When I started simplifying, natural cleaning was one of the first things I went to. I used up all the chemical cleaners I had in the house ...
I'm not sure what causes it to happen, but every so often we get an influx of new readers. Now is one of those times so I welcome all t...
It always seems fresh and new to me here. Like every morning when I get up to a brand new day there are possibilities and treasures just wa...
Those readers who have been visiting me here for a while will know that my aunty Joy died in early September. Joy was a big part of my life...
I'm becoming a tiny bit obsessed with knitting. Well, okay, maybe more than a tiny bit, I'm thinking about knitting at least a few ...
These are the posts that really make blogging worthwhile for me. Oh sure, I blog for myself in that it creates a good record of what I'...
Reading our meters gives us a real chance to cut back on our use of precious resources. It's like tracking your money when you start bu...
Above is the garden leading to our closed gate. The star jasmine and agapanthus are really putting on a fine show after all the rain we'...
I've been busy over the past week but I'm feeling relaxed and rested nevertheless. My main task has been my book which I haven'...
It's been raining here all night. I sleep like a baby when I hear rain falling on our roof. When I got up this morning and went outsid...
One of the wonderful things about living simply is that when you simplify your life, you become more frugal and green. You put the days of e...
I want to write a bit more about time management. It's an important part of living simply and if you get this right, you'll make yo...
I spent quite a bit of time over the weekend staring out at the scene above. It's what I look out on when I sit in my workroom. "...
It's been a gruelling couple of days here. Tuesday afternoon my DIL Cathy was rushed to hospital with high blood pressure. My step son ...
We had 45 mm of rain (just under 2 inches) yesterday. Here are some of our chooks drinking the rain caught on their wire fence. You are mo...
I had goose bumps yesterday listening to the wonderful speech given by President-elect Obama. I believe he will return hope to American and ...
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