There is no doubt you can save money if you have the space, time and energy to produce organic vegetables and fruit in your backyard. Ha...
My days are full again. There's a lot going on here and that looks like being our normal for the next few months. We're changing...
Our garden is doing good things this year, thanks to Hanno and all his soil prep and maintenance work. We're eating from the garden...
Do you know you can use the seed of a just eaten avocado to start an avocado tree? You often hear or read that it's a useless exercise ...
Last Wednesday I agreed to do an interview with local ABC radio here at home. At 10.30, reporter Jess Hinchcliffe arrived and what a del...
Earlier in the week we shared what we love about our ho mes and the work we do there. I thank you all for sharing your incredible stories; ...
Well, I'm still pickling cucumbers. Cucumbers are one of those crops that you have to be prepared for because you get so many o...
Everyone should taste produce they've grown themselves at some point in their life. It's a skill we should all have - that ability ...
It's that time of year again when many of us are starting our gardens so we can eat the freshest and tastiest of vegetables, fruits and...
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