Gracie has a new toy - a pink pig called Vivienne (Westwood). She took great care with Vivienne the first couple of days she had her but no...
It's been a busy week so far. We're still painting, although not every day, and we probably have another couple of days of work wit...
April, week 2 in The Simple Home For all our new gardeners, there are two things I want you to decide on this week - what you're goin...
After a night with yoghurt draining over a bowl in the fridge, I finished off my yoghurt cheese this morning. I added salt and pepper and s...
April, week 1 in The Simple Home Growing your own food When you’re starting out on your simple life journey, or if you move to a home w...
Happy Easter everyone. 🐣 I'm viewing this screen with 20/20 vision; it's the first time my vision has been this good in 40 yea...
March, week 4 in The Simple Home This is the final week in our food and home cooking month. We've been discussing food shopping, sto...
Very early last Sunday morning, Hanno and I drove over to a town about 30 kms away to buy our first seedlings of the season. 
March, week 3 in The Simple Home There has been a sharp rise in the number of products labelled 'organic' and 'free range'...
What I thought was going to be my second eye operation turned out to be a post-op check. But now, vision in my fixed eye is just below 20/2...
While I've been writing The Simple Home series, you've probably noticed I'm not writing much about what is happening here on a...
March, week 2 in The Simple Home This week we'll focus on shopping for food and I'm guessing that will mean vastly different thin...
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