8 October 2021

Weekend Reading

It's been a good week for me working at home, with a trip out and mostly lovely weather. I'm not doing more than I usually do, I'm just slower than I used to be so it all takes longer.  At the moment I'm taking a break from reorganising the back verandah. We move the table and chairs closer to the house in summer to keep most things in the shade but as it's not had a deep clean out there for a while, I'm cleaning as I go. I'm also keeping an eye open for snakes as we had a brown snake on the front verandah a few days ago. Gracie saw it first and ran at it but as most Australians know, brown snakes are aggressive and one of our most dangerous snakes so we called her back and went inside so the snake could move on at its own pace. The same day Hanno found a large python skin in the flower garden so they're on the move again. I'm not scared of snakes and I respect their right to live here as we do but I have to train Gracie to stay clear of them because if she's bitten by a brown snake she'll die and I think a large python could swallow her.

Earlier in the week, Hanno was assessed by a woman from My Aged Care, a government department who help older people live in their own homes. We're already getting a few of their services and this assessment was to see if Hanno needed further help. We'd already talked about him getting a walker to move around and we eventually found an all terrain, lightweight walker, so yesterday, we went out and bought one. So far, it's been a great help to Hanno, both in and outside. He's still walking around and doing many of his jobs but with the dizziness, the walker ensures he doesn't fall.

I've cleaned and reorganised a few more drawers this week and my next job it to tidy up my work room. It's not my favourite job but I know that when I finish, I'll love working there and when I look at it, I'll feel like an angel. 😇. I have a few more plants to go into the back garden which I ordered online. They are hardy geranium Roxanne, a penstemon, a couple of salvias and a Japanese anemone. I'm pleased to tell you the citrus trees are currently growing tiny oranges and lemons for our next harvest and the roses and foxgloves continue to be truly beautiful.

Vegetables cooking for the salmon slice, which is below.

Some of our food this week has been a tinned salmon, pasta and vegetable slice (above), we had fish yesterday and today I'm roasting a leg of lamb with fresh vegetables. I'll make the leftovers into a lamb curry tomorrow.

You can subscribe to my blog by email again. The area is in the side bar. When you subscribe, each new post will be automatically emailed to you. And if you're looking around for Christmas gifts which they say are going to be scarce and slow on delivery this year, on Amazon (Australia) my books are on special!  Down to Earth paperback is $26.94, the hardcover is $33.50 and the hardcover of The Simple Home is $34.66. Both books have 4.5 star ratings and both are available as ebooks as well.

I hope you're well and happy and doing things that make your days joyous and satisfying. If you haven't been vaccinated yet, please do it soon and stay safe in these troubled times. We don't hear about the Covid figures much now, it's more about vaccinations, but I just looked it up and so far there have been almost 240 million Covid-19 cases reported officially world-wide and sadly, 4.8 million deaths.

Stay safe and well, everyone. xx

Weekend Reading

  • Purl Solo - If your creative juices are flowing but you don't have a project in mind, here is the beautiful Purl Solo page full of knitting, sewing, patchwork and small works.


  1. I am so disappointed I voted for the Tawny Frogmouth. I used to see a family on a limb yearly. They were almost invisible against the bark and looked so still. Maybe next year🤞
    There are always snakes so I respect their privacy and hope they reciprocate. 🙏

    1. We have the Tawny Frogmouths here too, Bernie. I voted for the Powerful Owl because it's in strife. A lot of them died after eating poisoned mice out west. But we have next year and in the meantime I hope I see lots of birds here before then.

  2. So good to hear your local aged-care resources work well for you. We were also very impressed when my husband slipped and broke his hip about 3 years ago. Gadgets to raise the bed, a walking frame, walking stick later on. It all helps recovery or keeps us safe but active at home.
    Ms Roxanne is still blooming for us as is our Japanese anemone, so they are tough beauties. Most of our gardening time now is spent preparing for the winter. The bubble plastic section in the greenhouse is in place, just the grapes to harvest and the Aronia berries. I wonder if you can grow that bush in your region? It´s very hardy, early to flower here and beautiful autumn leaves. The blackberries are extremely rich in antioxidants. Also known as chokeberries they taste pretty awful but the addition of some apple or other fruit makes all the difference to the jam or juice. It also makes a wonderful liqueur.
    Best wishes from Sweden

  3. Hanno will find the walker a great addition. My Mum has one now as of one year ago and prior to that she was using walking poles as she didn't want an old fashioned walking stick. Enjoy your week. Kathy A, Brisbane

  4. I so enjoy Weekend Reading posts. You just never know what you are going to see or learn or read about, plus all the videos, too. It's like a treasure hunt.

    We have not seen very many snakes around us this year. I don't mind them. Like you, I give them wide berth no matter if they are poisonous or not. My weekend is catching up on the mowing and more take down of the garden. I've got seeds to save. Wishing you and Hanno a lovely weekend~


  5. I am so very glad that you have trained Sophie to obey you. Snakes are part of life but wow that is so very scary.

    I hope you have success with the assessments. I have found it to be like trying to navigate quick sand having been through it with dad and now mum.

  6. Good morning Rhonda and Hanno. Rhonda, I would love to get my hands on your salmon slice recipe. My family loves salmon and i think it would be nice with a salad in my summer menu. Thank you, mandi

  7. Dear Rhonda, please be so careful with your dear Gracie. Brown snakes are very nasty, I lost both of my lovely dogs to one. There were a lot of brown snake in that area, but it could possibly have been a tiger snake, as we had one trying to get in through a small hole in the front screen door a month or so later. My dogs would have thought it was a bit of fun to tussle with it like they would with a goanna. Good luck 💗

  8. Walkers are so helpful. I used my mom's after having my hips replaced. I saved it in case I need it again in the future. Your home cooked meals look delicious. Glad to hear that the snake didn't get Gracie. We have mountain lions and bears up at the cabin. I keep Lula inside for safety.

  9. So wonderful that we live in a country where you can get help to live in your own home. My Mum was on a level 3 home care package for a few years until she moved into aged care in July. Thank you for the weekend reading Rhonda. It was also a treat to have a bonus blog post from you this week! Enjoy the week ahead ����

    1. I agree, Roslyn, we live in a great country. I'm pleased to read about your mum being supported by her home care plan. I hope she is in good health. I will write more blog posts as I have the time and the inclination to do it. Thanks for your comment. xx

  10. My Mum is learning to use a walking stick, just inside the house at the moment. Problem is, she uses it to walk from the kitchen to the bathroom but then walks straight past it on her way back to the kitchen. It is not until she's in the kitchen she realises she left it back at the bathroom! :) Vicky

  11. Hi Rhonda...thank you for the weekend reading.
    Glad to hear Hanno is feeling more confident now he has the walker and still able to do jobs outside. Your garden is such a joy.
    I use tinned salmon in the basic quiche recipe you gave awhile back..we love it. Add some vegetables also.
    You have given me food for thought (literally) in how I meal plan..or don't! I often work a meal around meat on special..but need to be more planned with the menus. Take any stress out. A project!
    Have a great week ☺

  12. Julie from MooroolbarkOctober 10, 2021 10:15 pm

    Hi Rhonda. It is so lovely to be back on line and read about your days and I am so glad to be back in your company and of course enjoy the comments the lovely ladies respond with. I have had a quite a couple of weeks. My home required top priority with the death of the hot water service/computer/and a burst kitchen mixer tap and finally my grandchildren and their mum became a Tier 1 exposure so 14 days quarantine. Our high numbers in Melbourne ensure we must make safe decisions every day.
    I am glad that both you and Hanno have resourced the My age care program going forward. It will give you both added security to ensure you can maintain your chosen wonderful lifestyle.

    You reminded me of some wonderful meals and I too followed your lead this week. How tasty and well timed. I made a promise to the garden for next week. It didn't get a look in this week but my beautiful birdlife I remain always true too. My binoculars arrived - quite the highlight and thankyou Rhonda for this idea. I am scared of snakes but I had a visit from a beautiful juvenile blue tongue in the rockery. Amazing creatures they are.
    Have a wonderful week and as always you give me plenty to smile about with your friendship even after my difficult week. I always come away with new thoughts / new ideas and personal evidence that so much can be achieved at home. Julie xx

    1. What a time you've had. I'm glad you're back and that you got your binoculars. Have a good week. xx

  13. I'm so glad to hear that the walker is helpful. My dad let his pride prevent him from using his and fell many times. Every time he broke something and ended up in the hospital. It affected our whole family, so I was really frustrated he wouldn't just use it. And I can't imagine living with those snakes in my yard! You are amazing.

    1. There is nothing amazing about me, I'm just like many other people. The snakes are part of the other wildlife that live outside - not just my house but everyone's house. If you dad using his walker now?

  14. Greetings Rhonda,
    I have really enjoyed reading your awesome blog for years. I especially loved your second picture of all those beautiful Biodegradable, Eco-Friendly and Compostable Dish Cloths and Cleaning Cloths. Such joy seeing that! Imagine if every household on the Planet followed your example. Our poor old World would be in a much healthier state. Keep on being the change we need in the World. Kind Regards

    1. Greeting and welcome, Tibetansunset. Thank you. I'd like to see millions more use compostable cloths, homemade cleaners and cut the use of plastic back by 99%. It won't happen in my lifetime, I know that, but I hope for the sake of my grandkids that it happens in their lifetime. Thanks for your comment. xx

  15. I am new to your blog and I really appreciate your philosophy and your gentle way of expressing encouragement. I have lived in the rural suburbs (in the US) for many years, am now in a small apartment in Tokyo. So much of what you talk about, can apply anywhere. It is fun to look around your blog and read some of the links on your weekend reading posts. Somehow it all reminds me of my Grandma and how much I admired her frugality and hospitality. Thank you!

    1. Hello Cynthia, welcome to my blog. I agree, all this applies anywhere and everywhere. I hope everyone blooms where they are planted. Thanks for commenting. It helps me know some of the wonderful people who are out there.


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