1 August 2012

Gone fishin'

I've found that I benefit from taking short breaks from the blog so that is what I'm doing now. I have a some things I need to do, I want to write a few pages for myself, and Hanno is hobbling around with gout so I'll be looking after him and doing some of his chores. I'm also going to take the opportunity to change the blog template again. The distorted photos on the home page are annoying me. Take care of yourself. I'll be back soon.

Here is a little reading material that I had ready for Friday's weekend reading.

I love this idea - Fred's modern rite of passage

Attainable Sustainable.

Leaf Root Flower Fruit - vegan cooking and photography

Looking after dad.

The Fraker Farm

The seed industry structure in USA


This is a beautiful Italian blog written by a beautiful Italian woman.

Chris writes at Gully Grove blog. Chooks, swales, landscapes, cooking - it's all here. Chris lives fairly close to us and where my father's family lived for many years.


  1. Hi Rhonda, my wonderful mum got me a copy of your book and at page 14 i'm in love already. As a mum to two little boys i hope to bring them up in a life of simplicity and respect for our little patch of the planet. Thank you so much for such an amazing book (from what i've read and flicked through so far) and for an inspiring blog.

  2. i hope your break from the blog gives you the time to do your things. we have just downsized our house & mortgage, looking for a simpler life, we have enough room to put in veges, fruit trees & a spot for chooks (land space & council restrictions didn't allow for this in our previous house). i have been baking your bread & bikkies which my family love, & am using the laundry liquid. thankyou for your blog, i find inspiration in your words & the belief we will become more self sufficient leaving less of our carbon footprint on this earth, deb.

  3. Have fun and take care.
    Can't wait to see the new look blog and to read all that you have to share with us.

    Don't take to long to come back to us.


  4. Thanks for letting us know Rhonda, I was a bit worried early this morning because you are like clockwork normally! Take care of you and Hanno of course. You need to take breaks or it becomes too much of a chore....I would love to hear from you 2 or 3 times a week and know you are taking care of things and enjoying it rather than reading a blog everyday that you are not enjoying. I have been outside watching my chooks with a cuppa this morning. Their antics are so funny. The new guinea fowl are up on the post and rail fence walking along like tight ripe walkers, my new speckled sussex is a charater she omes up andtries to take my toast now. The bantams are down under the neighbours bushes scratching for bugs. Life is good. I need to get going now I have got my quuilting group today...Enjoy your day Rhonda and thankyou for letting us know what is going on.
    Cheers, Vikki (gardeningchick)

  5. Happy fishing and well wishes to Hanno!

  6. Good morning Rhonda, well done you for taking a break when you need to! It is a skill I am still working on. I had it down pat in my twenties, in my sixties I seem to find it a little more difficult. Hope Hanno's gout improves, that can be so painful. A bio chemist told me once that eating raw tomato or capsicum can bring on an episode of gout.

  7. Hi Rhonda,
    Enjoy your little break from blogging. It is important to refresh and recharge!

    I will take the opportunity to browse through earlier posts in your blog.

  8. Enjoy your blog break, and well wishes to Hanno.

  9. Everyone deserves a little vacation or as you call it "holiday" I hope that this chage gives you a chance to refresh even though you will be busy.get well wishes to Hanno.
    PS I learned from you the habit of preserving produce daily insteading of waiting until the end of the season and was surprised to look in my freezer recently and see how large my stash is already with beets beans pesto peas and summer squash! Thanks for the encouragement Rhonda!

  10. Get well soon, Hanno! And I hope you enjoy your break, Rhonda. Goodness knows you've earnt it!

  11. Dear Rhonda, thank you for letting us know because I also wondered where you were this morning and if you were ok. Thank you for the weekend reading which I always enjoy.
    Enjoy your break, take care of yourself. Get well soon Hanno.

  12. Poor Hanno - gout is so painful. My dear Dad gets it and has had to give up eating raw strawberries, raw tomatoes (except low acid varieties) and vegemite!

    I hope everything improves soon for Hanno.

  13. Have a good break, Rhonda. I wondered where you were this morning as I usually check your blog on my Smartphone while I am getting ready for work. I was hoping you weren't unwell. Yes, gout is very painful so I hope Hanno feels better real soon.

  14. Dear Rhonda,
    Enjoy your rest but pppppllllease do come back as we love to read your words that glide across the page and make so much sense. Our family's best to Hanno. My father has this problem too and I hope Hanno soon feels much better. Have a restful week-end.

  15. Rhonda, My father also suffers from gout... not a nice thing i am sure though apparently, LEMONS!!! Anything to do with lemons.. make cordial, have him drink lots, made with fresh lemons of course... this works well for my father and hopefully for hanno!!

  16. My mother suffers from gout and a tendency towards high uric acid levels can be inherited (or so I'm told). My levels started to creep up so, as a precaution, I take tart black cherry juice every morning.

    Once, while very sick, I stopped taking the cherry juice (I wasn't able to eat much) and I developed gout...wow, the pain was awful. Of course it was a weekend so my doctor wasn't available. I quickly added the cherry juice back to my diet and, at the recommendation of the herbalist at a local herbal pharmacy, started adding liquid chlorophyll to my drinking water. The symptoms began to recede with 24 hours.

    Perhaps this is all old news, but on the chance that it may help Hanno, I thought I'd mention it.

  17. Thanks for posting today especially when you needed a break. The reading was good again I enjoyed all the links.

  18. Rhonda, I hope Hanno's gout is better soon. You'll now when he's getting better when he starts telling you just how you should be doing his chores (at least that's how I gauge when my Don is getting better)... ha, ha. Enjoy your break, although from what I gather a break for you usually means that your just busy doing something else. I'll miss you until your back...... take care.

  19. SO sorry to hear Hanno is suffering. One of my friend's husband has gout and he keeps it away by eating a few cherries each day. So she cans enough quarts to take care of his needs for the year, each summer. She told me you have to eat a lot at first to get rid of the pain and then once it is gone, just eat something like 9 cherries per day to keep it away.
    Elizabeth in NC

  20. Have a good break. I hope Hanno will be feeling better soon. That is so painful. Thank you very much for the wonderful links.
    Have a great day.

  21. Sitting at a computer for long periods, for whatever reason, is not good for you. Here in the UK, if you work with computers, you are expected to take at least a 10 minute break every 2 hours ... that doesn't sound much but it's better than not taking a break at all. Enjoy your break. Elizabeth

  22. I have heard several places that cherries are good for anyone with gout. Have you ever heard this? I sure hope you are feeling better very soon Hanno. Take it easy and relax. Enjoy your tea on the veranda together and just breath in the fresh air and sunshine. Sarah

  23. Enjoy your time away, Rhonda. It is so important to take these times for ourselves and families!

  24. Enjoy your days off Rhonda :)

    FYI - My husband was having the same issue as you with images his own blog. He found out that the first image in every post needs to be a landscape 4:3 ratio image in order to display correctly on the home page. That's basically an ordinary photo in landscape orientation. We couldn't figure out how to update the template's code to have it display portrait images but maybe you'll have some luck!

  25. Enjoy your break Rhonda. I'm on a break of sorts myself not posting quite as often while tending to other things for a few weeks. It provides a bit of a recharge and a time to look at life with new eyes. I hope Hanno is feeling better soon.

    Hugs :)

  26. Aloha Rhonda! Thanks for including Attainable Sustainable in your roundup. Enjoy your break!

  27. I too, love reading your blog, and I think someone else earlier had a great suggestion, about perhaps considering posting 2-3 times a week! I love reading all your ideas and I need to start putting more of them into action! Have a great break and look forward to seeing (reading) you soon. Take care of Hanno!

  28. Thanks for changing your blog format, its much easier to read now. I did find I wasnt reading very often with the old one.

    I hope Hannos gout is improving. I had it once, but my father has had it for many years.

    1. Hi Dee

      Blogger has improved a lot in the past few months and they even have this nifty reply function that I had on the last template but it didn't work. This simple template is much clearer so hopefully I'll stay with it for a while. Smack me if I don't ;- )

  29. Rhonda, I too must comment on the change of your blog format. I dislike immensely when you have to click to read the rest of a blog post, and must admit I hadn't been reading your blog much. Please forgive me? Thankyou for returning to the format where the complete post is displayed, I am one very happy blog reader! I hope Hanno's gout clears up soon.

  30. Please do not get me started on Monsanto. It makes me sick. They are now a symbol of evil for me and I am really convinced that what they do is a crime. America is now dumbed down, a follower of money, has lost its way, and is becoming in many ways a world of who has and who has not.
    And you cannot tell them any different. Just last night on the news there was a report on U.S. citizens 14 and under, who are picking fruit and vegetables for large corporations (as opposed to small family farms) and working 9 hour days with no time for school. This is not acceptable for any child; citizen or not.

    It is a lost nation.

  31. Oh yes, meant to mention Rhonda, in case you might have forgotten: Cherry juice; real juice of course not sugar soda; will help clear gout quickly. It cleans the liver and gets rid of uric acid.

  32. much prefer this blog format - looks great. thank you

  33. Love the new updated look and what about that new photo of you. Fantastic! love the shorter hair cut

  34. Thankyou so much for changing the readability back! I too tend not to read blogs where you have to 'click for more' - have no idea why it is such a drama...lol! But I just didn't like it!!!

  35. Hi Rhonda,
    Just writing to say I love the new look of the blog, especially the close-up photo of you---I really missed that when you changed the blog before.
    Thanks for your work and encouragement for us all.
    I am chronically ill and homebound and your blog is a wonderful opportunity to "get out" and see more of the world!
    Hoping that your dear Hanno is feeling better soon.


    1. Hi Lin, Hanno is much better now, thank you. He's catching up on some backyard jobs and planning new projects - there are always those. Hope you're feeling good today.

  36. Hi Rhonda, I hope you enjoy your time away. It's nice to be able to put the blog down and reflect on other things. I find that's necessary for me to keep up my blog writing too.

    I just wanted to thank you for recommending my blog to readers, and also to thank those readers who commented (saying where they came from) it was a delightful surprise.

    I didn't know you had family in this area. It's a lovely place, just far enough away from the city but with a brimming local community to touch base with. If this is where your family comes from, I can see your attachment to community endeavours. It connects you in ways which is hard to describe. I'm really good friends with our local green grocer, butcher and feed store owners. And I'm just a customer - but that's how they treat you, like a friend. :)

  37. Hi Rhonda,

    Just wanted to send you a quick thank you for linking to my new blog. The space you have created here is absolutely incredible and I'm so happy that you found me so that I could find you! Truly inspiring.

    Julie Smith


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