13 April 2020

Koalas return to their homes

I have a good news update on the Blue Mountains koalas we supported with our sewing during the devastating fires in December last year. They've been brought back to their home territory which, after recent rain, now has enough new growth eucalyptus to support them. They'll be monitored via radio-tracking to make sure they settle in well and continue to thrive.

It's estimated up to 10,000 koalas, which is a third of the total koala population of NSW, may have died in the fires.  These Blue Mountains koalas have high levels of genetic diversity which makes them very important for the survival of the species. They're one of only two koala populations in NSW that are free from chlamydia. The group was returned to their original territory with a new joey in one of the koalas' pouches. Hopefully, that is a good sign for their future.



  1. Excellent news Rhonda.

  2. That's such wonderful news!

  3. They look so healthy. What beautiful animals...

  4. Yay for the Koalas and all of the animal workers who cared for them. I am so happy about this.

  5. A lovely piece of good news, Rhonda. I smiled when I read it. I really hope that the koalas can live safely and thrive now that the trees are recovering in that area. MegXx

  6. This news makes me happy. Thank you!

  7. How lovely to read some good news. Well done to the humans helping the koalas.

  8. That’s fantastic news! I hope they are able to thrive xx

  9. This is wonderful news Rhonda xxx

  10. Uplifting news indeed . Hope you and your family are staying safe and well

  11. So glad to hear that your area is "getting back to normal" after the fires. Now all we have to worry about is this Corona virus debacle. Best wishes for your fall and winter.
    Richard in the States.

  12. Thank you for the good news in dark times Rhonda. It was obvious that people in Sweden were closely following the tragical events in Australia. We were many who donated funds to animal welfare and fire fighting efforts. Sure, bushfires are a common occurance in Australia but let´s hope we never see anything like this again.
    Keep well!

  13. Such good news I wish them well and are sooo grateful for the heroes doing the caring,many many thankyous!


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