Hello everyone! We're still in the Blue Mountains and yesterday Hanno, Tricia and I drove out to the little heritage town of Millthorpe...
Most Australians know Wendy Harmer - she's a crazy-mad comedian who has made us laugh on various programs on TV and radio for many year...
We're almost ready to go. The house sitters are here, we have enough cat food for Hettie, I've just watered the plants, we've s...
Meet Betty and Nora at Three Red Apples We all know how to make butter but I like the photos and this post about it at Laundy Etc Cloth...
I went to a long meeting at the Neighbourhood Centre yesterday. It was a three hour planning meeting to decide what we'll be doing this...
If you're wondering if I'm out gardening or baking or knitting. The answer to all is "no". This is what I'm doing and...
Backyard chickens will remain in good health if you give them a variety of good food but it's also worthwhile to see if you can reduce ...
I've had several emails from people saying that Fishpond have told them the book will be released later in the year. Some say April, so...
Hanno and I have been unusually social these past couple of days. Last Thursday we went out to lunch at a newly renovated and reopened loca...
Over 600 delicious looking vegan and vegetarian recipes.  Well worth a visit. Owlet - a charming blog about family, life and food. It&...
Thank you for your generous and beautiful comments yesterday. We both loved them. I'll be posting our itinerary as soon as it's rea...
I spent the last couple of days at Maleny working at the Neighbourhood Centre. Yesterday was very busy with a simple living workshop in t...
Our solar panels at front and the solar hot water system further back. We have had a solar hot water unit for about 30 years. We had ...
If you were to cook your own meals from scratch, I doubt you'd add sulphites, nitrates, artificial colourings or flavours, gums or MSG,...
The top five regrets of dying  - a must-read A Green Journey to inspiration   - here you'll find news, videos, info about courses a...
I received an email from Madeline last week asking me to write about replacing household linens, crockery and odds and ends like umbrellas,...
I've noticed quite a few new soap makers at the forum lately, and have had emails from some of you with soap questions, so I thought it...
I've been wanting to share some really special photos with you and today I have a good reason for it - apart from the fact that they...
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