1 February 2013

Weekend reading

It's been a big week. Shane and Sarndra arrived here last night on a surprise visit. and soon I'll hear the pitter patter of little feet again when Alex wakes up. The weekend will be busy for me with family and work I need to get through before Monday. I hope you have time to relax and enjoy life.  See you next week.

Information about a disaster recovery payment for Queenslanders affected by the floods

NASA's climate assessment

Dehydrating potatoes

Me and my sister had angora twinsets in the 50s - so I love these hats.

An interesting collection of household equipment and gadgets

Some great salad recipes

Five ways to stick to your grocery budget


The Happy Larder

The Frugal Hill Way

Rabid Little Hippy


  1. Hi Rhonda! It sounds like you will have your hands full this weekend but I am sure little Alex will put a smile on your face whilst you are dealing with everything! Hope it all goes well & thank you for linking to my blog in your Weekend Reading - it means so much! Kirsten x

  2. Thanks for the list, Rhonda. Every time I read your Weekend Reading posts, my RSS feed grows plumper.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing the link to the dehydrated potatoes entry. I just recently received a dehydrator and have been looking for helpful ways to use it throughout the winter. Now I know what my first dehydration project will be!

  4. Wow, that NASA report is quite depressing. It's not really new (for me) and it's what I would expect to hear but it's still horrible to read it in a report format like that. Hope you have a fun time with your visitors and enjoy having little Alex around!!

    1. Yes, and NASA is such a conservative organisation.

  5. Who ever knew there were so many banister brushes?!
    Love the link to the hardware catalogue.

    1. I know! It's crazy what we've lost and replaced with plastic. I just got four new wood and bristle brushes last week, some of them are similar to those in the catalogue. What about the kettles and wheelbarrows and baskets. It's wonderful stuff.

  6. Hello Rhonda,
    After waiting a while and still your book wasn't available here(I live in Scotland) I bit the bullet and got it delivered from Australia. It arrived astonishingly quickly too. When I opened it and began to read, it was like being with someone I knew! (I read your blog every day.) Lovely book! I know it will be a great help to me and I have already made your Whole Orange Cake--absolutely delicious. The book has its first cooking stain on it! The tone of the book is just right--it's like listening to someone talking to you in a friendly and informal manner. Pity there's no picture of you in it though! This is a book worth every penny--I got it postage free from fishpond--a really good deal for sending it all that way. Thank you!m

    1. Hello Moira, it amazes me that the books is in such far off places. Now Scotland! I'm pleased you're finding some good things in it. Whole orange cake is one of our favourites here. I have one made at the moment. It so easy and everyone seems to enjoy it. I was hoping that a European publisher would have picked up the book for release over there but it didn't happen. Luckily you got a good deal on the postage from Fishpond.

  7. Thanks again for the mention! My little blog stats have exploded once again. :) Loving your blog and the common sense that you share.

  8. Loved the five ways to stick to your grocery budget. I am great with the fortnightly shop, I write a menu and stick to what we need. However, I seem to come unstuck when I have to go back for fresh produce throughout the fortnight. This is why I really wanted to grow my own. As soon as the rain damage drys up, I am determined to dig and start again.


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