If you have had problems slowing down, I encourage you to take up the delightfully heart-warming and productive craft of knitting. Clicking...
I'm still a bit busy today. I'm dropping Tricia off at the airport soon and will then spend the day at the Neighbourhood Centr...
I have no time to post today, Tricia is still here and we're busy. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. ♥
Kathy sent me the link to this during the week. It's an excellent online magazine called Seeing the Every da y. Thanks Kathy! This ...
What a wonderful collection of comments we had yesterday. If you haven't read them yet, make yourself a cuppa, sit down for an hour and...
I think we'd all agree that written words play a very important role in our lives. I blog almost every day and write every day. As well...
I received a followup email from Joannie that said: " I have a girlfriend only 18months younger than myself (I’m 36) who has two gorge...
Last week I received an email from Joannie who said: "After listening to you on the radio and checking out your blog I then bought you...
Coming back to knitting -  "To think of ourselves as makers, rather than just consumers, is the first part of refusing to accept ever...
Hello all, I just wanted to remind everyone that the swap is now over and everyone should be busy getting those apron parcels in the mail. ...
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