I just want to remind everyone that the sign-up for the new swap, your choice of either a pin cushion/needle book or a water bottle holder ...
Hello all! After a LOOOONG week-end without my computer I am back with links for needlebooks. I am pleased that so many of you have signed u...
Hello all! Rhonda, Lorraine and I wish to announce a new swap. This swap will be a bit different than previous swaps in that you will be abl...
Hello ladies. I am going to announce the winners of Rhonda's contest. I say "winners" because I found three who exemplified th...
Everyone has the greatest suggestions for our next swap. I am putting them in a list-we have so many great ideas it will take many swaps to...
Today I want to talk about some minor changes we are making to the swaps. We have decided that we want the swaps to better reflect our simpl...
The link to our photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/down-to-earth_swap_photos/ from Annet to Julie (above) and from Glenda to Nancy ...
A wonderful parcel arrived a couple of days ago. It was from my swap partner Tracy. As well as sending some great seeds, she also sent a Dow...
Hello swappers-I just wanted to remind everyone to remember to send me a jpeg photo of their totes as they receive them so I can post them o...
Our vegetable garden is vitally important to us. It gives us the freshest organic food at minimal cost. To keep the cost of the garden down ...
Hello ladies! Here are the swap buddies for the seed swap. There were two ladies who didn't leave their e-mail addresses, so if Julie i...
Hello all ! The seed swap is now closed and the swap buddies will be posted on Friday, April 18. I would like to thank everyone for their i...
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