31 August 2012

Another update on Hanno

He waited to go to the OT all day yesterday, complaining how hungry and thirsty he was. They took him in at 4.30pm, the doctor looked at his blood test results and they postponed the surgery until this morning. I didn't tell you all yesterday but he's been taking Warfarin, which, of course, made the bleeding after the accident much worse than it would have been. The test result showed his blood was much too thin for an operation. They gave him an injection of vitamin K to reverse the Warfarin and he went back to the ward and had something to eat. He's scheduled for OT this morning. If everything goes to plan today, I think he may come home on Saturday.

Everything is good here. The kids have been wonderful. Jens came over yesterday, cleaned up the tree that had been cut down and took it all away. The others have planned to visit when he comes home from hospital. Last night I took the phone into the bed room and then slept for nine hours straight.

Hanno didn't want to look at the iPad yesterday but I told him about your messages of love and support. He was really touched and he asked me to send his thanks to all of you. It's a strange thing, isn't it. Although we know and have met quite a few of you, most we only know through your words here. Some said they were commenting for the first time, even though they've read here for years. It's incredible how we feel connected to all of you and from the response to this, that feeling seems to be felt by you too. Thank you, from Hanno and I, for helping us get through this. Reading your comments has help lift me up at the end of two very tough days. I am sure I have the most loving and supportive readers in the blogosphere.


  1. Great news that he will be going home soon.!!!!
    Glad that you had a rest.
    Take care

  2. Yes, one of the downsides of Warfarin. Still, easily dealt with and he'll be through surgery and on the mend shortly. Glad you have someone there with you! Thank you for the updates -- Keeping you all in my thoughts.

  3. Dear Rhonda,
    you and Hanno have been constantly in my thoughts. How challenging to have to wait for the surgery, will be praying for a great result and a speedy recovery.

    Much love, Madeleine.X

  4. Thanks for the updates. Were praying for both of you. Love, Lori

  5. Keeping you in my prayers.
    Praying for strength and peace.
    May God bless you and shine his face upon you.
    Trusting that Hanno will heal quickly.
    You are both so loved...

  6. Hope all goes well today. Thinking of you both. Hugs,

  7. praying all goes well for the op today and a smooth recovery for Hanno!

  8. Dear Rhonda, I hope everything does go to plan, and that the op is successful. I know from my own experience, that support and well wishes from strangers and people you've never met, is a magical thing, so although I'm a stranger and a person you've never met, and now a second-time commenter (!), I'm going to continue to send you much support and loving wishes from right across the globe! Sarah x

  9. A long time lurker here coming out of hiding, I do hope Hanno will make a speedy recovery.
    I'm thinking about you both
    Wendy x

  10. Thank goodness the situation wasn't worse. Thank you for the updates during what must be an exhausting and stressful time....I can't imagine seeing my husband on the back porch that way. What a fright! Bless you with rest and peace and Hanno with healing and comfort.
    Be well. :)

  11. So glad that he's doing "well"....or at least as well as one can hope after the accident. I think I'm one of those "lurkers", but figured that it does indeed help to know that others are praying for his recovery. Probably going to back to lurking-land, but wanted to let you know there's one more out there wishing a safe return home :)

  12. Oh no....would you believe that yesterday we've had concerns here and it was one of the very few times I hadn't read your blog. This morning I find all the happenings you are having. I hope the surgery for Hanno goes smoothly and that he'll have a speedy recovery. Was it his right hand or left hand. Which ever one, I do hope it wasn't his dominant hand as that would be that much more constrictive for him.

  13. Hope the OT goes well! AND, that he gets home Saturday. I'm happy you got such a good rest, too!
    take care!
    SherryBee in Arizona, USA

  14. I missed yesterday's post and just heard about Hanno. I hope he recovers quickly. What a blessing to have a quick thinking wife who knew how to apply good first aid.

  15. I missed your previous posts Rhonda. Poor Hanno and poor you! A shocking accident. You must both be longing for the surgery to be over so that Hanno can begin the path to recovery.

    Sending all good wishes for Hanno`s recovery .
    Be strong for him Rhonda.xx

  16. I've only just read yesterdays post and 'oh my goodness' poor Hanno and what a fright for you.
    From this side of the globe I can only send a 'virtual hug' to you both and tell you I'm thinking of you.
    Thanks for the update today.

  17. Dear Rhonda. Thank you for the update on Hanno, It is so thoughtful of you to keep us up to date at this worrying time. Thinking of you both. Jean, Teneriffe, Brisbane

  18. I'll be praying for Hanno. Take it easy! I'm so glad he's doing as well as he is, warfarin plus even a little cut is no small thing. I haven't commented much here, either, but I do look in almost every day.

  19. Thinking of you both this morning and keeping my fingers crossed that Hanno's operation goes well. My father in law recently had surgery and I find myself all distracted today just like I was when Dad went into theatre! I've given my man a long ranty lecture on the dangers of chainsaws and he's promised not to do any unless I'm nearby to keep an eye on him. They scare me witless. Love to you both.

  20. I actually broke out in a sweat and felt faint, reading about your husband. I can only imagine how awful you must have felt being confronted by the sight of him like that. I'm glad he still has his hand. My thoughts are with you and I wish him a full and speedy recovery.


  21. Dear Rhonda, I have been following your blog for over three years and had your book shipped to Canada as soon as it was published but never commented before, preferring to be the recipient of the wisdom and common sense that you impart. Unable to remain lurking after reading the news of Hanno's accident I want to send you both positive vibes and wishes of a speedy and complete recovery. Know that it is possible to care for people we haven't met in the flesh when they suffer, it is called human solidarity and compassion, it is a soul connecting with another soul. Love and best wishes from Toronto, Canada.
    Gloria O.

  22. Rhonda, I am pleased that you had such a good sleep. Yes, the Warfarin is a bit of an issue with having an emergency op. I hope Hanno isn't in too much pain but I dare say his pain is being treated by the hospital staff as well as they can. I wish him a speedy recovery and lots of strength and patience for the 'nurse'once he comes home.

  23. Still in my thoughts and prayers! I hope the operation goes well and I am so grateful you have family and friends to support you through cleaning up the trees and kind words and thoughts. We should all be so lucky.

  24. So very pleased to read that the shock, horror and dismay of yesterday's news is now being transformed into stabilisation and the start of both Hanno's and your recovery from the traumatic accident. Here are some early birthday wishes coming your way, Hanno, for a very speedy recovery to your wonderful life with inspirational Rhonda, who so generously shares her wisdom and encouragement with us. Thank you for sharing Rhonda with us and for being such a wonderful support to her. A teacup and/or wineglass fIlled to the beim and running over with blessings and good wishes to both of you. - Charmaine

  25. I'll keep sending good thoughts your way...don't forget to take of yourself as well!

  26. Wishing you and Hanno all the best. I was shocked when I read your post yesterday and couldn't find the right words to say. I hope the operation goes to plan today your husband is home soon recovering from his accident. My best wishes to you, Ann

  27. Please wish Hanno a quick and trouble-free recovery. I've been worried about him since your first posting. Hopefully he'll be home with you soon.

  28. Another one of your regular readers here who doesn't usually comment,but I just want to say how very sorry I am to read of Hanno's accident. I hope you are also recovering from the terrible shock it must have given you Rhonda.
    Wishing Hanno a speedy recovery and return to home - for the love and peace there will be the best medicine for him. X

  29. good morningRonda a reader here of your blog over the years, just wanted to send my best wishes to Hanno for a speedy recovery after his operation.

  30. I think your "friends" are more appreciative and caring of you both than you could ever imagine or comprehend...I guess we all feel apart of your family because of all you have shared and given to us so its small thanks to support you and send our love...many thanks for the updates

  31. I hope his surgery went well and you are more at ease. I feel like I know you guys and I came home straight to my IPad to read your update.
    God bless

  32. "I am sure I have the most loving and supportive readers in the blogosphere. " I can't imagine why. :)

    Who is a silly boy, Hanno? Take care of your self. The vegies will be missing you so get back in the garden soon. I pruned a few trees last weekend with my chainsaw so I realise how easy it is to lose concentration for a second. I look forward to hearing about your gardening exploits again soon. Tony.

  33. Glad to hear you had a sleep and are fighting fit to support Hanno. Sounds like there's a lot of love gathering around you to make things a little easier. Wishing Hanno, and you, the very best.

  34. Thinking of and praying for you both today. Especially Hanno :) Looking forward to hearing good news of successful surgery and a quick return home. Rhonda, you did brilliantly in a dire situation, as ever. Love to you both.
    Wendy ( from NSW )

  35. It's so scary when something happens to those we love. I'm sending best wishes for a speedy recovery to Hanno. Take care of yourself too, Rhonda. I hope everything turns out all right.

  36. One thing you can never have too much of, is love & support. One of the positives of modern technology is that no-one has to be isolated anymore (unless they choose to be). It really does connect people from all walks of life, from all over the world, who, without technology would never meet. I hope your weekend pans out as planned & you have your Hanno home with you when we next hear from you. Take care, Ann

  37. Positive and healing thoughts sent to Hanno's recovery. With everyone's well wishes, all will be well again.

  38. Dear Hanno and Rhonda, I have not checked in for a few days as it is 1st day of school week here and was shocked to read about Hanno's accident. I am so sorry this happened and so gratetful that it is not any worse. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Hanno-sending prayers to both of you! Karen from CT

  39. Hi Rhonda
    I am glad Hanno will be ok!
    This hits close to home for several reasons:
    DH and I run chainsaws a lot, both in our wood chopping competitions in Canada, as well as around the farm....and we probably don't always follow all of the safety procedures we should.
    Also, my father and I both take heparin/warfarin (me only during pregnancy), so I understand the fear of bleeding from it!
    hugs and prayers from us!
    ~Melanie in Canada

  40. Sorry to hear about Hanno's accident. I swear our husbands are worse than children sometimes! I am glad that all seems to be okay. He has a strange way of taking a holiday though! LOL. My thoughts are with you both and hoping everything heals well.

  41. Good luck with your surgery Hanno. You'll be back to normal before you know it! I'm sorry that it happened to you though. Rhonda, don't forget to take care of yourself, too. You really must do so after such a stressful incident. That must have been so unnerving. Thank God Hanno will be OK.


  42. Hanno and you have become a part of my life, thus the caring even when I don't comment. When my reader says you have a new post up I wonder...how are the chickens, what is the garden doing and so forth. Without your example of what is possible I wouldn't have even tried some things.

    Now I own an urban house and just replaced the 'no maintenance' backyard (gravel) with a veggie, herb, fruit and flower garden. There is still a parking place for my car but it is not the focus of the yard.

    I send Hanno my regards again and hope each day he will feel better!

  43. all the stress from the day so you obviously needed the sleep rhonda.
    take care & sending more get well wishes for hanno & you

    thanx for keeping us updated too

    selina from kilkivan qld

  44. Oh my, I am just seeing this post. Sending good thoughts to you both & prayers for a quick recovery for Hanno. ((hugs))

    Central Illinois

  45. Hi Rhonda hope all is well wit Hanno's ot my thoughts are with you both and a speedy recovery for Hanno best wishes Linda in Victoria xx

  46. Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear about Hannos accident. My hubby is very skilled with the chainsaw and regularly spends the day out on the farm getting a huge load of wood - all by himself. I'm always hoping that this doesn't happen to him. A few times he's come home with a tear in his overalls ... a close call.
    My brother in law worked with a band saw and my sister always made sure she had a large container of ice in the freezer, in case of an accident involving a missing finger or limb. I've never forgotten her advice.
    So pleased to hear Hanno will be ok. How are you coping? Thinking of you both. Maa

  47. Hi Rhonda and Hanno, best wishes for a quick recovery. X Claire

  48. I wish Hanno good luck in surgery. Luckily you were quick to act!
    My father had an accident (similar but not really ?) where his hand/arm was ripped to the bone too. The doctors are amazing. Wishing you both luck, strength and some rest and time to recouperate.

  49. What a frightening experience for you both! Hope all goes well in the OT and that Hanno is soon home and on the mend. Praying for you, your loved ones and the medical team.

  50. So sorry to hear of Hanno's accident. I said a prayer for him that all will go well with his surgery and healing process. Also prayer for you for strength and peace during this time. EllyMae from WV

  51. Rhonda, I am so sorry to hear about Hanno but so thankful that the outlook is bright. We will be praying for a complete and quick healing. Just a reminder to be sure and study up on nourishing your adrenals after the accident (for you Rhonda as well). Speak with Hanno's Dr. but a couple of important vitamins are 2000-3000mg vitamin C and magnesium 500mg. I have been told that after any kind of shock our bodies are instantly depleated of magnesium. Please do your research about this as it can happen slowly but in a year or two your energy is gone and you trace the problems back to a few encounters/sicknesses that are the cause of adrenal fatigue.
    With much love, Kim from Georgia

  52. Praying for you both & a very quick recovery!

  53. Thanks for the update Rhonda, all the best for Hanno and keep up your spirits. Lovely that you have so many people known and unknown to you that are giving you their support, isn´t the blogging world so wonderful? Hugs xx

  54. I,too, have been praying for you & Hanno. I definitely feel as if I know you, as I have been reading your blog since pretty much the beginning.

    Maria M

  55. Dear Rhonda & Hanno, it two words that you never want to hear together - chainsaw and accident. Hope the surgery went well and everything is ok. Much Love xxxx Rachael

  56. Oh Rhonda!!! I hadn't been on in three days and just found out Hanno had this accident !!! So sorry this has happened to him!! I couldn't help but feel a bit "close" to this story too as my husband just purchased a chain saw and also takes warfarin!! I am so glad though that nothing worse happened to his arm and hand. I am naturally praying for your recovery to go smoothly Hanno. Thank you for keeping us updated. You must be extra busy right now. Sarah

  57. Rhonda, I didn't have a chance to look at the computer yesterday and just now when I read your news, my heart gave a great lurch. It's like hearing about an accident to a close relative! I could feel your horrified shock as well, you poor thing.

    Praying for complete healing for Hanno. Love and best wishes to both you dear people.

    Lyn in Northern New South Wales.

  58. I am so sorry, but thank God you were nearby and could summon help immediately. Unfortunately things happen sometimes that we could not envisage, but as a wise man I knew used to say, "It came to pass. It didn't come to stay." Good times and happy times will return and be that much sweeter. Praying for you.

  59. My girls don't understand! If I am away from home and the computer and there is something going on that I want to get an update on, I am anxious to get home. I have two blog friends this week who have had or are going to have surgery and I wanted to see how you all were doing. You are truely friends of mine and I am concerned for your well being as I would be for a friend who is here in my same town. You and Hanno remain in my prayers. Thank you for the update. God speed!


  61. Oh Rhonda, How terrible for you both, poor Hanno! I have been away from the computer for a couple of days, what a drama to come back to. I hope Hanno's surgery goes well and his recovery is swift. Take care xxBrenda

  62. There must be thousands of us out here who read you every day, just to keep motivated on the difficult days when we feel so out of kilter with the rest of the world. We know that you and Hanno are "just like us". I don't know how I would have carried on some days without your constant encouragement and enthusiasm.
    We send you both all our love and good wishes for Hanno's speedy recover, and for you strength and love for him to be ever greater. Bless you both. Janey

  63. Sorry to hear about Hanno's accident. Like many others I have read and enjoyed your blog for sometime without commenting. Hearing this I wanted to wish Hanno a speedy recovery and let you know you are both in my prayers and thoughts.

  64. I have not commented before but want to add my best wishes for Hanno's recovery. Take care of yourself too Rhonda. The accident must have been a big shock for both of you.


  65. Warfarin, terrible stuff, created heaps of problems for my dad after his surgery earlier this year.

  66. Thank you for the update Rhonda. I'm sorry his op has had to be postponed, but Saturday isn't far away now and he will soon be back with you, and hopefully on the mend. Sending healing thoughts. Jennie in Sunny West Wales

  67. I hope Hanno doesn't have to wait long for his op, and hope it all goes well.

    I take my hat off to you, Rhonda, I'm not sure I would have coped as well if I'd been faced with that scenario! (I am squeamish, lol) Don't forget to take care of yourself, too.

    Sussex, England

  68. My thoughts are with you both. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Hanno.

  69. Glad they waited to operate on in and that hopefully, it will now go ahead. Blogland is wonderful in such a crisis isn't it.

  70. So pleased to hear Hanno will be having the surgery soon, and so glad friends and family are rallying round to help you both. Also pleased that you are getting some sleep - it is a great cure-all.

    Sleep and nourishment will probably be the most important things for both you and Hanno in the coming weeks. Conserve your strength for taking care of him and grab a nap (and a snack!)whenever you can.

  71. All will be well. Still praying for you both.

    Blessings Gail

  72. Blogland really is such a wonderfully close community, regardless of the many miles between us all. I'm so glad to hear that Hanno will be home soon, and glad you managed to get some solid rest too. Thinking of you both, xx

  73. Hi Im sorry that Hanno has had an accident and what a scare for you too. It will take you a few days to get over the shock I guess. We have been inspired very much by your blog and are in the process of preparing our house to sell and move to toowoomba from Tasmania. It is too cold and raining over here for alot of gardening and Ive wanted to be in the sun for a long time, but we chose Toowoomba as its not as hot as some places in Queensland. So thankyou to you and Hanno for the inspiration and we are sending our best wishes to the both of you from Tasmania. Denise

  74. Prayers and thoughts for you both winging their way over from Berkshire in England, I was stacking wood yesterday and immediately thought of Hanno and his accident, said a little prayer for him as I carried on working.

    I'll be very firm when my man gets his chainsaw out, no distractions and all his safety gear on.

    Look after yourself.

    Sue xx

  75. Best wishes to you and Hanno. Trust all goes well.

    I only found your blog about 6 months ago and have thoroughly enjoyed reading as many of your posts as possible. Have also purchased your lovely book. Thank you :)

  76. My thoughts are with you and Hanno. I always resist the urge to use a chainsaw alone and now this is a big reminder why.

    Get well soon Hanno.

  77. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope he'll be able to have the surgery today, and will be able to come home on Saturday!

  78. Good wishes for his recovery.

    Unfortunately this story is another reminder why protective clothing is SO important. Trousers, helmet, goggles, GAUNTLETS, etc., so many think they can't be bothered to buy/wear it and that they'll be careful.

  79. I just read about Hanno, and I hope he mends soon and the surgery is a great success. Take care of yourself.

    AM of the Bread

  80. All the best to you both; take care of yourself Rhonda, and the hospital will look after Hanno; he will be home safe and sound soon.

  81. One of your readers and admirers for a long time but never a commenter....Praying for Hanno and his surgeon and for you. Blessings, Amy from Kentucky:)

  82. So sorry I missed the previous post, so I know the terrible knew right now! Hope everything will be ok as soon as possible...... God bless you, all!

  83. All my thoughts and prayers are going out to you and Hanno.

  84. So glad Hanno's accident wasn't as terrible as you thought. My dad takes a blood thinner, and even when he cut himself shaving it would seem like he severed something important. I love that Hanno was eating a sandwich just a few hours later- what a hardy guy! Good luck getting him to take it easy after his surgery! :) Here's to a speedy recovery!

  85. All the best Hanno for a complete recovery.. so sorry to hear about the
    accident. Rhonda, I have been reading your blog for many years, I use your
    recipes and advice, as we follow a similar lifestyle. I have never commented
    before,but feel the need now to send my thoughts and prayers across the miles.
    Take care of yourself and Hanno, I'm hoping he will be home with you soon.
    Susan :)

  86. We are close in heart and spirit because it is impossible to ignore real, the kind of genuineness that cannot be obscured by all the phonies. I will always be grateful for the support you have given me through the past months. I care as much about you and your family. Plain as that.

  87. Prayers are with you both today......especially for *You*, who must deal with the wait. The doctors know what they're doing by waiting.
    (Been through this myself with Husband years ago).
    You are strong and cheerful and the Best of who he needs at this side.

    Loves and {{hugs}} to you both,

  88. Dear Rhonda - I, too, frequent your blog many more times then I ever write.
    I'm writing now to encourage you. You wrote that you have such great readers. I would encourage you by saying it is you and the energy and joy of your writing that has attracted me and, I'll bet, most of your readers to this blog. Your honest stories of your life with Hanno and your family keeps me coming back. It is like checking in on a neighbor - warm, friendly and welcoming.
    My prayers are with you and Hanno and your family - for a speedy recovery for Hanno and for calmness and serenity for you.
    SJ in Vancouver Canada

  89. Rhonda, I have read your blog for a few months now and you are right. I do feel I know you and Hanno. I am so sorry about his accident. I am glad to hear that he is doing okay and also that you are as well. Sometimes it's harder to be the one the accident didn't happen to! Take care of yourself and let the doctors take care of Hanno. Best wishes to both of you.

  90. It`s amazing that you still find the time to inform us all of Hanno`s progress, as this must be a terribly worrying time for you. You both are in my thoughts and I send good wishes to you and Hanno for his speedy recovery. I`m glad you are getting help around the place and your family supports you. As you have been such an inspiration with your blog and your book I can only say that I feel we are closely connected, even if we are miles and miles apart. So, I feel for you both deeply and hope you can both recover from this terrible accident. Tell Hanno he has to take things easier at his age and mustn`t play with chainsaws anymore. We, your readers care very much for you and hope that Hanno can recover from his injury without lasting damage. Best wishes to you and Hanno. Lots of hugs and love, Sarina xxxx.

  91. so sorry to hear about Hanno.. prayers and good wishes for a full recovery form OHio USA

  92. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Hanno. How awful it must have been for you, especially when you thought he cut his hand off. I'm glad you were able to compose yourself and do what needed to be done. I pray that God will guide the surgeons hands and give him wisdom as he repaires your dear one's arm.

  93. have just read about Hanno's accident. how terrifying for you both! hope all went well with the operation and he's on the road to recovery and that lovely place call home again!

    i really wanted a chain saw... not so much now!

  94. What a frightening experience this is for both of you. All the very best wishes. May he have a speedy recovery.

  95. So sorry about the accident and so glad that you felt the need to let us, your readers, know about it!
    Now, imagine that all of us are sending good vibes toward Hanno and you, from around the globe...They formed a net of light that will help Hanno recover quickly...My best wishes to both of you!
    Diana from Romania

  96. Dearest Rhonda, Hanno will pull through this, he will get his operation and all will heal fantastically I'm sure. You have a wonderful support, so use it when needed my dear. I've missed being in contact with DTE but it seems my time will be my own soon......take care and all will be well. Thinking of you both.

  97. Wishing you and Hanno long life and prosperity for quick healing, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.


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