3 February 2016

AEG oven review

I do a lot of baking, it's my preferred method of cooking and I'd say I use my oven four or five times a week. We had to replace ours about six months ago and I bought an AEG oven. What a find!  In addition to normal baking, it grills, turbo grills, has bottom and top heat, it defrosts, dehydrates, has a pizza setting, I can bake various things on multi-levels at the same time, it has telescopic runners, a child lock and it cleans itself. The instruction manual tells me I can do preserves in the oven but I haven't tried that yet and doubt I will. The oven temperature ranges from 30C to 270C so that allows me to do a wide variety of cooking, baking, grilling, defrosting and dehydrating.

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It fits into the same space the old oven fit into but it's bigger inside. The baking tray slides in from wall to wall so when we have visitors here, I can bake a leg of lamb and enough vegetables for large meal in the one tray. Even heavy trays on the telescopic runners are very safe and I can pull the trays right out to check what's cooking and nothing falls or is unstable. The metal shelving and two trays it comes with are all non-stick and really easy to clean.

The little grey spots you see above and below is the very fine ash left behind after cleaning.

When I need to clean the oven, I remove the trays and shelving and wash them separately. Then I wipe over the inside of the glass door then turn on the pyrolytic cleaning function and walk away.  The oven locks itself, increases the temperature to 500C and goes through the cleaning process, when I come back 90 minutes later, all I have to do is wipe the ash away and replace the shelving. I love it.



  1. We are in the midst of a huge blizzard so I am staying inside! School was canceled for my son so he is home today, too. My husband still had cattle to feed so he had to venture out into the fury. I made baked oatmeal for breakfast and a pot of good ol' vegetable soup with grilled cheese for lunch. I have a pot roast in the oven for supper so the meals for the day are covered. I did a little bit of extra cooking, making a cold pasta salad to eat with our lunches and a batch of cookies. I love puttering around my kitchen, especially on such cold, fierce days like this.

  2. Hi Rhonda, thanks for this post it came at the perfect time. I have to replace our old oven it is well and truly past its used by. I hadn't done any research on this brand but will now. Not much happening in my kitchen today as I am working but his arvo I am making a coriander dip using the perennial coriander that has gone nuts in the garden and for dinner I am making a chicken and mushroom pasta bake. Hope you have a great day.

  3. I do a lot of baking as well Rhonda. When we moved into our little cottage I had to buy a new cooking package. My new oven is a Smeg and I'm amazed at how wonderful everything cooks. It cleans the same as yours, which I have done once since purchasing it. It has taken some time to work out all the settings but I love it. Today in the kitchen we will be baking some bread and some muesli slice.
    Have a great Wednesday:)

  4. Oh, how lovely - I don't think I have ever, ever bought a new oven! I've always dealt with the one that came with the house....and so far I haven't worn mine out! As long as it still works, it stays. The one in my new house is probably from the 90's but it works great so I'm not complaining! But yours looks marvelous!

  5. You and I are the same when it comes to baking Rhonda. Bread, rolls loaves cookies are baked every week. Last year we put in a new kitchen and I was able to design one that worked for me. I spend a good part of each day there and I wanted it to be a place I loved.

  6. Rhonda should you find a hole in your kitchen wall sometime soon that will be from me pinching your oven. ;) What a find indeed, I'll definitely check that one out online.

    I love the sound of the self-cleaning particularly, I detest cleaning the oven although Tony had a great idea the last time I did it, he "karchered" the shelving on the driveway! The high pressure water blasted off the grime but it also left a legacy -- now the driveway has it's own "shelf pattern" so it requires a "karcher".

  7. What a great oven!

    What is happening in our kitchen is a renovation. We are not replacing any appliances as ours are mostly only 2 years old but we have had some water damage repaired on the ceiling, new counter tops installed and painting of the walls happens tomorrow. Later in the week the stove will be reinstalled and the new sink will be installed along with re-plumbing the dishwasher. No cooking this week and how we miss good meals and even a place to sit down in there. Store bought bread is terrible! I am itching to get in my new kitchen and get back to work!

  8. ohh so love it Rhonda maybe when we finally purchase a real oven will look into that 1

  9. The large fruit cake for my son's birthday turned out really well, very pleased - and so is he as he plans to take about half back to Limoges to share with his French friends. Makes me smile as the French word for cake is 'gateau' as everyone knows, except for fruit cake which is called 'cake'!

  10. I made a very economical chicken broth in my slow cooker. I used the left over chicken from the roast on Sunday, along with root veg, pearl barley and the stock I made from the bones of the chicken.

  11. That oven sounds amazing Rhonda and i know by the photos you put up what amazing things you cook, in fact I often wish you had a print selection so I could print your recipes out. Did you know that if you take your oven shelves and put them in the laundry tub and soak them with Vanish or Nappisan they come clean really easy. hope you are staying well from Judi.

  12. I am suffering from 'Oven' envy :)
    We have a Dometic brand oven in our van. It is small but there is only the two of us and does the jobs well enough. However the shelves are hard to pull out to check on the food. Used to have an oven with telescopic shelves in my old house.

  13. I sat down to read this with a pumpkin/chocolate chip muffin I had just baked! I love baking, too. I'm still getting to know the oven that came with the townhouse we bought last summer. It's pretty new (2009) but after a few mishaps I realized it's running hot, so now I lower the temperature and check things earlier. I enjoy your blog so much! Best wishes from the Seattle, WA, USA area, where today we had glorious sunshine and snowy mountains in the distance!

  14. i have had too many misses in the preserving area plus for most recipes there is way too much sugar used but one day i might have another go at it, if i can find recipes that use way less sugar. i know it's the preservative but am sure it's the companies that started the 'pound per pound' just so they could sell more of their sugar
    just had a look at the forums, wow they are doing so well with their challenges
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

    1. Check the blog foodinjars.com. She has many lower sugar recipes. If you have a Zojirushi bread machine the recipe for jam made in there is a lower sugar recipe and quite good. The machine does a wonderful job of making the jam with almost no effort on my part.

  15. Hi Rhonda,

    We have that same oven! We have had it two years now. Like you I love all the features. We have been very happy with it.


  16. That's a beauty! I roasted good old fashioned pot roast with potatoes and carrots. Tomorrow is baking day here.

  17. I can see why you love that oven, I would LOVE one like that. I bought a new oven when we moved into our house four yeas ago. It is just a gas oven; rather generic. It replaced an electric oven; any of which I hate but was here when we moved in. I just wish I had seen an oven like yours. Wow!

  18. Hi Rhonda
    Like "Vintage Rose" above - I too have a
    Smeg Oven which also took a while to work out. Why don't they have better instructions. However, I love it as well and it amazes me how quick it cooks. Wanderer

  19. I do all my cooking on a Rayburn wood fired cooker and the food tastes completely different to that cooked in gas or electric ovens. As well, having the oven temperature always at 180 c means that I am always inspired to cook something. I don`t think I could ever cook in a modern oven again!

    1. Corinne you lucky thing I would love to have a wood oven, maybe one day when I get to have my own home again. I grew up with wood stoves and they are the best. Happy cooking from Judi

  20. I love baking too and your oven looks fantastic. But I try not to use it so often these days as all that baking really makes the electricity bill go up! When I do bake I plan to make a day of it, putting several things in the oven at once.

  21. Your oven is wonderful. I wish I had a bigger oven. I use my oven a lot too. I enjoy making bread, pizza, and cookies etc. for my family and the daycare children in my care. I have wanted to get an convection oven. My oven is 12 years old and still going strong. I will keep it till it give up.

  22. That sounds like the oven I need. Mine is old and doesn't heat evenly now, I have to set a timer to move things around part way through cooking! I was out all day today so not much going on in the kitchen till this evening, making several salads for tomorrow's dinner/lunch and a lentil and mushroom gratin for tea.

  23. Hi Rhonda, I'm glad to like your new oven! I just had to smile a little because when I had to replace my dishwasher a couple of years ago our electrician warned me not to get a AEG. Here in southern Germany, among electricians, AEG is short for "Aus Erfahrung Glump" ("Glump" is a Bavarian word for junk).

    That being said, I know a lot of people who swear by their AEG devices. It is just a funny story I always think of when reading AEG.

    Anyway - thank you for sharing your way of live with us. You are a great inspiration!

    Greetings from Germany


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