10 September 2011

Sweet inspiration

If you're after some sweet inspiration go no further than the inner pickle blog. I'm not sure how Fiona does it with three small children but her baking and cooking from scratch always looks superb. Go over and look at the passionfruit slice photos and recipe, and the biscuits, and blueberry muffins, oh, and the easy orange cake, flat bread, the ice cream, sour cream and butter (somebody stop me, please). :- )  While you're there, check out the wonderful photos of the kids and ducks; it's such a delightful family and blog. Inner Pickle is realistic and beautiful and I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do.

Many of you will know that one of my long term sponsors has been Modern Little Munchkins. Modern Little Munchkins has grown up.  No longer stocking only products for munchkins, the new look business now caters for grown-ups as well as the home.  The move away from a specialist role as children’s eco products provider means that the name is no longer suitable.  The business was rebranded and on August 19 and relaunched as An Eco Dream (www.ecodreamonline.com.au).

One of the main reasons for the changed direction is that munchkins don’t stay munchkins for long.  An Eco Dream will look after their needs as they grow into fine, strong adults.  


  1. Drat Rhonda! I did not need a new blog to follow! But once I perused Inner Pickle, how could I resist subscribing?!
    I always feel we have had a little visit when I read your blog in the morning. This morning, it feels like we took a walk down the road and met up with one of your friends. Nice.
    Thanks for your warm graciousness and commitment to share a good way to live.
    Blessings on your day!

  2. I'll definitely pop over to have a look! I love baking things even though right now I'm on a weight loss and fitness streak so won't be indulging at this point (well not much anyway ;-) ).

  3. Thanks for the link to Inner Pickle. I had a quick browse but will definitely go back and read more. I am with you - the passionfruit slice looks wonderful!

    I read your blog every day and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your inspiration and willingness to share.

  4. With a new computer tower I now finally can read all the blog posts I have missed out on over the last year. As ever I enjoy what I read here and it does give me inspiration and lots of good advice on every household front possible.

    Lots of love,

  5. Well I've dragged myself away from Inner Pickle (love the name) and want to get started and make lots of yummy stuff. Trouble is my family don't eat a lot of sweet food, so when I cook it I end up eating the lot. Well, their loss I say. I too have subscribed to Inner Pickle. TFS

  6. thanks for sharing, RJ. always good to find new content, resources. :)


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