The floods in the Newcastle area got me thinking again about being prepared for emergencies if we stayed here at home. Although it's unl...
I love making bread and do it almost every day. We eat it fresh and warm at lunchtime and toasted for breakfast the following morning. Any l...
Our aquaponics system is made up of one fish tank and two grow beds. This is one of the grow beds. I haven't written about our aquaponic...
As someone famous once said: look at this little beauty! We just found this fellow over at our big water tank. The tank is wet, green and ...
This photo of the Glasshouse Mountains is for Jenny, who expressed interest. It is to thank her for her wonderfully warm, red jumpers photo ...
I'm not great with the crafts, but I don't let that stop me. The way I figure it is my worst effort is better than a one of a millio...
These are the lettuces and rocket I'm growing at the moment. Lettuce is easy to grow at this time of year. You'll be eating the fre...
A couple of weeks ago we had to drive a 300km round trip to a friend's funeral. We didn't take food or drink with us, I'm not su...
Alice with her 'baby'. I have struggled to justify the keeping of pets in a simple life. I know it's not an issue for most ...
Why is starting so difficult? Taking that first step often stops us in our tracks, it seems too difficult, it starts us thinking about the &...
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