Hanno is celebrating his 75th birthday today. He's asked for a family lunch with no gifts so that's what we're doing. Shane, ...
The days are getting longer and warmer here and I'm guessing that most of us are experiencing a change in the temperature. I hope you ...
This is a weekly feature where readers share photos and words about their favourite place at home. This week our two readers are Kirsti in ...
Hello everyone. I'm going to offer four workshops here at my home.  They'll be on blogging and writing for publication and run on t...
We went to the Real Food Festival in Maleny yesterday. Hanno, Jamie and I packed ourselves in the car, drove up the mountain and wandered a...
Don't play with your food, Jamie. I wonder where he got that idea! You don't have to look too far. lol I'll be at the M...
This week we have the two SAs - Veronique in South Australia and Wendy in South Africa. Both ladies are focused on a healthy environment bu...
Hanno and I will be at the Maleny Real Food Festival this Sunday. I'll be having a conversation on stage with the lovely Morag Gamble  ...
I offer your a pictorial walk through the garden today. I haven't finished out there yet because we had a visitor and I didn't do w...
I've been taking it easy these past couple of days and enjoying the spring weather.  I wish you all a lovely weekend. See you n...
This week we're looking at the favourite places of Gerry, who lives on the sailing boat Katinka, currently in Dartmouth, Devon UK,  and...
Thanks for your enthusiasm about the new book. I was amazed at all the comments yesterday. It's a wonderful feeling knowing you're ...
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