23 January 2015

Weekend reading

Thank you all for the sweet and thoughtful comments left this week. They make me feel like I'm in the middle of something enriching, warm and significant. I hope you have the chance to relax over the next few days, even if it's for an hour, with your feet up reading the paper. What ever you do, enjoy it. xx ♥︎

Just a quick note about the forum. We encountered some problems when we tried to update the soft ware and that spiralled into another problem. We're working on it, it just takes time, but I'm hoping we'll be back by the weekend. I apologise for the inconvenience.

It's official - 2014 was the hottest year on record According to records kept by Central England Temperature series, 2014 was the hottest year in the UK for over 300 years.
Free February edition of Old Farmers Almanac
The UK's Women's Institute is 100.  Happy birthday girls!
We can't control how we die
The life of a dying young man is a lesson for all of us
Essential oils might be the new antibiotics
Urban gardens are blooming
Homemade charging station
Infant peasant dress - free pattern
Little girl's crossover pinny - free pattern
Baby boy's romper tutorial and free pattern
Newborn pants from upcycled jumper - free tutorial
Woodworking projects for beginners - there are some great project here



  1. Wow... that has to be a long weekend ahead of us.. ;o) Again.. Great articles to read Rhonda! Thank you so much for sharing. Hope to make me one of the sewing patterns. Love them!

    Wishing you, your loved ones ánd all the readers of Down to Earth a wonderful and blessed weekend.

    Love from Holland!

  2. That's a big, and very interesting list. Gonna go check out the patterns for sure. BTW, is your photo new?, you look lovely!

  3. I hope you get a chance to relax too, Rhonda. Thanks for the link to the patterns. I have some sewing for a special little baby boy coming up in the next few months. Enjoy the long weekend.

  4. I especially enjoyed the essential oil article. Thank you!

  5. Thank you for all the links, Rhonda - they will give me something to read whilst waiting for the forum fix. Please enjoy your lovely, rainy weekend and the much cooler temperatures that are accompanying it.

  6. The essential oils article was very interesting. I had no idea our USDA had done research on this. We no longer take any prescription or over the counter drugs and only use essential oils ourselves. We are the healthiest people we know!

    It is 39 degrees F and raining today so I will enjoy having your list of links to read. Have a good weekend!

  7. Hi Rhonda

    I made your five minute bread this morning and we had it warm for breakfast with butter and honey, it was gorgeous. Thank you for the easy recipe, I haven't made bread before and I was very pleased with both it and myself :)


    1. Good work, Sally. I hope it's the first of many.


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