Passionfruits are developing from these beautiful flowers. Thank you all for your love and good wishes. It feels great having the supp...
As I said in my last post, I'd be back if I had anything important to share. I'm not saying anything about this on instagram becaus...
Dear friends I haven't been here for a couple of weeks because Hanno was sick, then I got a cold and it became easier to stay away....
Walnut biscuits. I spent most of Friday repotting hanging baskets and pots on the front verandah. Today is the first day of sprin...
I've been test baking bread this week. I've wanted to try Japanese milk bread for a long time and finally baked my own on Monday. I...
Most of the year we grow food in the backyard that will feed us on a daily basis. Whether it's vegetables, herbs, fruit, eggs, or honey...
It's been a week of gardening for me. I have doubts it will come, but we're waiting for rain now and I hope that the tanks will ...
My version of simple life has never been a big picture scenario, it's always been a series of small steps that change with the seasons....
I received an email from a reader last week who is packing to move to a new home. They are moving because her husband has been promoted and...
 Garden working bee.
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