I've been battling the bush fires here since Saturday and it's been very stressful. I'm close to the area that was evacuated so ...
I've written a lot about the various things I choose to do with my days now and apart from not being able to work in the garden, I'm...
This is the first post in a short series on cooking for one. If you're in a larger family, search in my right side bar, under my photo, ...
I am so grateful to have such a wonderful group of readers. I don't say this often but your comments really do keep me blogging. When th...
I think there are two main areas of concern for families and homemakers today - providing healthy food for the family and reducing the cost ...
Sometimes readers ask me how I keep going and why housework isn't boring for me.  It is boring sometimes but boredom doesn't stop me...
It's been a busy week, a mix of doctors, decisions and housework. Hanno is still unwell and now we're waiting to hear about another ...
It's been a good week for me working at home, with a trip out and mostly lovely weather. I'm not doing more than I usually do, I'...
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