19 April 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today we have another Australian kitchen, in the state of New South Wales.  It's Carole's kitchen and as you can see it's packed with character and looks like a real cook's kitchen.

Carole writes:
"I live in a little town in the Hunter Valley N.S.W. my kitchen is great to work in. The window you see looks onto a little sunroom we built for my 89 year old Mum who lives with us you can see straight out into the back yard at the chickens, roses and a waterfall; we love it.

The little shelving you can see is where an old air con was and the builder made it into curio shelves for me; my jug collection is on them with antique laces for dividers.The cabinet with the rooster is for my spices. My husband made it out of an old wardrobe and I painted the rooster. The small cabinet beside it is an antique sterilising cupboard full of little treasures.

The 2nd pic is of our loved Irish dresser full of Willow Pattern which I have collected for years, and the little egg cupboard was made by Bob and painted by me; as you can tell we love chooks.  The third one is of my other dresser with all my collectibles, this is also part of the kitchen.

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. What a lovely kitchen. I especially like your china (I collect china too) and the dressers.

  2. Your kitchen looks lovely and cosy, real homely. I love your dressers.


  3. Lovely kitchen! I especially like the old air conditioning spot made into shelves...I have a wall air-conditioner in my living room that stopped working years ago, we just haven't taken it out of the wall yet because we didn't want to deal with the hole, but now I have an idea of what to do with it, thanks!!

  4. Oh how I love your green cabinet and all the country touches throughout your wonderful kitchen!Looks like a lovely place to cook.

  5. A lovely kitchen with plenty of workspace, and I love those two little cupboards on the counter.

  6. Your kitchen is lovely! It really does look like the heart of your home and is so warm and cosy. You must get a lot of pleasure sitting surrounded with all of your treasures that you've collected over the years.

  7. What a lovely kitchen. I would love a sunroom. Your mum is so lucky to have a daughter that thought of her needs. When we grow old it is all we can do to enjoy what we see.

  8. I LOVE country kitchens! Your's is so country and beautiful.. one can appreciate nostalgic items without having to have brand new items.

  9. Thanks Jonelle, it looks like a really lived in, loved and homely kitchen. I love blue and white china like the willow pattern and all your collectables look very nice the way you've displayed them.

  10. What a lovely kitchen, so cosy. I love the dresser in the last photo, I've always wanted one like that.

  11. Hi Rhonda..thanks so much for putting my kitchen in but my name is Carole lol thanks

  12. My mom will at some point come to my home from the nursing home. When others say they are doing it then I know I can. Also, love your light green cupboard. So...nice!

  13. Oops! Sorry Carole. I was doing two at once - Jonelle's kitchen will be featured on Friday. Just goes to show I can't multitask anymore. LOL Yippee! Anyhow it's all fixed now.

  14. I love your welsh dressers. Lucky you, to have two! What a homey kitchen.

  15. So lovely with all the beautiful little treasures. I like a kitchen with character! :)

  16. Oh, my, I love your kitchen! I'd like to copy your pretty curtain treatment over the sink. I have the same set up but like your curtains. Your cupboards are so pretty, too.

  17. Love the dresser - just beautiful, Sonya

  18. I love your charming, homey kitchen! I can tell it is the hub of your home! My favorite thing is the built-in, recessed niche where your china pieces are displayed. What a clever use for where the air conditioner used to be! Thanks for participating!
    V from stickhorsecowgirls.blogspot.com
    If only I could clean my kitchen up enough to participate! lol

  19. Happy Belated Birthday Rhonda!
    Your way of celebrating sounds perfect to me. My birthday was April 16, I am now 63. I love knitting and have been knitting forever. I knit quite abit over the last couple of days, it feels so good. Thanks for your ideas on living simply.

  20. You have a beautiful kitchen... so country looking, which is the look I love. I could visualize myself working in your kitchen and loving it!

  21. Carole your kitchen is lovely, just lovely and your Irish dresser has me sighing with delight.

  22. I LOVE your kitchen! I am a firm believer in using bureaus, cabinets, dry sinks etc. for storage rather than prefab cabinetry. It gives the room such character. Bravo!

  23. Charming kitchen, full of you and the things you like that make it a home for your family...Very nice that your mother can be with you, and have a sun room to sit in.

  24. Yours is such a wonderful kitchen. It is so bright and cheerful with lotsof interesting things to look at.
    I bet your Mum loves her sunroom too!

  25. What a lovely kitchen with all those collectibles! I wish I had enough space in my kitchen to show some of the ceramics I collect. My kitchen is barely big enough for cooking!

  26. I love the green baker's cupboard--so beautifully arranged--and the antique food scale.

  27. Carole,is that a Dutch coffee grinder you have on the wall just above the electric jug????? I spotted it straight away. It is exactly like the one I have. If you check back on Rhonda's previous post on kitchens youll see it. You have a great cosy kitchen. It looks very homely.

  28. I love your kitchen - warm and inviting with a cosy country feel about it. Lots of character and great collectables that I adore!

  29. Beautiful kitchen..... i love the lace on the shelves..

  30. Your kitchen is lovely, and I never realized those were called dressers! Now descriptions I've read in books make so much more sense--thank you! :) (Over here we'd call them china cabinets, or maybe china hutches.)


  31. What a happy kitchen you have! I love all your dishes!


  32. This kitchen is so homey and country - I love it. I think my favorite piece is the beautiful light green cabinet - one of my choice colors, and I also like your blue/white dishes!

  33. What a wonderful country kitchen! The kitchen dressers are lovely. I love all the country accessories...what a neat place to cook!

  34. I *love* your dresser - such a wonderful colour!


  35. What a pretty dresser; stunning duck egg blue! I also thinks it's lovely that you have your Mum living with you. I hope it's going well.

  36. Beautiful kitchen, I love the china cabinet!

  37. I just love the decorating in this kitchen. So cozy! I would love to sit in there and chat over a cup of tea!

  38. Lovely kitchen! I love the cabinet in the bottom picture~very pretty. *)

  39. love your collection of china.and what great collection of dressers.I enjoyed your photos thanks for sharing your kitchen


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