the things suggested and seeing th...
We have to tighten our belts.  Like many of you, Hanno and I live on a limited and usually fixed amount and with prices rising and new babie...
We had a busy day yesterday with Hanno harvesting lawn clippings for the compost (mowing) and me working on the book.  The grass has grown f...
This time last Monday everything was wet, it had been raining for days, but no one could have foreseen the events that were about to unfold ...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives with these photos and gives us al...
Before I write today's post I want to let everyone know Hanno and I, and our family, are all fine.  I received an avalanche of emails ov...
All this talk of being a grandma has brought in a couple of emails from ladies who want me to write about empty nests.  I think this might b...
The rain fell all day and the longer it poured and the louder the thunder sounded, the safer and cosier I felt.  I was doing grandma things ...
This is on my mind is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives with these photos ...
I read a very interesting article in the New York Times last week -  Susan Jacoby's   Real  Life Among the Old Old .   It confirmed a th...
I'm always surprised by the number of animals and birds that wander into our backyard.  Some of them are having a stickybeak, some are j...
I harvested our small garlic crop in the middle of a torrential downpour last week.  It had been raining for over a week and when I walked p...
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