24 August 2012

Weekend reading

Blogs from readers who have commented here during the week...
  1. I absolutely adore this idea. Real birthday parties on the farm
  2. I have met Linda and I think I've featured her blog before. It's a good one.
  3. Farm Fancies - there is some delicious looking cooking here.

Thank you for your visits this week. It's been a busy one here, but things are starting to slow down again. I hope you can relax and do something you love over the weekend.  See you soon.



  1. Good morning Rhonda, glad things are slowing down for you. I made the orange cake for cake stall today, so easy, thank you. I had a bit of trouble tracking down your book in Perth this week. Needed it for a last minute gift, I guess it is good some shops have sold out, I advised them to reorder.

  2. Great reading as usual Rhonda. That article from the Age made me feel so sad that so many people felt a couple of hundred dollars in their bank accounts should justify extra takeaway! I guess that's why the government hands it out - so people spend it - but it just seems so shortsighted doesn't it? Ours went into our bank account, and like every other bonus, got moved over to the home loan. The savings we will make in interest (and on not buying takeaway) will be way more than the government will ever handout.
    Off to read some more now - hopefully ones that make me smile :)

    1. I agree Tracey. It's sad that isn't considered strange. I hope you read about the farm parties. That's a smiler.

  3. I have been away for a couple of weeks and it is good to be back and read another one of your posts on recommended reading. thanks for keeping that up - I really enjoy them. I also love the new photo you have on your page :)

  4. Hi Rhonda,I love your new photo on your blog ..you look at least 10+ years younger, perhaps you could do a blog about your beauty secrets as I'm sure so many readers would love to know your secrets...Well I do... lol :)

  5. Sherrie, I've got a good camera. ;- )

  6. Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the link to our birthday parties. I hadn't been back to that post for ages and saw a few extra comments including yours there. Thanks for your offer to advertise the parties on the forum. I'll get onto it.

  7. I love reading your 'weekend reading'. It's great to find new blogs and the articles you choose are so interesting.

    Also, I agree, your new photo does make you look younger than the old one, you look very well in it.

  8. Hi Rhonda! How I love to be back in blogging! Missed you ;o)

    I love the way your blog looks now and oh wow.. what a great photo of yours! Ten years younger ;o)

    Hope to be back for daily reading.

    Love from Holland!

    P.S. Finished reading your book. LOVED it!! And will cherish it the rest of my life ;o)

    1. 'welcome back, Monique. So pleased you liked the book.

  9. Talking about reading - I went to my local library's web page to see if they had your book. They did. Guess what? All 4 of their copies were out and 28 people were on a waiting list to get it to read themselves!! Wow! I was amazed by that number. Looks like I am number 29. Oh well, they say good things come to those who wait.

    1. JoyBelle, I've heard that from a few readers - that their local library had a lot of people on the waiting list. I'm pleased the book has been so well received. It's coming to the end of the print run soon. They printed 12,000 and last time I heard, about a month ago, it was over the 10,000 mark. I hope you enjoy it when you have your turn.

  10. Hi Rhonda, made the marmalade from last weeks reading list, it tastes terrific. Only made 4 small jars but very easy to make. I used Seville oranges from the farmers market in Perth, might do a batch next week with lemons, need to make inroads on the lemon glut here.

    1. It's a great recipe that one, Madge. I'm hoping to do a Seville marmalade too soon.


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