24 September 2011

Weekend reading

I've been meaning to share some blogs with you and here is my chance. I hope you take the time to slow down and read while you take a breather.

First there is the Lund kids blog The Lund family is a family of 11, living on a homestead in rural USA. I think it might have been Andrew who came up with the ingenious idea of using a washing machine to press apples for juice but you can read all about it yourself, and much more, on the blog.

Want some new recipes with mouth watering photos? Go no further than Cityhippyfarmgirl.  An Australian writer, a great cook and an interesting blog.

Trying to save and pay off debt? Read Frugal and Thriving - a great Australian blog with many ideas for all of us frugalistas.

I only came across Small Things last week but I've been won over by the charm of it. And those brown and green baby pants! I'll have to make some for my babies.

I'm not sure how I found MADE, but I'm glad I did. There are some excellent sewing tutorials here, and the blog itself is interesting and exciting.

My Zero Waste is a UK blog about reducing waste. Definitely worth a read.

Anther great UK blog - My Tiny Plot has a wealth of information about growing goodies in the backyard.

See you all again on Monday!

LATE ADDITION: I just read Amanda's gift for a boy post - it's wonderful, so add this to your list.


  1. Thanks Rhonda for the links to these blogs. I'm always on the look out for new and interesting. Cheers

  2. MADE is my favourite sewing blog. She has the best ideas.

  3. Yes thank you Rhonda, some great sites there. I am having trouble with the cityhippyfarmgirl link, not sure if it is my problem or the link...

    Have a great weekend!

  4. thanks for letting me know, Tania. :- )

  5. Hi Rhonda
    Thanks for the links.
    I've been following Ginny's small things blog for a while now and love her writing style and especially her photographs.
    Also love that there are more and more Aussie blogs popping up!
    Hope you're enjoying this beautiful weather!

  6. I love MADE and I can't even sew! I'm going to check out the others.

  7. Thanks Rhonda. Always love to check out recommended blogs. Made always has great tutorials. I've been meaning to try the 90 minute shirt for awhile now.

  8. Oh my goodness, I want the Lunds to adopt me!!

  9. Oh wow, thank you so much Rhonda!! I was wondering where all my new readers were coming from... So very kind of you to mention us! :o)


  10. Hi Rhonda, thank you so much for mentioning my zero waste in your round up of weekend reading; I really appreciate it and am honoured you feel us worthy of a mention :)

    Warm wishes
    Mrs Green


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