30 January 2015

Weekend reading

This is one of our local lizards, climbing out of the chicken coop after looking for eggs. This old boy is about 6 feet long from nose to tail.

The very hot weather and humidity has eased up a bit here. The days are warm but pleasant.  I hope you're not too cold or hot. Enjoy the weekend as we cruise down to autumn.

Delicious vegetarian meals
What the British are buying at the supermarket
Preserved tomatoes
Meet the farmer - Jo Salatin @ Polyface Farm | You Tube


  1. Oh my that lizard is quite daunting, I do not think I would like to meet him in the garden. Didn't realize you had those in your area. I do so enjoy your blog and simple way of living. I find that the older I get the simpler I want things. We are in the midst of winter here in Utah, US, but having a mild one, so I can get out in the yard some. I am anxious for spring and you are looking forward to fall. So glad you are going to continue your blog

  2. We have a number of blue tongue lizards here which aren't quite as long thankfully. They always give me a fright as I think they are snakes! Thanks for the reading links, Rhonda and enjoy the pleasant weather.

  3. Oh what a beauty!
    Did he get any eggs?

    1. Not this time. I met him when he'd just climbed the wall to get in.

  4. A six feet long lizard - what amazing wildlife you have! I never saw a lizard in our garden, there is too much shadow. Those in the vineyards nearby are maybe 20 centimeters long . . .

  5. Still very warm and humid here in North Queensland. Still the eggplant and corn are growing well. No large lizards to contend with though, just the odd tree snake.

  6. In our part of Texas right now it is about 50 degrees. We are supposed to get some rain this weekend. Sure hope we do, our drought is still going strong. Our area lakes that we get water from is only about 33% full. That is not much water to go into a long hot Texas summer with.

    If I ran into that lizard in my chicken coop I think I would faint. That thing would scare the day light out of me. Our friends have chickens and their biggest worry is a raccoon and coyote. I do not know why I am more afraid of lizards and snakes but I am.

    Thanks for the wonderful blog. I do so enjoy reading of your life in Australia. That is one place I would love to visit sometime....without the lizards, but a kangaroo would be wonderful to see.

  7. Thanks for sharing the lizard picture. A couple of weeks ago saw a 6 ft long, brilliant copper colored iguana [aka garobo, locally] sunning himself in the treetops. They always look so regal! Feel blessed that the children and grandchildren can still be enjoying them.

    The pallet coffee mug holder is really cute! All imported pallets in our country are sprayed with chemicals, for phytosanitary purposes, to protect the forestry industry. Please check your country’s policies and practices on wood treatment for local and imported pallets, to safeguard your family against needless exposure to chemicals.

    Liked the delicious vegetarian recipe site, also.

    Thanks again for sharing and enjoy your weekend, too!

  8. I would drop dead on the spot if that Lizard was in my yard! It's huge! I would have nightmares! Great photo Rhonda!

  9. Thanks for the links, Rhonda. The tomato preserving seems very easy - was wondering if you have tried doing it this way in the past??

    Do you think the jars would be OK stored in the pantry for a while or would they need to be in the fridge??

    1. Sandi, this is how I always do my relish. If you'r sure of your vinegar - it needs to be good quality at least 5% acidity, you boil the relish and use sterile jars and lids, you can store it in the cupboard.

  10. Great reading this weekend Rhonda. Thank you.


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