15 September 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

This is the last photo I took of Alice on Tuesday. She is rugged up in her favourite blanket.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, they have really helped us during this sad time. We are fine; we realise that death and sadness are a part of life and we just have to give it a bit of time. We're both grateful that we shared our lives with such devoted and dependable dogs, Alice and Rosie, and Murphy before them, another Airedale. 

In the end, the vet came to our home to care for Alice. She is now buried in the backyard, under the Banksia rose, next to Rosie. RIP Alice.


  1. RIP dear, sweet Alice.

  2. Oh dear. I'm with you in thoughts. So sorry.

  3. I've tried to type something nice three times...It just keeps sounding corny or dumb.....What I want to say though, is it's nice to know that Alice was able to take her last breaths AT HOME.....and be cared for there...where she is most comfortable....I've been thinking about you both all day yesterday, when I look at my own dogs, I'm reminded of how lucky I am to be part of their lives.....much love to both of you, your in my thoughts.

  4. What would our lives be without our precious, faithful pets. Love and condolences to both of you.

  5. Oh dear lovely Alice... rest in peace :(

    ((((((((((Rhonda and Hanno))))))))

  6. Goodbye Alice and hugs for your humans. I shall give my little furry
    friend an extra hug today.

  7. Alice and Rosie are together again. I imagine them romping and playing like a couple of energetic puppies, chasing each other and happy as clams!
    Please accept my sympathy for your loss.
    Hugs to you both.

  8. that is a lovely photo of alice.

    sophie in new zealand

  9. Death is very much a part of life but we still miss these beloved pets.

    Yesterday I was feeling a bit discouraged and today I decided I just needed to "pull up my boot straps" and get on with it by turning to an old book I've had for years to gain more thrifty ideas.


    Time to pull out the mini-post-its!

  10. So so sad. I cant think of anything else to say. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  11. Oh so sorry, Rhonda, about your Alice. Such a shame. We've had to put down a couple of our babies, too, and it's never easy. I say I won't get attached again, but I'm afraid I can't resist. I would miss the love of my furry friends too much. Sending warm thoughts your way... Vickie

  12. I'm so sorry. She was obviously a well loved dog and will leave an emptiness that is always hard to deal with. My thoughts are with you and Hanno. Take Care.

  13. How nice of the vet to come to your home and for Alice to go, with all who love her and all her familiar things around her.

  14. A lovely picture of Alice. She had a great life with you. Living in a home with so much love and care for animals.
    I will be thinking of you and Hanno !!

  15. Her time had come and she had a good life. We went through the same thing a few months ago - our beautiful 14 year old Sasha.
    We still have another old girl but 2 young ones have been dumped on us - both lovely dogs and so grateful for a loving home. Our replacement decision was made for us - how could we send such a wiggley little 6 month old to the pound. Then our big boy turned up - too placid to be worried about being dumped but very happy to take orders from his bossy girlfriend. 2 trips to the vet and we have 2 great pets.

    I worked in aged care and your photo of Alice reminded me of some of our old ressies just before it is time to go. Tucked up in her polar fleece with family she loves.
    All the best to you both.

  16. Pets are given to us to enjoy. They are here such a short time and then are a lasting memory. Alice is a memory for many of us as you have written about her so lovingly over the years.I pray your emptiness will be but for a short stay, though it is hard.


  17. Dearest Rhonda, I sat with Lucy our Short Haired German Pointer late Monday while she took her last breath. She was at home, in familiar surrounds. She lived a rich, full 13 years. So I'm sharing this time with you. Looking back at memories with a mixture of sadness and love all the while smiling and crying at the same time. My love to your family. Vicki x

  18. Love to you and Hanno. Its a real treasure that our doggies share their lives with us. They are so loving and full of life and fun and joy. I cherish our doggies and know this time will come for us.
    Rest in peace Alice.
    Love Juanita.

  19. Our dogs become such a gentle,faithful part of our daily routines..we did exactly the same last Sat with our 16yr old black Lab...the house is strangely quiet and the children missing him so much..always grateful for the stories and memories..thanks for sharing ...

  20. Through the sadness of losing such a good friend, it's is nice to know the Vet was kind and came to your home, where Alice felt all the love...

  21. Love to you and Hanno Rhonda.

  22. Dear Rhonda and Hanno
    So sorry to read about your loss of Alice.

  23. Thinking of you Rhonda and Hanno


  24. Rhonda, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. She looks so beautiful, and I am glad that she was at home. I hope you and Hanno are okay.

  25. Our pets are family and such are always sadly missed. Love to you all.

  26. My sincere sympathy to you and Hanno and all your family. Alice had such a happy life with you all, and now she can be with Rosie again. These are such sad days when our pet friends who are part of our families leave us.

  27. That our lives can be so rich and full, we endure the passing of beloved friends. From our family to yours, blessings and love.

  28. So sorry for your loss. Our pets become such wonderful companions especially when we spend so much time at home with them...

  29. I've been reading your blog for a while, but never posted a comment before. Just wanted to say, so sorry for your loss, for your lovely Alice. Her last photo is so sweet. Heather

  30. Hi Rhonda
    bless your little Alice. Much sadnes but such joyous memories of the life you all shared.


  31. Never heard of a vet coming to the house (in my lifetime)...I think your country must be gentler...how nice!! But so sorry you must now adjust to life without her. Hope your many happy memories of times with Alice will be of comfort.
    Elizabeth in NC

  32. I don't have any good photo's of Pretzel. He was the kind of pet you have, and all your friends think you're mad. My husband and I adopted him from the RSPCA... he was blind, his back legs did whatever they felt like withot much instruction from him, and we think he might have been a bit senile... he was also a long, skinny, white ferret.

    I always imagined him anthropomorphised into a crotchety old man leaning heavily on his walking stick and screaming at kids to get off his lawn! Once he got used to us though, he was snuggly and loving, and would curl up in a lap to br scratched behind the ear while we watched TV.

    Pretzel was old when we got him, and every winter we'd say to each other 'he wont see this one out', but it was still a surprise to find he'd passed away in his sleep one night. He's buried in the garden under a bed of flowers... I miss that grumpy old man... I'm so sorry for your loss.

  33. Rhonda, I'm so sorry for your loss of Alice. Your writings about her have always been sweet. I understand what a special place in our homes and hearts a pet like Alice fills. With Sympathy, Elly from WV

  34. RIP Alice. Pets will be always remembered!

  35. A gorgeous photo of Alice,i had my darling Afgan put to sleep at home,he was 16,and we buried him in our back garden under a Blue Gum Tree,i'm crying now thinking about him,all the best to you both,at this sad time, xx Carol

  36. Love and my sincere condolences to you both Rhonda and Hanno.
    R.I.P. sweet Alice.
    Love Lusi x

  37. Thinking of you at this sad time; she's had a good and happy life with you and it was nice of the vet to visit you at home so she could be in familiar surroundings. Ree x

  38. Will be esp hard for my husband when our golden lab, Maggie's time comes. They are so close. Even at 11 yrs old, Maggie runs to the door whenever she hears her master's car pull in the driveway and we all say to her "Daddy's home!"

    Here's to many wonderful memories of your Alice as you & your family mourn her loss in the days ahead.

  39. My heart goes out to you both.
    Much love.

  40. Many condolences. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet. I'm glad you have many good memories of her to help with the grief.

  41. RIP Alice
    Hugs to you and Hanno.
    It's lovely she is at peace with her companion Rosie.

  42. Goodbye sweet Alice. Rhonda, we have had airedales as well, and I miss them dearly. The way they tilt their heads and seem to grin at you. Alice and Rosie had good lives with you, and are together again. You and Hanno have lovely memories of them. My sincere condolences to you.

  43. That's a lovely photo of Alice Rhonda and I am pleased you were able to keep her comfortable at home. It's good to hear that you and Hanno are okay, as you have been on my mind.

  44. Oh Rhonda I am sorry about the loss of your precious Alice. I have both my dogs buried near the barnyard on the farm, it was a place they loved. Memories for us are what gets us through the sad times. B

  45. I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. I wish I had something terribly wise to say, I don't. Wishing you all thelove in the world.

  46. Such a sweet face .. and an enriched life she gave you and Hanno. RIP Alice.

  47. Dear Rhonda and Hanno - my tears are with you, as it my care and my thanks to you for giving Alice such a joyful life with you.

    Earlier this year Prince William came over to NZ for the memorial service following the Feb earthquake down in Canterbury/Christchurch. In his speech he told how his paternal grandmother has said "Grief is the price we pay for loving"

    Alice and Rosie were so cared for and so dearly loved - While your grief is so dear, close family, and especially deep please know you have my own sincere love, care and concern for you and Hanno coming over from NZ (and how is Hettie?)

    Michelle and my rescue cat, Zebby, across the ditch in NZ, xxxxxx and puRRRRRRRumbling

  48. Michelle and Zebby, Hettie is okay. She is now sleeping on that red and white star blanket in the spot she shared with Alice. I agree with the Queen, it is the price we pay. About a year ago, I sent an email to a reader whose beloved dog had died and she was struggling to deal with the grief. That reader sent back that email to me after Alice died so I could read my own words. They were: "I have thought a lot about this and I'm afraid that it's necessary to suffer. I think there is balance in most natural things. If you love a dog, or anyone, that much it's inevitable there will be deep pain when they die. If you put your love for Bella on a tipping scale, and along side it piled on all the fun times you had with her, all those times she snuggled up to you, all the times she made you laugh, that is the amount of grief on the other side of the scale that is needed to balance it out." Thanks for your concern, Michelle.

    Thanks to you all for your kind thoughts.

  49. I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are such big parts of our lives.
    Today "On my mind" I have a fabulous yard sale find to work into a project. Check it out at http://homemakerandthepea.blogspot.com/


  50. thinking of you in your time of loss.
    On my mind is knitted bed socks

  51. so sorry to learn of your loss of your beloved Alice, Rhonda Jean. what a lovely sentiment you have expressed in your comment. may your sweet memories sustain you now.

  52. My heart goes out to you and Hano, no matter how prepared we might be, it is never easy to say goodbye...

    On My Mind today - Freedom of Entry

  53. RIP Alice. Rhonda, I'm thinking this will be on your mind and Hanno's for a while yet.
    On My Mind is part of yesterday's shopping trip

  54. RIP Alice. I am thinking of you at this sad time.
    I haven't been able to post for a while but I do read your blog every day at around 6am with a cup of tea. It is always a good way to start my day.
    I am thinking about our upcoming tour of California with our children. Today, their story made it to the front cover of our local newspaper. They were all so excited!

  55. You, Hanno and the lovely Alice are on my mind today and have been for the last few days.
    I don't have anything else to say that hasn't already been said beautifully by others, but I just wanted to let you know how sad I was for you both, when I read about Alice. She certainly was a gorgeous girl.
    What would have been a difficult day for you both, was made much easier for Alice by your lovely Vet visiting her at home. For Alice, it would have been just like going off to sleep surrounded by those who love her.

    Love ~ Julie xx

  56. We had the vet come to our place for Jemma too. It was a relief because getting her to the vet would have been too hard for her, and me.

    thinking of you.

  57. Rest peacefully dear Alice...

    On my mind today is:


    Hugs to you all xo

  58. Mine is up and it's a frosty one! Eep!

  59. Oh my heart just breaks for you and Hanno. These precious dogs who we adore, they just creep right in, don't they. A big virtual hug.

    On my mind: fake food

  60. Dear Rhonda,
    Take care! I am glad that Alice lived out her last days in peace and that you did not allow her to be in pain. Death is a hard thing for some to accept, but I have read your blog long enought to know that you accept her death gracefully. She was a beautiful dog and was a blessing for you while she was here. Have a peaceful weekend!

  61. RIP Alice. Definitely praying and thinking about you both- it's so hard to say goodbye to such a faithful friend. I'm sure she had a happy life with you and Hanno.
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  62. Alice is on my mind today. It can be hard at the end, but those of us who choose to share our lives with animal friends are privileged to be able to share their entire life cycles. From birth to death they know they are a loved and important part of the family.

    My heart is with you Rhonda and Hanno.

  63. Dear Rhonda,

    I am so sorry to hear about Alice. You and Hanno are in my prayers. Happier things things, like finishing my first crochet project, are on my mind.

  64. Much love to you both Rhonda. xxxxx

  65. Always remember the good times and the joy Alice brought to your life.


  66. I came over from fishhawks blogs to take a look. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Alice.

  67. Such sad news - my heart goes out to both of you {{{hugs}}}

  68. Hi Rhonda and Hanno, I read Rhonda's column all the time. Really great!! I am so sorry about Alice. I am a Buddhist lay practitioner and I do " Kar Soor" a practice for the deceased, it is a weekly practice for 49 days. So I have added Alice's name. She will get a "leg-up" in the after life and be comforted and not feel alone. Also on the list is Bella my cat and Blackie, Brother Joseph's dog so there are quite a few animals on the list. Hope this might be of some comfort to you,
    Cheers from Moira Brown

  69. My thoughts are with you both. Sincerely, Emily

  70. I am so very sorry :( It may be a part of life, but its still so very sad

  71. I am so sorry to hear that you have lost Alice. She looks such a dear, faithful dog. You must miss her.

    Our Old Dog is not going to be with us much longer. It is such a hard "Goodbye" after years of friendship and fun.

  72. Our pets are buried by our clothes lines. I can't help myself from gently talking to them off and on when out there hanging clothes. You never stop missing them. I guess we miss them cause we loved them so much...and they loved us. They added so much to our lives don't they.I am sorry you had to loose Alice. My friend just wrote that she had to put down her dog of 15 years this week too. Some sad times. I loved hearing about our pets since ours are all gone now. Sarah

  73. Bye Alice. We have had a dog all our lives, until 7 years ago when our little Henry passed away. He was always there, always waiting at the window when we came home, and I can still feel him following me around, every step I took, he would be there. As much as I would dearly love another dog, and to feel their little wet nose on my cheek, I honestly don't think I could go through the pain of losing another best friend again. With you in thoughts Hanno and Rhonda.

  74. I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend, Rhonda. I've heard it said that the moment we adopt a pet we begin the grieving process. It's a given we'll likely outlive them, and down deep we know this, but it's still difficult to deal with. We deny it.

    You were blessed by Alice and she was blessed to have you in her life, too.


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