22 January 2015

A pictorial walk through the week

I thought I'd do a pictorial post today with few words. I think I talk too much sometimes. :- ) I hope you enjoy this look at photos that won't otherwise make it to your screens.

This is to show you just how untidy my hair is since my last hairdressing appointment last year some time. I forget when. Lucky I've only been out once since mid-December. I updated my photo over there on the sidebar;  I took it today, and yes, I was wearing the same top. :- )

So, what do I get up to on all these ordinary days of mine? Early morning tea and toast at 7am, although I'd already been up for three hours.

One Barnevelder egg. The girls have stopped laying so much during the hot and humid weather. We have 11 chooks and although we often get five or six eggs at this time of year, there are many days we get only one.
One of the many wonderful things about living this life is the variety of things I can do in one day. Here is another nightie being started.
 Of course, our daily bread is baked.
 And some pizza at the same time.
And then some fresh air and editing on the front verandah.
Lots of cherry tomatoes and a few green goodies to be picked.

The beginnings of another chicken casserole. Hanno had a sore tooth and this was all he could eat.
We had Jamie here with us all last week. I know all the Octonauts now.
And, naturally, I was sitting in the garden, watching over our domain. Happy to be here and wanting nothing else. Life's good. I hope yours is too. ♥︎



  1. Thank you for all the beautiful photos of your everyday life. I admire you so much.

  2. Lovely post! I love your hair like that Rhonda, it's so soft and feminine, very pretty! Thank you for sharing your life with us, love Tina xxx

    1. 100% agree TIna. I actually prefer this style Rhonda to the one in your profile pic.

    2. Count me in, too! I like it pulled back like that. It looks very pretty on you, Rhonda. And I don't think you talk too much. I enjoy your words and your photos! ( and I know all the Octonauts, too from babysitting my grandchildren. :-) Thanks for a look at your life. I'm off to start the laundry. Darlene

  3. Lovely! Thanks so much for sharing. I love posts that combine words and images. And I love posts about everyday life.

  4. Your verandah looks like the perfect place to sit and edit. How wonderful to have warm enough weather to enjoy one :)

  5. I loved seeing all those pictures. It made me feel very peaceful. Now I long for the summer months, instead of the snowy weather we have hear in Canada!

  6. Wow - I love this pictorial post - the way you have angled and set these pictures up speak volumes. I just love the detail in each picture - each picture answers so many questions and asks so many more too :-) Definitely do more of these Rhonda.

  7. Your hair looks lovely in both pictures.

  8. What a lovely post. I often read your posts, they are always informative and I enjoy the home life you live.
    Your picture of your verandah looks heavenly to me! I could work for hours there.
    Best wishes
    Anita Willems
    (The Netherlands)

  9. A picture is worth a thousand words!

  10. Thanks for the photos Rhonda :) I do still read all your posts but don't always comment...anyway I just wanted to share some exciting news with you, seeing as it was you who first unearthed for me this 'simple' life, which by the way I am forever grateful. I finally have my own 'girls'!!! I've put up a post on the blog if you care to have a look.

    Warm regards,
    Jan x

  11. I like the pic of you showing glimpses of your apron....you should show us more! Nice cane lounge where you do your editing....

  12. Hi Rhonda,

    I like your hair longer. It frames your face beautifully. That pizza looks so yummy. I'm headed to the kitchen to make an iron skillet apple pie for dessert tonight. Supper is to be leftover steak, brown rice and a salad. This time of year there are no garden tomatoes in our area, so I'll use some little grape ones that I couldn't resist at the grocery store. If there is any steak left over after this second meal of it, it will go into homemade soup. It's chilly here, which makes me want homemade soup.

    You bring out the housewifey feelings in me and I love that! On a side note, have you ever read the little short story entitled, "When Queens Ride by"? I don't think I first saw it on your site, but if I did, forgive me for repeating it. It is such a good little lesson about the right attitude toward your surroundings.

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

  13. Lovely! We are blessed women, Rhonda to be able to go through our days in such a way! I also home educate my children, but I am in charge of my daily schedule and time. I love it. Simple living, good, home cooked food, happy life!


  14. Loved all your photos. Being at home...simply wonderful.
    blessings, jill

  15. Hi Rhonda, Beautiful post and delightful to see and read your daily events!

    Best wishes to you and as a blogger posted her thoughts above "your post is worth a thousand words" !

    Hugs, Carolyn

  16. an absolute gorgeous photo of you! you look so relaxed! loved your photos of your day
    haven't cut my hair for about 3 years now & not regretting it at all
    have a great day!
    selina from kilkivan qld

  17. I had a laugh about the Octonauts, Rhonda. My daughter's current favourite is Tunip. Your hair doesn't look half as bad as mine -- I'd been cutting my hair for three years now and I still couldn't get it right! Enjoy the rest of the week.

    P.S. I miss the forum already.

    1. Hi Mrs Meagre, we're still working on getting the forum back. You know the old story, you do one thing and it opens up ten others that need doing. I'm hoping we'll be back today or tomorrow.

    2. Oh I didn't mean to rush, Rhonda. Thanks for working on it. It is so much a part of my life even if I don't always have the time to comment.

  18. Lovely to see your photos Rhonda, and I like your uncoiffed hair! I enjoy taking photos of my day sometimes too, it helps me appreciate the beauty around me.


  19. I love your 'mussed' photo. You are a beautiful woman. May I ask: do you use a pattern for your nighties or one you made yourself? and maybe do a post on the making of them sometime? I love coming here and learning new things and getting a glimpse of your life. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Jules. I don't use a pattern, I make my own. Can you see the brown paper on top of the fabric? That's cut using an older nightie. Once I get the top right, the rest is just gathered fabric. I'll do a post soon. I want to make one more so when I do that, I take photos. xx

    2. That would be lovely Rhonda. I made a nightie a while ago by copying one I had for size and shape, but I cut straight across the top and added thin straps and did not think to cut a paper pattern from the old one. Now I want to make another one, I was looking for ideas on how to make a pattern, so this is very timely. Thank you. :) Lorraine

  20. Love the photos, Rhonda. I can imagine why you know all the Octonauts :-) My granddaughters taught me the names of all the engines in the Thomas the Tank DVDs. Thanks for all the hard work you are doing on getting the forum back up and running again. We all appreciate it so very much.

  21. You look great, Rhonda. And I am happy that you're going to do a tutorial on your nightgown. I was hoping that you would include some more actual garment making in your repertoire.

    And a verandah! My, it looks wonderful.

  22. I think your hair looks lovely in this recent photo,

  23. Aw, I really loved this. Thank you for sharing your days with us.

  24. Loved this post Rhonda, just plain and simple living. I think you hair looks good with a bit of length in it :)


  25. Your pictures are as inspiring as your words. Beautiful simplicity.

  26. Lovely pictures! Here we are freezing, piles of snow and slick, slushy streets - a long, long way from hot weather.

  27. Love the photos and once again, inspirational!

  28. I love the photos! I don't think you talk too much, but a picture-based post is a lovely insight. Your days sound so relaxing yet busy, I know that's a contradiction. I had a giggle at the Octonauts; my kids have never been into that show, but we have collections of Peppa Pig and Disney princesses ;)

  29. Such lovely inspiring pictures Rhonda, helps me see my own daily tasks clearer too. Particularly love the picture of your workspot outside. The nicest work-space l have ever seen, looks so peaceful. Hope Hanno's tooth is better, the chicken cassarole sounds and looks great. Wish you both a lovely day (although it is probably night your end of the planet right now :)). Pam in Norway

  30. ....and the third new 'selfie' in as many weeks too....just noticed

  31. Love these photos as I sit here looking out my window at a cold rain with snow just to our west. Isn't is fun being a grandma and knowing all the Octonauts? Yesterday my Bean and I did a lot of internet searching on Lalaloopsy -- I am now an expert!

  32. I love this post, Rhonda. Too many times I feel that I need to cram so much more work into each day, which results in a lot of guilt and poor health. You showed that with a properly organized home, each day can simply flow from one to the next. My goal for this year is to purge each and every nook and cranny in our home. I think this is key to a softly run home. Thank you for sharing this. Oh, and I love your hair. Don't apologize for it; it looks soft and feminine and makes you look very happy with who you are. :)
    Have a lovely day tomorrow, even as I am just starting my today. ;)
    Illinois, USA

  33. I think your current hair style looks great and is in style here in the US!

    I am sorry about Hanno's sore tooth. I hope it heals soon.

  34. Hello, Hola, Salut from far away..when I see and read here reminds me of the my village, of the my country..I love your blog! Have a nice day! :)

  35. Splendid. I like the little, every day things highlighted in this series of photos. They are what most make up our days. Splendid.

  36. I like your hair the way it is now :) Love your positivity and enjoyment of each day, just as things should be.

  37. Hello Rhonda,i do love to read your blogs,so today i think it`s time i told you how much i enjoy looking at your photos,and your hair is fine so don`t worry about it.!!! Just keep Blogging..Una.

  38. Hi Rhonda, I loved seeing what your day looks like...sometimes pictures do speak louder. I had to smile, my parents thought they new everything there was to know about 'Thomas the Tank Engine' but apparently you can never know enough:). Have a great weekend!

  39. So much goodness in these photos. I like your hair Rhonda, it looks silky and is a beautiful color. Also a very pretty top, I'm always happy when I find a nice top because I wear it for a long time.
    The pizza looks amazing! Nothing like a homemade pizza.

  40. I so loved this post of your everyday.. It kind of reminds me of mine.. Now I see why readers always like these kind of ramblings better, eh? Oh, and you are such a sweet looking lady and it was nice to see you... God bless you, my friend.. xo

  41. I have one daughter for which I am so thankful! The rest of my family has passed on. My age is 64. I Love my simple home. Was thinking today that if I lived close and were invited to I'd love to have tea with you. Your home looks inviting and comfortable. Would love to see your chickens and hear all about them. I don't live close though. Indiana USA a dreary cold day with 6 to10 inches of snow expected Saturday night. On saturday I imagine my daughter and I will buy bright colored fabric at Joanna and enjoy sewing while we watch the snow come down. Thank you for sharing yourself and your blog with us...


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