Just a short note to update you on the past couple of days of birthday celebrations. Tricia arrived on Thursday and while Hanno and I wer...
First things first. It's Hanno's 70th birthday on Sunday! The whole family is coming, my sister arrives tomorrow, and all the kids...
Next Tuesday I'll be starting the first of two workshops on soap making at my local Neighbourhood Centre. The classes are booked out,...
Every time I cook I try to produce something delicious, with no nasty additives, that gives me value for the money and time I put into it....
I am continuing on from yesterday's post. There were many comments about how we are sometimes treated when we live the way we do, some...
We all use different clocks. Ours at home is more a seasonal time-frame, or one that revolves around meals and sleep patterns, whereas the...
I've had a few emails recently asking about aquaponics so I thought I might do an aquaponics post, even though we sold our system three...
I am a firm supporter of my local Landcare group - Barung Landcare. This week in Australia is Landcare week and they've asked me to high...
Today I am featuring the last of the 'this is where I work" photos and travel to Laura Jeanne's home in Canada to see just what...
I am alone at the moment. It's 5.35am, Sunday. Hanno has gone to the farmers' market to buy a few seedlings and fruit, it's qui...
My friends at Radio National's Future Tense sent this link to their program on The Slow Movement . It's an interesting broadcast ab...
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