9 January 2015

Weekend reading

I love the new year. The days are brimming with expectation and the promise of unknown treasures ahead. I gave up on new year's resolutions years ago but I do like to keep an idea in my head all year to guide my general direction and keep me aligned to my values. This year it's a little saying I saw on a poster that said: Work hard and be nice to people.  So that's it for me. It says it all, and it's what I'll be doing all year.  You can join me if you like.  :- )

These weekend reading links have become very popular. They're just a small sample of my reading each week. I hope you enjoy them.

Sadly we, Australia, are mining coal deposits that should stay in the ground
How to pipe a rose cupcake
Changes in canning lid procedures
Let's Gather
Old age is having a fashion moment
Remade in Britain
Humble by Nature life skills course - UK
A simple living journey - a family with grand plans and a renovation
Candied citrus peel + choc dipped, a wonderful gift
10 best kale recipes
Uses for binder clips


  1. Nice links, wish you a happy year 2015!

  2. Great philosophy Rhonda. Happy New year to you, Hanno, and family.

  3. Happy New Year to you and Hanno, it's lovely to have you back!.
    After a hectic last year, renovating our new property, I'm really looking forward to doing all those crafty things that were put to one side. That, and planting up the garden with lots of veggies. Simple things that make me smile :)

  4. I LOVE that saying, I think I will find a nice picture and put it up for my staff as our collective motto for 2015!

  5. Hi Rhonda, it's so nice to have you back. You seem very happy, rested and full of vigour. I love that saying too and always try to remember to add "and be nice to yourself". Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi Rhonda and Hanno, Happy New Year from MOR and KOR. Looking forward to another wonderful year, can't believe how contented we are on our block with our gardens and our sustainable lifestyle. Wish we had done this 40 years ago, but then we would never have met you mob (and Kathleen).

  7. Oh Rhonda thanks for linking to my little blog! I would hug you if you were closer!! :D <3

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I'm thinking its a good weekend to bottle some pasta sauce. There has been a cool change here and should be able to have the oven on without making the house uncomfortable!


  8. So nice to see you back again :) I'm yet to get back into routine- I think that will happen when hubby goes back to work leaving me one week to get things under control before I return from maternity leave. Oh for longer summer holidays...!

  9. Happy New Year to you and your family. Your blog continues to inspire me and I hope I too can work hard and be nice to people!

  10. Have a relaxing weekend, Rhonda. I just had to have a quick read of your link about old age having a fashion moment :-) Love your motto for the year. Nice and simple.

  11. "This year it's a little saying I saw on a poster that said: Work hard and be nice to people. So that's it for me. It says it all, and it's what I'll be doing all year. You can join me if you like. :- )"

    Yes. I saw that a couple of years ago somewhere and referred to it as my mantra (whenever I could think of it)-- it seems to cover it all! Glad to come across it again.

  12. I always love this post and appreciate the time you take to put it together.. Your photo is sweet, too.. Have a great weekend, my friend. xo


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