Dear Everyone. It seems like an age since I wrote my Temptation to Spend post last Tuesday. Little did I know what was about to unfold. H...
Hanno had the surgery yesterday. I was starting to wonder if everything was okay because he was away from the ward for five hours. It turne...
He waited to go to the OT all day yesterday, complaining how hungry and thirsty he was. They took him in at 4.30pm, the doctor looked at hi...
There is no easy way to tell you this. Hanno had an accident with the chain saw yesterday and is in hospital. He'll have surgery today....
Travelling around as we have this past year, we're met hundreds of people and thoroughly enjoyed the experienced. Many of the conversat...
It's not often you have a crowd of people turn up to look over your garden but that is what happened here last Sunday. Permaculture Noo...
I read a wonderful post over at innerpickle on Saturday and it kept returning to me during the day. I love writing that makes me think and...
Blogs from readers who have commented here during the week... I absolutely adore this idea. Real birthday parties on the farm I have met ...
Hanno had surgery on his eye, had a checkup yesterday and he's fine now. He just has to take it easy and not do any dirty or dusty work...
On Saturday, Hanno and I drove out west to the beautiful little town of Bell where we spent the day with a room full of people who live lik...
How to make perfect lemonade. Tomato recipes Buying fewer clothes, washing them less and at colder temperatures.   A new, to me, way ...
We're making the most of the end of winter here. Our first day of spring is 1 September, already the days are warming up but the nights...
I have been reminded of a beautiful part of simple life that over the past few months I hadn't thought about much. I've been mentor...
I'm having a few problems getting myself back to posting. I'll be back properly tomorrow, in the mean time, let's work on this ...
Hello! I'm back with a relaxed frame of mind and feeling refreshed and ready for the next few months. You all know that I love writing ...
Hanno and I are going over to Bell for another workshop on Saturday, 18 August. We're looking forward to seeing Karen and the women at ...
I've found that I benefit from taking short breaks from the blog so that is what I'm doing now. I have a some things I need to do, ...
Last year we welcomed two babies into our family – Jamie is now 16 months old and Alex is 12 months. Hanno and I have already looked after ...
Last Friday I spend the morning with a group of the most wonderful women. I was invited to be the guest speaker at my local Country Women&#...
All foods that are grown have a particular season when they're naturally at their best. The seasons in the southern hemisphere are the ...
Congratulations to my good friends Jo and Eli who welcomed their first child into the world yesterday! Sophia Rose was born at 4.30pm. J...
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