13 December 2009

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today we travel south from where I live to visit Rose's kitchen in NSW, south of Sydney.

Rose says:  "Mid-week, mid-evening peace. The day's work is done, the kitchen's ready for an early start. A tea towel sits ready for washing, the Italian coffee maker (right) is ready for morning espresso. There is bench space to make everyone's lunches.

A clean sink starts the day right, I don't agonise over the spots."

Thanks for sharing with us, Rose.


  1. What a cozy kitchen Rose has. That big window must bring in tons of light.

    My kitchen is a galley style kitchen and I'm not that fond of it, but it works.


  2. Love your kitchen Rose,esp the cabinetry and your hanging pots n pans.


  3. What a lovely looking kitchen....thanks for sharing:)

  4. My you are up early Rhonda Jean! It said 4:40am as time posted!! I seem to be a night person. Before and after my full-time employment I would stay up until after midnight and sleep until 9am or later. I naturally gravitate to that schedule. I love the morning but seem to function better in the evening. Anyway...

    Another lovely kitchen. I am loving all the different kitchens from different parts of the world. This one is very cozy and homey. I am getting ideas to make mine much more cozy than it is. Thanks for doing this series.


  5. It looks like a nice kitchen to cook in! I wonder what you see when you look out that big window?
    My window is so small,I envy you your big one!! Lovely kitchen!

  6. There is something about wood grain furnishing that seems to give a cosy feeling. This is one such kitchen Rose. and it looks user friendly. Breakfast for two is it?

  7. I totally agree with you Rose, re the clean sink. If my sink is clean and free of dishes it seems the rest of the home falls into place as well. I can smell the coffee now. Thanks for allowing us a peek at your lovely kitchen.

    Blessings Gail

  8. I've really been enjoying this series. Thanks for sharing, Rose. You've reminded me of how the few things we do at night to get everything cleaned and set up for the next morning makes each new day a little easier. My kitchen is about the same size. I'm having a little trouble, through, when dear husband and our teenage son both try to be in there with me! Love your big window.

  9. I love the kitchen, and it brought fond memories of my nanna, who said that you need to do all of the dishes and have a clean kitchen before going to bed.


  10. Another lovely kitchen - these are all inspiring to me as I find it hard to be so neat & tidy but wish I was - your clean & spotless sink will help me tomorrow as I attack my kitchen.
    Thank you for sharing & for being an inspiration -

  11. Love your Kitchen Rose it looks so inviting.

  12. warm kitchen, one you'd love to do the dishes in whilst watching though the window (and what do we see?)

  13. Thanks for featuring my kitchen Rhonda and thank to DTE readers for the kind comments. Through my window I can see my neighbour's yard and her stunnng climbing rose. Off to the west (right) is the Illawarra escarpment.


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