14 May 2017

Celebrating 10 years of basic tasks and repeating patterns

Happy Mother's Day to all the mums and grandmas who will read this message. I hope you have a beautiful day with your families.  xx

As well as being Mother's Day, today is a celebration day for me for an entirely different reason.  Today marks the tenth anniversary of this blog.  Ten years ago today, I started tapping away on my keyboard and I composed a very simple post about Brandywine tomatoes. On that day I didn't have a plan, didn't know what to write about, didn't know if I should introduce myself or not and didn't have a clue that so many people like me were out there waiting, but as I dipped my toe into the unknown, it felt right. I had one true agenda. I'd written the beginnings of a book and submitted it to three publishing houses. All of them rejected me. So there I was, still wanting to tell a simple story and show that life in the slow lane could be satisfying, profound and rewarding. So I started writing here in my little neck of the woods, the words started flowing, readers started visiting and I kept going.

Now, ten years later, I've published 2,699 posts, enjoyed reading 79,311 comments, and made countless friends. I've welcomed over 15 million visitors who've read over 23 million pages. My blog brought me success in the outernet too. I've written three books published by Penguin, have been a monthly columnist for the Australian Womens' Weekly and Burke's Backyard and been a frequent guest on ABC radio.  All that is behind me now and I officially retired earlier this year but I can't walk away from my blog yet. I still have things to say and although I'm not as prolific as I once was,  I hope you don't get sick of me because I'll be here for a while yet.

I have been a writer most of my life but I had no idea when I started typing those first words on 14 May, 2007, that what I was doing would change my life. All I wanted to do was to show, by example, that a good life could be lived by cutting back, by being thoughtful and aware and by giving more and expecting less. When I started writing, blogs were more political and many bloggers were writing about peak oil and climate change. There were a few frugal living blogs but almost none writing about home life, the proud tradition of homemaking and how spending time on domestic tasks, getting back to basics and cooking from scratch could help liberate and enlighten us.

Who would have believed how radical it would be to write about making a bed, washing up and shopping for groceries. These things were part of most lives but were looked on as being trivial and  pointless. However, over the years, thinking and writing about those ordinary, honest topics opened them up for discussion and showed us how these simple things were an important part of good homes and happier lives.  We all started lifting the lids on our domestic lives, sharing how and what we do and it helped us realise that life is made up of basic tasks and repeating patterns.

Blogging is such a simple thing but look what it has done.  It's opened up the world for all of us, it's helped connect us so we can talk to each other even though we're sometimes thousands of kilometres apart. By looking into each others lives, we've developed the confidence to leave the mainstream behind and live according to our values. Thank you for being here, for coming back, for commenting and for being part of my days and this blog.  xx

THE TOP FIVE POSTS (judged on page views)
Making ginger beer from scratch 207955 views
How to make cold process soap 149751 views
Preserving food in a traditional way 140696 views
Cleaning mould from walls and fabrics 79031 views
Five minute bread 40725 views

All today's photos are photos taken over the years I've been writing here.



  1. Thank you for all your hard work these past 10 years. I don't comment often but I do check in almost every day and I really appreciate all your tips, your sage advice and just being allowed to be a part of your life.

  2. Hurray for you, you inspire so many, including me. Please go on with your blog and guide us in this real world
    Have a great weekend, Manon

  3. Thank you, Rhonda, for publishing that first post 10 years (!) ago and all the posts that have come after that.
    I've only commented a few times, but always come back to read your posts. You are my blogging grandmother that keeps giving good advice. Your posts remind me that life (most of the time) is only as complicated as you make it. Thank you for being there and I hope to read many more posts from you.
    Happy blogging anniversary and a nice Mother's day to you.
    Love and greetings, Sander from the Netherlands.

  4. Wow...congratulations Rhonda! Happy Mother's Day, too. I think it's just wonderful, all that you have accomplished. I found your blog several years ago, and fell in love with it immediately. Thank you for continuing it.

  5. Happy Tenth Birthday Rhonda. I'm so happy to read that you will continue blogging. Visiting your blog feels like home.

    Also wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day. Have a wonderful day.

    Kylie xx

  6. Wow, ten years! Congratulations! I'm pleased to hear you'll be writing on your blog for a while yet--I always look forward to your posts.

    Happy Mother's Day to you as well!

  7. Congratulations, Rhonda! And thank you for being here for these ten years.

  8. Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of this amazing blog Rhonda.
    You have inspired millions through your blog, books and the forum. Thank you so much!

  9. Congratulations on 10 years! You have truly blessed all who read here!

  10. Happy Mother's Day, Rhonda. I hope you enjoy a wonderful family day. Sick of you? Not likely. I always look forward to your blog and cannot think of a day I would not. When you don't have a chance to post, I am disappointed. But yours is one of my favourite blogs no matter what.

  11. Ten years, congratulations!

  12. Ten years....that is awesome .....and here's hoping for ten more :).
    I don't comment very often but am a constant lurker. Thanks for everything that you do for me that you will never know about. Happy Mother Day too Ronda.

  13. Congratulations! Your is the first one I check every morning.

  14. Congrats, Rhonda! I love your blog and read every new post! You are the reason I found the courage to make cold press soap;-) Made a batch this past week, I don't think I have bought soap in 5 years , most likely longer. Thank you thank you

  15. And how thankful we all are Rhonda that you started your blog all those years ago:)

  16. Rhonda, two blogs changed my life and yours was one of them. (The other is sadly not blogging any more - A Vision Splendid) when I found both these blogs it's like I found myself. All of a sudden something resonated with me in my heart and soul, I always had an inkling of what I enjoyed doing and being, but didn't know how to express it or embrace it. Your blog encouraged me to become the homemaker I always wanted to be. As a result we live frugally and simply, we are paying off debt, and we are healthy and happy. I don't want more than that. Thank you, and warmest of hugs for a wonderful Mother's Day.

  17. Happy 10th Anniversary Rhonda and thank you for your books and for your blog. You inspire me all the time and I just love your writing style, so warm and you really build a picture. Happy Mother's Day too!

  18. Happy 10th anniversary and Happy Mother's Day too, Rhonda. I daresay you will be surrounded by your loving family today. Have a lovely day!

  19. Thanks so much Rhonda for all your hard work over the years.
    I love your blog and hope you continue with it for a long time yet. :)
    Happy 10th anniversary and Happy Mother's Day!

  20. Oh wow Rhonda - you probably don't remember me, but I was one of your first readers, back when I had very small children and isolated in a new place and good land I didn't know what to do with, had begun blogging myself and loved your blog - feeling like I found a friend, then life got busy and we moved and blogging became erratic, but I've thought about you often, and today, on Mothers Day, as I'm given a luxury of a morning off - I thought I'd pop back in and see you - how amazing to find it's your 10th Anniversary. Congratulations, you have achieved so much. Glad to hear that you're still blogging occasionally and I look forward to coming back. Rachel Lees from New Zealand

    1. It good to see you again, Rachel. Happy mother's day, love. xx

  21. Congratulations on 10 years and Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  22. Thank you so much for your work all these years Rhonda. I've learnt so much from your book and the blog :)

  23. Happy Mother's Day to you too Rhonda. I am glad to hear you will be writing about your life for a while yet, as I so look forward to reading your posts.

  24. Thanks so much for your blog- I so enjoy it. God has blessed you with a wonderful way with words. Kind regards, Maree Murphy, Medical Herbalist, NZ

  25. Congratulations on ten wonderful years.
    I have been reading your blog for about 5 years and never comment but have enjoyed every minute spent here, Thanks
    Happy Mothers Day

  26. ....so much gratitude for your life work here Rhonda. It saves lives.

  27. Hope you have a magical but peaceful day Rhonda. I am so glad you will keep blogging. I only found you in the past year and, very selfishly, I need to learn more. Take care of you.

  28. Happy Mother's Day and Happy Blogiversary, Rhonda.

    Very pleased to learn you plan to continue this blog. I, too, very much look forward to every post.


  29. Congratulations on all you have accomplished! You could never have known ten years ago, how many lives you would touch and how many would touch your life. Happy Mother's Day to you and I hope you enjoy the day with family.

    Best wishes for many more posts to come!

  30. Although I might not comment but I like your blog and have always take away something postive.
    Thank you and coffee is on

  31. Thank you, Rhonda, for all you have written over these ten years. I start my days with your blog, and you helped me to change not only my way of doing the daily tasks, but above all my point of view on how I want to live and how to get there.

  32. Happy Mothers' Day, Rhonda! What a wonderful milestone too for your blog. All those posts that share something of your life but also of a simple life that clearly brings you a lot of joy. Your words, on your blog here and in your books, have taught me much and encouraged me often. Thankyou, Rhonda. Meg:)

  33. Thank you for being a 'mother' to many. Your writing is my calming focus and I am delighted you want to keep your blog going. I would miss it's beauty.

  34. P.S I forgot to say that my all time favourite post is 'Making the bed'. Love it and the photo.

  35. Happy mothers' day to you and everyone. How I have enjoyed enjoyed learning from you. I have a little dream that one day I might knit with you while watching the cricket.

    I look forward to many more posts and lessons to come.

  36. Thanks Rhonda for all of the shared wisdom. It has enriched countless lives.
    Congratulations on the big milestone!

  37. Rhonda! I love seeing your first post. I have been chronically ill for more than a year...I always read but don't comment. Even though you have a large following, which is fantastic it's wonderful how it always feels small and very personal here too.

  38. Congrats on reaching the ten year mark! Have been reading your blog for about 8 years and enjoy it very much. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  39. Your blog has given me many hours of pleasure for many years. I look forward to it. You write about the things that are of great interest to me, and help me with my home-making. I have learned to make my own home cleaning products. I have enjoyed your baking and preserving posts. Love reading your your little Gracie. So thank you Rhonda.

  40. I am so grateful to you for making that first post and then carrying on to write your words of wisdom on your blog (and the forum when it was around) and in your splendid books. I am so pleased that you still intend to carry on with the blog and I look forward to reading more. Happy 10th anniversary.

  41. Dear Rhonda!
    Congratulations on your blog anniversiary, and happy mother's day! I do hope you keep blogging, because your blog is so inspiring! I have bought two of your books, and both my husband and I love them and refer to them almost daily. You voice is so warm, generous and inclusive in a time when so many books, blogs and social media accounts that are ment to inspire to a simple life adds up to the stress and the expectations to perform. I am so thankful that you write about this topic in such a wise way.

    Camilla from Norway

  42. Happy 10th Anniversary Rhonda.x

  43. Dear Rhonda, I'm really happy that you started this blog ans that you want to go on for hopefully a long time. I live almost 20 000 km away from you but I am so thankful that you let me have a look into your life. I'm looking forward to every new post and often I find that you speak out thoughts that I feel too but never have found the words for them. I'm 56 and sometimes I was afraid about the thought of getting older but you show me how I can lead a happy and fulfilling life later when I will retire and I'm really looking forward to this time. So thank you again and I hope that you're still going to write this blog for a long time. Love, Tina

  44. I am so pleased to have found your blog! Look forward to catching up with 10 years of posts.

  45. It's good to know you will still be here on your blog for a while yet, Rhonda. Happy anniversary, to a steadfast, contented lady!

  46. Congrats on the big milestone :) So happy to hear you'll be around and writing (although I like to think you are chatting to me ;) ) for a while yet! Much love, Ayesha

  47. Congratulations! Although I don't comment, I thought it fitting to do so today. I discovered your blog in 2009 and have read every post. From your writings, I gained the confidence to walk away from mainstream society and all it's consumerism in 2010. I now enjoy a much simpler life and I have you to thank for showing me the way. All the best ~ Janis

  48. Happy Mother's Day Rhonda! Congratulation for 10 years of your great blog. It amazes me how you have become a dear friend to so many of us from around the world. You are a loving teacher and we are blessed by you. Blessings, Carolyn in Florida

  49. I'm so glad you are still blogging, I have been reading your inspiring words for at least 6yrs, and have your books, I bake my bread, make the laundry detergent, use vinegar, bicarb etc.. and I love being at home, thank you Rhonda

  50. Happy 10th Anniversary. I was celebrating my own birthday yesterday and I am happy that something I feel is influencing my life shares the same day

  51. Hi Rhonda, I have been reading your blog for a few years now and just love it! Thank you for helping me to feel good about myself and the decisions I've made. I walked away from my career some time ago to care for my children full time. Reading your posts about homemaking being so important has really given me a lot of strength and helped me to realise the contribution I am making. Thank you so much for the time you spend in putting this into words. I'm so grateful. Anna

  52. Congratulations! Ten years is an amazing achievement and no we will never get sick of you! I think you've inspired a bunch of other bloggers as well and I have learnt so much about all sorts of things from tne blog world

  53. OH, Rhonda, how I loved the bedding pic. Such beautiful sheets, pillow cases and quilt. I do love a beautiful bed. Congratulations on the 10 year mark. I devour all your posts.

  54. Congratulations, you have achieved so much! Your story is a good reminder to others not to give up on something - the initial book rejections must have been hard, but you kept going and it worked.

    1. I do not comment on your blog, because I'm still working full time. But just want to let you know I enjoy every written word;

  55. Happy anniversary Rhonda! I'm not sure how long I've been reading, probably about 8 wonderful years. You have the cosiest looking bed, and what a beautiful quilt. I re-read an old post of yours the other day and noticed I'd also commented there on the cosiness of the bed. I'll quote Jane Austen again 'ah, there's no place like home for comfort'.

    Thanks for continuing to write.xx


  56. Hope you had a great Mother's Day and Happy Anniversary, dear Rhonda... So happy I found your blog and love reading your cozy home posts.. Your photos are awesome and I love the bread one .. All of them, actually.. God bless you my friend.. xo

  57. Hi Rhonda, Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. I'm so grateful to hear you will continue. I finally decided to put my full trust in God this March and quit my job to come home and care for my family including my 93 year old Father who lives with us. Your blog gives me inspiration to embrace homemaking and my home. My favorite post was the one on Toast!! Who would have thought of posting on Toast yet it spoke to so many of us and it really warmed my heart. Even though your readers are worlds apart we are all united through homemaking and I feel blessed to have found this "Home".
    God Bless

    you certainly helped me to understand the 'simple' in the home & i'm still learning!
    thank you for a very heartfelt blog
    hope you had a wonderful mother's day!
    selina from kilkivan qld

  59. Ten years of high quality blogging is quite an accomplishment! And I'll be here for the duration. Echoing another comment--- you've been a surrogate mother for me, although I'm only 19 years younger than you. My own mother is not at all domestic and has in fact always cared more about her work than her home. (She's still working at age 80 and berates my father for having retired at 70!) I had to learn to cook for my family at age 10, it was the only way to get a hot meal that didn't come from the microwave. After my son was born, I decided to stay home with him, and I've been a happy Hausfrau ever since. Thank you so much for the gentle guidance and warm support that you have given all of us. It is invaluable. Big hugs from Seattle!!

  60. Dear Rhonda,
    Get sick of your writings!!!! Never ever. Thank you so much for sharing your stories, your life, your wisdom and experiences. The world is a better place thanks to you my friend. Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging. What a wonderful achievement. You have changed so many lives so much for the better. You have so much to be very proud of. Cheers, Jo

  61. Hello dear Rhonda,
    I have only found your blog quite recently.
    I enjoy my visits very much, thank you and many congratulations.

    All the best Jan
    All the best Jan

  62. Congratulations! I always enjoy stopping by here :-)

    Today, I love the photo of the bed with stacked pillows. Your calendulas remind me of the ones I planted last year, that did not overwinter, and so far do not appear to have re-seeded. One thing I always liked about that plant was how it kept going without much help, but now that I have so much mulch over my garden, it's not so easy for the dropped seeds to get down into the soil and get enough sun to sprout...

  63. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I have been reading your blog for about 9 years and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I must go back and read the ones from the start that I missed out on. Look forward to many more years of your postings. Erika. H Gold Coast Qld

  64. Thank you Rhonda and congratulations! Your blog is an enormous gift and I found it last year after buying and reading your books, which have been life changing in the best way. Along with the practical guidance there's a profound validation of a way to live that I'd always yearned for but could barely articulate. Thanks to your great writing I've never been more content because I'm now living in a way that makes sense to me, and allows me to savour each day and delight in the simple pleasures of life.

  65. Happy Anniversary and many thanks for your wonderful posts. I look forward to each new posting. All happiness to you! Your voice is heard and appreciated more than you know.

  66. I really enjoy reading your blog, past and present. You have helped me to feel more comfortable in my stay at home position. I also used to work and be a part of the rat race. My family, and home have benefited from my being able to be here to take care of things. Cooking, cleaning, gardening and all the things that go with being a stay at home mom/wife/person are very fulfilling to me. The mindset that it isn't being a productive part of society is something that has taken me a while to let go of. Thank you for sharing your tips, recipes, photos and words of wisdom. It is much appreciated!

  67. Not only do I love reading your blog because it encourages me to think of ways round buying things but also because I live in Britain. Your blog shows me how different it is to live in a hot country where you sow vegetables in the autumn! I've learnt an enormous amount from you.
    No way am I bored. I loved going back to the beginning of your blog and reading it like a book.
    Thank you Rhonda.

  68. Thank you for ten fun and informative years. You have been an inspiration to me and I'm sure to many others.

  69. Rhonda, thanks for many years of reading enjoyment and congratulations on being a successful blogger for 10 years. That is a testament to your character, writing skills, and wonderful live action Gracie and chook pictures (and food pictures - I always wish I had a plate of whatever you post). I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day with your family. Roll on year 11! Beth in MN

  70. ..and long may you continue. btw I like the haircut; it really suits you.

  71. Thank you so much for your blog. Great Inspiration for me!! Love the profile picture of you. Very Pretty. Beth from Masontown Pennsylvania

  72. So glad you started all that time ago. I love the blog and hope you will continue as long as you really enjoy it. I read it every time a new addition arrives but almost never post a comment. That doesn't mean that the writing of it was for naught.

  73. Thanks Rhonda. I have been reading your blog since the beginning and I love the everyday joy it brings me. Thank you and bless you, Juanita from Lower Hutt, New Zealand.

  74. Here since 2008. You have helped changed me. So much love!

  75. I'm so grateful you decided to start writing this blog ten years ago! You've taught me so much, despite being so far away. Congrats on a very successful ten years!

  76. Gosh I have missed you so.
    Happy Blog Anniversary and Happy Mother's Day. I may not be stopping in as often as I like anymore, but you and your little family are still there in my thoughts.
    Blessings Always
    Trinidad & Tobago


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