One day we'll be able to look back on today and remember a strange and dangerous time when we were told to stay at home as much as poss...
Thank you for the birthday wishes sent my way during the week. I truly appreciate every one of them.  Since then I've been working in t...
It's my birthday today, number 72. I usually make a song and dance about my birthday, both here and in real life, but this year I'm...
I have a good news update on the Blue Mountains koalas we supported with our sewing during the devastating fires in December last year. The...
You might have noticed I've been quiet for a couple of weeks. I've been sick (not COVID-19) and uninterested in doing anything. All...
I'm still working on my Miss Marple Scarf - this time while watching Gardeners' World. We haven't had such a good week her...
How is everyone going out there? We're okay and taking each day as it comes. Routines, good food and the process of preparing it, Graci...
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