Over the past few days our time has been spent in a steady, slow stream of work here in our home. Meals have been cooked, cleaning done, dr...
We have wood sorrel growing in the dappled shade under our outdoor table in the vegetable garden. The leaves add a citric taste to salads....
One of the easy ways to cut back a bit on your grocery bill is to make some of the things you usually buy.  We all know about laundry liqui...
We finished off the blog courses yesterday with a Skype chat. I really enjoyed the course - I loved meeting the ladies and helping them mov...
Hello everyone. I'm looking forward to a quiet and relaxed weekend. I made a lemon tart yesterday and lunch is left overs so not much c...
I don't know about you but I have a hard time keeping my cook books organised. Often I take them into my work room and after I find w...
Hanno asked me to pass on his thanks for all the good wishes you sent.  Reading through your comments made him feel better.  He's stil...
There are a lot of elderflowers this year. Hanno hasn't been well and during the week he was diagnosed with pneumonia, again. Thi...
Amy left this comment a few days ago: Can you do a post or point me to resources about how to love hard work? I'm finding that being a...
Last week Donna commented that she and her husband will soon be first time grandparents and wondered if I had any tips to pass on.  Of cour...
This photo was taken yesterday afternoon as Gracie was posing on the verandah. Happy birthday to our dear Gracie who is one year old...
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