7 August 2015

Weekend reading

It's been a productive week here with Hanno and I doing some work in the backyard. We're creating an area where we can sit and relax in the sun, and when that gets too hot later in the year, in the shade of a big umbrella. We've done a lot of pruning and tidying up and it's starting to look like a different place.  I'll have photos for you soon. But now it's that time of the week when we can sit back and relax for a while. 

I'll be knitting, sewing and reading on the weekend. I hope you have time to do what you love as well. Thank you for all the beautiful comments made this week. I don't always have time to answer but I do read all of them and they usually make me smile. Take care, friends. xx

It's sad to see wild animals in such a small captive area but amazing to watch them swim around. They're like mermaid ghosts. Beluga Cam.
Not the retiring type: meet the people still working in their 70s, 80s and 90s
Empire Waist Apron Tutorial


  1. Hello Rhonda,
    Just a quick note to tell you how much I am enjoying Letters of a Woman Homesteader from last week. I have been missing you for good reason. My husband and I are fortunate to be current participants in a permaculture course right here in the Caribbean. We discovered the farm where it is taught on our island and met the teachers about 4 years ago but time never seemed to allow us a chance to take part. Until now! Such a difference to meet like-minded people of all ages and get hands-on practical experience pertinent to our country and climate. Many discussions about the simple life and many instances where I found myself talking about you.
    Have a great weekend,
    Trinidad & Tobago

    1. I'm sure you'll get a lot out of the course and meeting the other people there, Vicki. Enjoy your time there!

  2. Thanks for the weekend reading Rhonda, I'll be putting it aside until Sunday probably, I have a quilt to finish and tradies coming in to do some work, so computer time will be limited. I wanted to say that I really enjoyed the conversations flowing yesterday between your guest posters and the rest of us, it adds another dimension to the comments when we talk amongst ourselves like that, makes people "real". Looking forward to seeing your new garden space, enjoy your weekend......oh and watch for the postie, he should have a package for you today :)

    1. I always love it when the commenters start conversations here, nanette. It's what first gave me the idea of starting the forum. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Thanks for the links to some good reading over the weekend, Rhonda. I look forward to seeing your photos of the changes you have made. Have a relaxing weekend.

  4. Thank you so much dear Rhonda for the weekend reading.. There is always something that helps or inspires me.. The universal fermented pickle did it this time as we are in the pickling season here once again.. Hope you are enjoying your season... God bless.. xo

  5. Dear Rhonda and Hanno

    Love your blog, honesty, family and the love you all have for each other. I have been married for going on 17 years. I worked, had my own home and business, gave it up to get married. Moved to CA, became a stay at home Mom, helped him with his debt ( 40,000), put money down on house car, and moved again due to his health. Nursed him through things, moved to another state, put stock money from childhood down on another house, kept us from losing our home to foreclosure when he got sick, helped him send resumes out ( in fact did his resumes to get him a new job), and then finally made sure we were debt free. No car loans, and small home loan and bought a new home ( needs work with the last of my childhood stock money) to be completely debt free. Cook from scratch, bake from scratch, make my own cleaners, laundry soap, soap, herbals, home school and would have to fix our current home up to sell, and fix new then be near his new work, be debt free and have 20 more years maybe to save for retirement. THEN..... he has an either affair online, or life, yells, screams at me, ( seems to be bipolar) wants divorce, won't help me fix up, current house, or new house ( he is living in near his work) comes he every weekend to yell, tells me he hates me ( while bringing milk) wrecked my car, and his numerous times, luckily had insurance to get him new for work ( new used car). Now have to fix mine, get homes fixed and move. I don't work as I worked here to be debt free, save money, cook, bake, clean, take care of the kids, etc. I have been devastated and will be fine, trust in God, will move on and make a great future for myself and kids. I garden, and go to produce auctions, can and just try to save and love life. I am telling you, as I wish my family had the love yours does. I do love my kids and will make this work.

    I love your blog and watch for new posts all the time. I haven't commented until now, as well. just dealing with life. If you have any advice would appreciate.

    Blessings to you and yours,


    1. Dear Angel. Don't give him anymore money or support. Work towards your own life with the kids. You can't live in a relationship with someone who says they hate you and want a divorce. Give it to him, change all the locks and get help if he harasses you. Go to a lawyer and a women's shelter and ask for advice - you need to know what to do first, like bank accounts, joint ownership etc. If he threatens you in any way, report it to the police. And then get out of there as soon as possible.

  6. An outdoor area to sit sounds wonderful, there is always so much work to do in our garden we sort of miss out on the sitting part!
    Have a great weekend :)

    1. Kelly, I was just saying to Hanno today, as we sat outside with our afternoon tea, how lovely is felt to be at the end of a lot of home improvements. We can now take our time, sit back and enjoy what we have here. I hope you can do that too soon. xx

  7. Your little space your making sounds beautiful. Have a lovely weekend, dee :-)

  8. It's always lovely to find new articles and blogs to read, and this regular highlight of blog world has been really good. I find I 'accidentally' stumble across some blogs and after adding them to my sidebar, week by week, month by month I find I have 'met' like minded souls from all over the world. So it's always nice to have some 'found' for me.

    Have a lovely weekend, your plans for sewing, reading and knitting sound good. I'm entering my first ever Flower Show with lots of the veggies I have grown, so I have my fingers crossed that the polytunnel will do me proud.

  9. I also hope to do some knitting this weekend! Have a good one x

  10. Those Korean sloppy joes look yummy! We may have to try that. :)


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