22 February 2013

Weekend reading

Joel Salatin at Polyface Farm

Community by Design

Arm knitting - You Tube

Scientists urging to halve meat consumption

The Australian heatwave

Why drag it out?

Moist chocolate cake recipe

Lifemade creations


In  a special place

The Life of Clare

The Simple Life of Us

The seasons seem to be changing here a little earlier than usual. Autumn can't come fast enough for me. Autumn and winter are my favourite seasons. Wherever you are, I hope the weather is becoming a bit milder and if you have snow on the ground, I hope you'll see signs of new life there soon. 

Thank you for taking the time to comment this week. I really enjoy reading what you have to say. Enjoy the weekend. I'll see you again next week.


  1. Here I am at 6am as my day starts listening to Joel Salatin speak.What a great inspiring way to start my day. i think we are lucky in Australia that we still have so many family based farms in comparison with the USA , but that number is dropping as development and mining take over. He's right , we should be proud to be farmers and look after our family based farms. Lots of great learning this morning.

  2. I am honored to have my blog listed in your "Weekend Reading". It's always fun to "meet" new friends around the world. Greetings from the US. And now I have a beautiful new book to look out for.


  3. Loved the "why drag it out" article.
    Whilst I think it's important to be able to speak and write correctly,
    I love the elasticity of language.
    I loooove all the "amazeballs" and "totes" and "whatevs",
    and the elongations and contractions and throwing in a capital leTTer when I feel like it or a misplaced - hyphen.
    Makes language fun.

  4. I love your blog, enjoy reading it everyday. It's hard to get my head around your seasons being the opposite of ours. I live in Canada. You are looking forward to fall coming, and I was just saying last night while doing chores, that our horses are starting to shed hair, and it's not even the end of February, this is usually a sign that spring is coming just around the corner and it will be warming up for us here. I am not a fan of the extreme heat of summer or the extreme cold of winter, but spring and fall are my favorite time of year. Have a great weekend!!
    Canadian Country Gal

  5. You are promoting lots of growth. How generous of you. Have a happy weekend.

  6. Thanks for this list - I really enjoyed reading many of the links and found some very useful information.


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