19 December 2009

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's kitchen sink is in Flowerlady's home in Florida.  She writes:

"What a neat subject! Since the kitchen is where so much activity goes on in our homes this will be great. I look forward to being inspired by each kitchen. This space we call the 'scullery' since it is off our small kitchen. This area used to be our utility room, and we took down a wall to open the space up. Now I can look into the secret garden while washing dishes, seeing butterflies, birds, sky, clouds, and our outdoor kitty. I love this room. Quite a few pieces were salvaged.

The 'scullery' was a dream for many years, now it's a reality. I love the way the morning sun shines into it. I am thankful to my DH for all the work in creating it.

Here is a picture of the way the kitchen looked before."

You can visit Flowerlady at her blog here. 

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.



  1. I love it when you post kitchen sink pictures. It inspires me to keep mine cleaner. :)

  2. I love that you get to look out onto your secret garden. Pure bliss! :-)

  3. Wow, what a lovely space! I can imagine all the peaceful, love-filled moments in that room. And I love how it communicates with the outdoors into your secret garden.

  4. This reminds me of a Fairy tale kitchen. So cute. Its amazing; as I look at all these lovely kitchens I find myself imagining the ladies who cook and create in them.

    Blessings Gail

  5. Secret garden..wonderful!!! There is nothing like a good view while washing dishes. My kitchen looks out onto my potted vegetable garden, and our four pet rabbits playing in their hutches. Love it!!

  6. This reminds me of a Fairy tale kitchen. So cute. Its amazing; as I look at all these lovely kitchens I find myself imagining the ladies who cook and create in them.

    Blessings Gail

  7. I'm loving the veiws of everyones kitchen sinks. There is so much inspiration out there. Got to admire the actual sink that Flowerlady has - it's on my wish list...vbg.

  8. It looks great what a peaceful place for some reflection while doing the dishes and looking into your garden. thank you for sharing
    Lors :)

  9. How neat. It's so bright and pretty. I want a scullery!!!!

  10. hello, your "scullery" looks far more pleasant than the typical oversized but most likely underutilized kitchen (i refer to the kitchen remodelling trend in american suburbs prior to the recession).

  11. what a wonderful sunny room, I love it! Thanks for sharing RosieB :)

  12. I too enjoy looking at the photos. This one looks so much like something I would like. Nice and homey. Being able to have a view of outside just makes it so much more relaxing being there. I love the light curtains too.

  13. what an improvement on your old kitchen. i love this.

  14. What a bright airy little kitchen! I really, really like it. And to have a window looking out into the yard is a must, I think.

  15. What a lovely scullery,Flowerlady.Sounds like your D.H. is as handy as mine. Aren't we blessed.

  16. It looks as though your husband put lots of love into "the scullery". It looks so homey and comfortable.
    Thank you for sharing.

  17. I am really enjoying this series of your blog.. I love seeing "real kitchens" and knowing that real people use them. My 9 year old son just looked over my shoulder at the kitchen sink series, and promptly grabbed a scrubbie and went to work on our sink. I love it, thanks guys.
    This scullery looks absolutely wonderful, I love how bright it is.

  18. Oh wow, what an awesome workspace! I would love to have this kitchen miss flowerlady. Thanks Rhonda for sharing, Elaine

  19. It is lovely - so charming and cozy! Thank you for sharing!

    And yes, these pictures have inspired me, as well, to keep my kitchen sink spotless. :)

  20. I love the idea of a scullery--very lovely!


  21. Love your kitchen....it looks so cozy and old fashioned....(old fashioned being a compliment, lol!) Thanks so much for sharing. The kitchen is the one room in everyones house I'd like to see. It truly is the heart of the home!

    Donna in New Mexico

  22. Wow - what a lovely change from the before to the after. It looks like a very comfortable spot and a window with a view just adds a smile. Emily

  23. What a cozy, vintage space to ponder life while looking out the window to your secret garden ... daydreaming while you wash the dishes :) Thanks for sharing.

  24. What a lovely place, and with a view into a secret garden! This sounds like a fairy tale. With such a view, even scrubbing pots and pans must be a pleasure. Thank you for sharing!

  25. I find it refreshing to see productive kitchens, normal kitchens in which people work and eat and create. I haven't yet seen a massive kitchen from a showhome, designed by an interior decorator. Yay! Sometimes I get envious of the space in the new North American homes, but I can be content in my space, small and old as it is.

  26. love this kitchen! Much to see and it shows the warmth of the people using it!!

  27. What a pretty room! It would be a joy to spend time there.

  28. ing an exhausted person most of the time I only comment on what really takes my fancy and this kitchen sure has. I have always loved skirts on cupboards. Altogether this kitchen expresses a loving home to me. Cherrie PS Love number 1's comment. It is great to get inspiration to keep going and doing the right thing.

  29. Good morning Ladies.

    First of all Rhonda, thank you for this wonderful, interesting thread and for featuring our humble little kitchen/scullery space this weekend.

    Thank you all for your kind comments. They did my heart good.

    The definition of a scullery is ~

    A small room adjoining a kitchen, in which dishwashing and other kitchen chores are done.

    When DH was first in the US Navy, he had to do a couple of weeks or so working in the scullery. I wanted to call this space 'the scullery' because of that. Then reading the definition clinched it.

    The space is approximately 7'x10'. I'll take pictures of the kitchen area at a later time and do a blog on it all.

    This thread is such an inspiration to keep the area cleaned and straightened up, although last night I didn't so have that to deal with this morning. :-)

    Rhonda's blog is a blessing to me and I am enjoying the inspiration, ideas, recipes and stories she shares here with us all.

    I am happy to have found her blog.

    Yes, it is wonderful that my DH is handy in building and creating. Being a DIY'er has saved us a lot of money over the years.

    Thank you all too for visiting my blog and leaving comments there.

    I look forward to visiting your blogs as well, to learn, be inspired, and to get to know you.

    Sincerely ~ FlowerLady

  30. Great transformation! Something about seeing people's kitchen sinks makes the person feel much more "real".

  31. I love the way the window framing looks like a cross!

  32. I just love all the nic-nacs and ornaments. The sun does shine nicely in there..what a lovely and inspiring kitchen.

  33. LOL... I agree with Leah - I'm trying harder to keep dirty dishes out of the sink. I LOVE THIS REDO! My husband also a hand character and it's definitely a blessing when you find one of these men. I am eager to build a small cottage on our ten acres and I LOVE the old time look of a curtain under the sinks. You can change it so easily and you could even have curtains for each season or holiday. FUN!

  34. What a lovely room. I, too, look out into my garden from the kitchen sink and always find something going on. Thank you for posting these pictures.


  35. What I wouldn't do for a scullery like that!! Simply charming and so functional. You are one lucky lady!

  36. I love this sink theme, you have going. I love this kitchen too... it looks so "homey"... love it!

  37. What a sweet space! I love the light that pours in from the windows. How fun to have a scullery!

  38. Very pretty space, Flowerlady.

    Rhonda, I'm really enjoying this sneak peek into other people's kitchens. Thanks for hosting it.

  39. Such a warm and inviting kitchen to work bake and cook in.
    Sheena Marie

  40. There is nothing like a window over the sink! This kitchen is so bright and lively and looks to be well organized with the different areas. Enjoy doing your dishes! LOL

    I look out to the back yard, watch the chickens scratch about, or a deer nearing the chicken food that needs to be chased away ... all lovely no matter the time of year!

  41. I want to say another heartfelt thank you to all who have left comments on our little scullery/kitchen. They have made me appreciate so much more the blessings we have. I am working on a blog post of my own, of our kitchen/scullery and the different areas. Plus a view out into our secret garden. Our cozy cottage is a little over 700 sq.ft.

    Rhonda ~ Thank you again for your wonderful blog. I am uplifted, encouraged and inspired every time I read your posts.

    I am looking at my life more deeply to see what really is important to our well-being, spiritually, physically and mentally.

    Thanks for the love, time and learning experiences from your own life that goes into each post.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  42. I love the idea of being able to look out at nature while at the sink. I had a view of nature while growing up. I loved washing dishes just to look out the window and pray.

  43. I know I am kind of late posting, but I just found these photos. Flowerlady your sculley is fantastic! I remember you writing that you were busy working on it, and there it is, finished and so lovely! Tell your DH, Great Job! And Great Job to you too! Kit

  44. i'm late in posting too but i have to say I want a scullery!!!! this is gorgeous!

  45. I love the artwork and curtains under your sink. It looks so homey and alive. :)

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