This winter has been the coldest winter in a long time in many parts of Australia. Where I live, we usually have a sprinkling of days in Ju...
Here she is! Born on Wednesday to Danny and Laura. We've had very cold days and nights here in many parts of Australia. There h...
I am very proud and happy today. We have a new baby in our family - Tricia has a grand daughter! Congratulations Daniel and Laura on the bi...
I had an email from a young woman the other day who told me she had suffered significant abuse when she was growing up and had severed all ...
I'm very happy to tell you that Kerry and Sunny are engaged. Kerry bought the ring before he went over to Korea in March and proposed t...
We had a quiet and relaxed weekend which included lunch with Sunny and Jamie on Saturday. The weather was cool so it was a good time for ro...
A pair of spotted doves resting in the sunshine just outside my window yesterday morning. It's been a week of cold nights and morn...
I used to hate being defined by my job. If I was anything, I said to myself, I was not a technical writer for the mining industry, I was mu...
I've spent the past few days baking, sewing and knitting. They are such simple, old-fashioned tasks and I know my great grandmothers (a...
Brrrr, it's cold here this morning but it should warm up later with a sunny day. I hope if your weather is cold, you have warm sou...
I received an email from a young woman the other day who told me that she's so conflicted about a choice she has to make that she's...
I have a couple of food recipes for you today. I love sharing my recipes, they're just plain and simple, but I get a thrill when peop...
One of the ongoing comments I've had since I started writing my blog, and also in my real life, is that simple life isn't that simp...
It's been a cold week here in our warm country. We desperately need rain but the forecast isn't offering any hope of that in th...
I've yet to find a more comfortable winter activity than knitting. Just thinking about my wool, cotton and needles gives me a good feel...
I have no doubt that a change of mindset towards a less complicated and busy life would help almost everyone pursue their simple life dream...
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