28 February 2018

It's going to be a memorable week

I haven't bragged about my grandchildren for a while and I don't want you to think I'm slacking off in that area, so here goes.

I took this photo yesterday afternoon when Jamie came home from school. We knew something was happening because Kerry and Sunny were invited to attend school assembly. Jamie was Student of the Week. His certificate states: Jamie Hetzel for showing an amazing determination with his reading.  How about that!

We are all very pleased and proud of him. But you don't get successful students without supportive parents so I'm proud of all of them. It's been wonderful to see, up close, how they work as a family these past few months. They spend time together, they make sure Jamie has plenty of books, they listen when he reads and they keep a close eye on him and his homework.

We'll be sad to see them go but they move out of our place and into their new home tomorrow. It's going to be a memorable week.  :- )


  1. Way to go Jamie! Keep up the great work on your reading! And all the best to the family for the move this week. Kelly

  2. Huzzah!! You are rightly proud of this young man. I'm sure the transition to their new home will be bittersweet, but how wonderful for you all to have had this time together. Best of luck as they settle in to their new nest.

  3. Well done, Jamie. A lifetime of pleasure from reading is ahead.

  4. Good on Jamie! You will certainly miss having him around when they leave, Rhonda. Miss Gracie probably will too :-)

  5. that is great congrats for all the hard work

  6. Watching my kids learn to read was one of the most delightful things of being a parent. Well done Jamie.

  7. Congratulations Jamie, reading opens up a world of wonder x

  8. Well done Jamie and well done to Kerry and Sunny. Blessings on gentle grandparenting too, the anchors in the family. Good luck to you all with the big week ahead.

  9. Congratulations, Jamie! Reading is so important because when you can read, the whole world is open to you! Keep up the good work!

  10. Congratulations to Jamie and the entire family, because it's obvious you're very important to his development.

  11. Brag away, Grandma! Brag way! Grace to you all!

  12. Such happy news! As a grandmother I understand :)

  13. Way to go Jamie! He is growing up to be a very handsome little guy!

  14. Great job jamie. He must be so proud of himself ��

  15. Congratulations, Jamie! Rhonda, everyone who reads here knows how much you love that child. I hope it's a good week for you. :)

  16. Well done Jamie!
    I hope the move goes smoothly Rhonda. Kerry and Sunny must be so excited to move into their new home. Best wishes to you all.

  17. Well done, Jamie! Hope their move goes smoothly!

  18. Haha...Grandparents could never accuse another grandparent of bragging. We are all top of the class in that subject. lol. Best wishes to you and your family as they move on to a new phase in life.

    B t w....thankful here for the extra warmth your photo generated. Minus 26C this morning at 7am here in Uppsala/Sweden. Our cats are obviously planning for another stay-at-home day.

    Best wishes

  19. Congratulations, Jamie! And good luck and much happiness to the family moving on to their new home. I would bet everyone will miss living at your place Rhonda, but it is exciting to finally get in to the new one. I hope they are happy there.

  20. Of course you are proud of your grandchildren! And Jamie has done well, so congratulations! And to all of your grandchildren - I think they also are lucky to have you as grandparents! We are new at the role as grandparents, and we are immensely proud when we see that little girl wave or smile (she is 10 weeks old). Grandchildren are a gift, and we can't wait to see her grow up and brag about her (here I feel we might have to restrain ourselves, as we are so overwhelmed with pride, and gratitude, and love for this little being). The very best wishes from me

  21. Congrats Jamie, well done! Learning to read is hard work.

  22. Well done Jamie and family.

  23. Well done Jamie, what a champion! Grandparents are allowed to brag. Best wishes to Kerry, Sunny & Jamie as they begin a new chapter in their new home.

  24. Well done Jamie.

  25. Reading to your children and grandchildren, and listening as they talk about books and read their own, is such a special thing. So much happens in those interactions that sets them up for a life of reading and books. My boy is 11years old now and books are such a big part of his life, he adores reading and we have the most wonderful conversations about what he reads. It's a wonderful thing and a beautiful gift to give a child. Xxx Congratulations to you, Jamie! Meg:)

  26. How wonderful! Well done, Jamie! Grandma, you have every reason to be proud!

  27. Those little certificates mean the world to the kids and the parents....

  28. Congratulations Grandmother! You must be so proud.
    Such happy memories are being made.
    I work in a school library;it is as you would know;so important that children read.
    Our grandson is having storytime at near 4 months.
    Thank you for your beautiful blog today.
    Donna C

  29. My most memorable times raising my girl was the times we spent reading together. She is a very clever young lady who is doing a double degree at university. There is no doubt in my mind that learning to love to read was pivotal to her successes at school. What a wonderful start to life your son and daughter-in-law are giving their boy. He looks so pleased with himself and rightly so.

  30. Wonderful achievement, well done Jamie! *waves to Rhonda and Hanno*


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